GT7 and my predictions, how I feel after a month...

  • Thread starter rex1825
This was my original post about some things that I wished to be added/changed in GT7. And since this is "Ultimate GT game" and 25th anniversary of GT, a lot of things I hoped were here... but...


- Options
...nothing, basically nothing new, nor changed... some of the features that I wanted to see were more due to the PS4/PS5 system integration, but a lot of things could be here... yet we got nothing...

- Livery editor
...there are positives here, a lot of them
livery cap is increased, details however are not
no template for cars
glass parts are half done, there are stickers on all parts of cars in real life, even on lights (let it be preventing road lighting)
no rims customization, nor is it possible to use different rims at same time
no tyre customization
even though materials and colors are basically increased, there is stupid limit to some of the colors (like carbon etc)
However, editor altogether is much better, more robust, has tons of new and user friendly options... really positive here...

- Garage and car gifts
...this one is still shady after that famous 30h downtime patch, we will see what will happen...

- Car setup
...same as before, yes we got back proper tuning, but a lot of stuff is still in the air.
Engine swaps are a "human comedy" since you have to be really lucky to get it...
Wide Body kits do change car characteristics, but wider tyres don't, and you cannot choose width of tyres nor if you want only front or rears to be wider
Aero and Wide Body selections, together with Rim selection is still pretty generic/small...
Transmission setups are so bugged, as I said, this needs to be more real world like then it is currently... FDR should be a thing to a non tuned car, since it is an option in many cars...
BoP/PP redesign, PP is in fact BoP, but real life BoP calculations should be implemented (no tranny, no aero, no suspension, no diff setups alter BoP)

- SP & MP
...not sure what to say for SP, we still need to wait for Sophy AI to be implemented (if it's ever gonna come). Currently AI is worse then it was in GTS, usually AI is not even aware of your presence, and they are funny even on hardest difficulty (this is also true for those events with more then 2 peppers)
No multiclass racing, nothing...
we are even more limited then in GTS for player count, for Gods sake, it's 21st century, PD should pull their heads out of the sand... I know PS4 is probably limiting factor here, but is it?! If the problem is GFX power on older consoles, there are good upscaling techniques that older console can benefit from, especially now that FSR 2.0 is announced (which should be on pair with DLSS and much more cost effective, yet working on older hardware)...
...honestly not sure where to start here, most things are worse then they were in GTS, not to mention older games, MP even more so...

- Physics
...a lot of improvements in this sector, especially with TCS and ABS.
There seems to be a weird problem with rear tyre lateral grip, but as far as I am aware, PD is full hands on it, together with BoP changes (this is the main reason why BoP wasn't adjusted up until now)
Wet weather is really a blessing, this is one of the things GT7 really shines in, also ToD... but, always there needs to be a BUT... DriveClub is now almost 8 years old, and weather effects in that game are astonishing even for many games by todays standards (visually), yes it was a 30fps title, but PD should make weather effects (at least on cars) simulate a bit more like it was in DriveClub TBH... also with one of the patches PD significantly decreased particle effects on wet/gravel tracks, also tyre smoke (not sure if this had something to do with performance, or was it player whining, presumably the latter) this needs to be reverted back to original state, was much better that way...
Temperature changes of track have some effect on car handling, this is nice too...
Tyres however are still pretty basic (together with lateral grip bug), no pressure, no flat spots, no tyre bursts...
eV cars and eV components on hybrid cars are still a mess, this needs to be sorted out... also eV cars have FDR, and since all cars can change ratio on FDR, why not eVs?
Damage model was a bit revisited, but it is still a far cry from what it should be (both "physical" and visual)
overrev still not implemented (and limiter disabling), turbos have been improved significantly...

- Game
As said, multiclass racing is still a myth, and with current limitation of 16 cars it's even worse then in GTS (although it had same limitation, but it didn't have dynamic weather nor ToD)
No viewing options for current races in mp or fia
Headlight visuals are a joke even now... seems all cars have two light sources that are pointing in two different ways... high beams are more or less OK, but low beams need to be readjusted, also light pattern on halogen, projected (halogen or HIDs) and LED lights are far from same...
As said, no major improvements in visual damage (no termination damage)
DriveClub is still mother of all weather effects...
Simulation of weather effects in every view is really needed...
And rear view mirror is still limited to one view only, at least close radar can be implemented in all views, and HUD rework with more options, and more customization could be a thing...
Since there is implementation of Raytracing in game (PS5 only), this could be an option for let's say player car only with limited ray view distance, so some things like mirrors, spoilers, antennas... and mirror views can be raytraced, shouldn't be huge of a problem for a game...

