GT6 or PS4 or Both

  • Thread starter KonaC0ffee
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If you aren't sure that you want a PS4, you're only going to end up wishing you didn't get it until something came out that made you sure.
You've already got a PS3, so either you spend $60 on GT6 or $400 on the PS4 (which is also sold-out in a lot of places), and the PS4 doesn't even have a GT game out on it yet.
Personally unless there is a game right now on the PS4 you really want, I would hold off, give it a few months to see what bugs, issues, problems ect come out of it. New consoles for me in general is a 6 month wait before I go in. I want to get a real feel for what the PS4 is from the others who have gone through the teething period.

However at the end of the day it's your $ & call
If your anything like most people on this forum, your simply not gonna have enough time to use a ps4 once you get your hands on gt6. Stick with just gt6, once you get bored of it then you can consider getting a PS4. Plus ps4's appear to be very hard to come by, for instance in my country the 2nd shipment is already sold out before it's arrived, and no more stock is now expected till mid January, there's still plenty of xbone's on the shelves if your that desperate for a next gen console :scared:
ill get a PS4 when gran turismo 7 comes out. i was really put off by having to pay a monthly fee to play online (which is pretty much all i do)

damn sony, yea they "won the console war" but only by being slightly more generous/better/less-greedy than their opposition, if they were really true to their fans, they wouldn't have any monthly fee at all.

its all that matters to "better".
Why not both? I'm loving the PS4 and I know I will be loving GT6 about 40 hours. There is room for both in my heart.
Well, if you want to desperately play most of your games in full HD 1080p, get a PS4. Otherwise, get GT6.

Me? I chose the PS4 first. GT6 can wait. The uploaded Daiki Kasho songs will do for me until then.
If there are games you want to play on PS4, then get one if you can find one. There isn't much for racing fans right now. If you have a tax refund or something and that's your only opportunity for a major purchase, then get it. More games are coming throughout 2014 and beyond.

If SONY wants to stir up the pot and demand for PS4, they should put GT6 on it next month.
Got my GT6 Pre-ordered from GameStop...but
Should I get the PS4 Also?

Why should it matter what anyone else thinks about whether you should buy GT6 or a PS4. That's entirely your decision to make and no one elses.
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