GT6 Off Road Club?Open 

Vancouver, BC

With the latest update, PD has changed the settings for Willow Springs, which means we can go off road now!

This got me thinking "Why not start a club for this?"

I want to get your opinions on this and weather or not you would be interested in something like this.

It will be a very casual club, all drivers can enter from all countries, I already have track layout that would be good to get us started.

If your interested in a casual off-road league let me know, if there is enough people we can organize a race schedule and all that other jazz.
This sounds interesting, but could get boring quickly. Either way, sign me up. My PSN is NFBoffroad. PS3 got the YLOD recently but will replace it soon
I just discovered how interesting and fun it can be to drive the shifter karts offroad yesterday. Would you be doing that as well?

Any thoughts on dates and times this would be going on?

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