I-C Licence required
Championship race
Typical Opponents:
Honda Accord Wagon
Subaru Impreza SportWagon
Ford Mondeo Wagon
etc. (only wagons eligible)
Player's/AI Car requirements:
Drivetratin: Any
Aspiration: Any
Nationalities: Any
Years: Any
Tyres max: Normal
Tuning: Allowed (only power)
Aerodynamics: Disallowed
Min power (hp): Any (AI min power 207 hp)
Max power (hp): 236
Min weight (kg): 1300
Max weight (kg): Any (AI max weight 1450kg)
Min weight to power ratio (xx kg/1 hp): 5,5kg/1 hp
Max weight to power ratio (xx kg/1 hp): Any
Cylinders max: 6
Displacement max: 3 200 ccm
Min lenght (mm): Any
Max lenght (mm): Any
Min width (mm): Any
Max width (mm): Any
Race Modification: Disallowed
Special Models: Disallowed
Tuning show cars: Disallowed
Track list:
Race distance capped at 60 kms per racetrack
1. Autumn Ring-Mini (1,29 kms)
2. Deep Forest 90's II (3,60 kms)
3. Grand Valley East Section 90's (2,99 kms)
4. Cape Ring Inside (2,48 kms)
5. Rome Short (2,44 kms)
6. Special Stage Route 5 90's II (3,78 kms)
7. Red Rock Valley Speedway (4,10 kms)
8. Seattle City Course (3,81 kms)
Only first 3 places are shown (the original list goes through to 32 places - GT7)
Easy Difficulty (x1):
(this difficulty is the current AI's abilities used in GT5)
Pole Position: 500 Cr
Most laps led: 500 Cr
Fastest lap: 200 Cr
1st - 10 000 Cr
2nd - 6 000 Cr
3rd - 4 000 Cr
Championship Bonus:
1st - 90 000 Cr
2nd - 64 000 Cr
3rd - 46 000 Cr
Team Championship Bonus:
1st - 190 000 Cr
2nd - 130 000 Cr
3rd - 90 000 Cr
Normal Difficulty (x2):
Pole Position: 1 000 Cr
Most laps led: 1 000 Cr
Fastest lap: 400 Cr
1st - 20 000 Cr
2nd - 15 000 Cr
3rd - 10 000 Cr
Championship Bonus:
1st - 180 000 Cr
2nd - 130 000 Cr
3rd - 100 000 Cr
Team Championship Bonus:
1st - 380 000 Cr
2nd - 250 000 Cr
3rd - 180 000 Cr
Hard Difficulty (x3):
Pole Position: 2 000 Cr
Most laps led: 2 000 Cr
Fastest lap: 800 Cr
1st - 30 000 Cr
2nd - 20 000 Cr
3rd - 15 000 Cr
Championship Bonus:
1st - 270 000 Cr
2nd - 200 000 Cr
3rd - 140 000 Cr
Team Championship Bonus:
1st - 570 000 Cr
2nd - 380 000 Cr
3rd - 260 000 Cr
Expert Difficulty (x4):
Pole Position: 4 000 Cr
Most laps led: 4 000 Cr
Fastest lap: 1 600 Cr
1st - 40 000 Cr
2nd - 30 000 Cr
3rd - 25 000 Cr
Championship Bonus:
1st - 360 000 Cr
2nd - 260 000 Cr
3rd - 190 000 Cr
Team Championship Bonus:
1st - 760 000 Cr
2nd - 500 000 Cr
3rd - 350 000 Cr
For Professionals (x5):
Pole Position: 8 000 Cr
Most laps led: 8 000 Cr
Fastest lap: 3 200 Cr
1st - 50 000 Cr
2nd - 40 000 Cr
3rd - 35 000 Cr
Championship Bonus:
1st - 450 000 Cr
2nd - 320 000 Cr
3rd - 230 000 Cr
Team Championship Bonus:
1st - 950 000 Cr
2nd - 620 000 Cr
3rd - 430 000 Cr
Point system:
Pole Position: 1pt
Most laps led: 1pt
Fastest lap: 1pt
1st: 25 pts
2nd: 20 pts
3rd: 17 pts
4th: 14 pts
5th: 12 pts
6th: 10 pts
7th: 9 pts
8th: 8 pts
9th: 7 pts
10th: 6 pts
11th: 5 pts
12th: 4 pts
13th: 3 pts
14th: 2 pts
15th: 1pt
16th-32th: 0 pts
Not decided yet