Content vise...
...well, it is a disappointment, basically we got same game. DeepForest was in making at least last 3-4 years, since Kazunori first time mentioned it, and possibility to be implemented in GTS... well, we didn't get it in GTS, because GT7 would look even more lame then...
I do understand that there are licensing issues for many track/cars, and time is needed for something to be finished, but basically no new content for GT7 is really low... Where are all original tracks that PD doesn't need licenses for? Really bad if you ask me...

And then there is this all debacle about always online, on one side I do understand, game has bugs, PD still didn't find out how to fix all this, but forcing people for always online and then having excuse it is because of sport mode is really lame... there are so many ways to prevent this... and then it finally starts to shine...
Microtransactions are 2mil for 20$, car are pretty expensive in this game, tuning etc also costs a lot of ingame credits, then there is that famous low credit output patch, well, all pieces come together, do they... Buy a game that's half finished, screw ingame economy, then try to force people into microtransactions... game as a service... best model for game that exist, hands down...
Luckily community stand up to that scheme, and changes are made... at least something positive...

...when I made original post, honestly I didn't expect almost anything to be changed, except maybe a bit more deep SP mode, I was hoping of ToD and some sort of Weather, in this regard I was surprised... Game also did bring a "new" things to the table, but not enough... at least for now... we will see how it will develop, but no-one promised us game as a service, we were promised to get full pledged game at release... There are still a lot of bugs there, a lot of things missing, and honestly, even though I really wanna play it, there is currently nothing for me there to play anymore, basically finished it all... only FIA trophy I am missing, and this will be due to today or tomorrow... All those imaginary and VGT cars I am not interested in to collect at all, seems same problem is still present...
Well, GTS is dead after this (not literally but we have better version of the game), even though GT5/6 weren't the pinnacle of the GT series, I wish we had those games with this new visuals and physics...

We'll see in few months how things are... For any new player, or someone that is considering this game, it's a go from me, there is plenty to do in it... Maybe I am a bit too much of a hard core GT fan... donno... donno...
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What is the livery cap now? I was bemused to find the max no was 1000 in GT Sport when I started out adding 10-20 liveries to every new car I got and suddenly boom.
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What is the livery cap now? I was bemused to find the max no was 1000 in GT Sport when I started out adding 10-20 liveries to every new car I got and suddenly boom.
I think in GTS it varied from 50-60 on some parts, up to 150... now those are increased, at least on 150 parts it's more of a 400 or something...
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I agree with a lot of what you say but real life BoP does include aero and suspension, specifically ride height. It might be called Balance of POWER and that might be throwing you off thinking it only includes HP but there are quite a few things taken into account. I don't think the PP system and the BoP in this game work very well together. Instead of working from the ground up on a new system they should have used the GT6 PP system for road cars.
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This game was released about 70-80% completed imo.

Massive lack of content: The cafe menu's were essentially a tutorial and man I was disappointed when I finished them and there was nothing left to do after. I thought this was a full GT title and therefore was expecting it to unlock and open some leagues with weeks worth of content... but there was nothing. This is the biggest disappointment tbh.
I mean.. its so obviously incomplete as you don't even need the last 2 top tier license's to complete what was released.

The 2nd biggest disappointment is the AI to me. It's an absolute joke also. It looks like PD have tried to make up this failure by telling people about SOPHY early as they clearly knew the current AI is plain horrid. THey also make up for the bad AI by making 99% of the races rolling starts in "chase the rabbit' style events... This was fine for Mission races but not the championships etc... there doesn't feel like any real "racing" in GT7

The F2P model the PD implemented is an absolute joke and an insult to the community. Kaz's first comment on this after reducing the payouts was adding insult to injury. I'm glad they have made a start in fixing this but they still have a long way to go to properly fix this. I turned to the AFK model after they nerfed Fishermans Ranch and I dislike myself for this because I normally like the grind and like to earn my stuff but it just doesn't feel worth it currently.

They should have sorted out Online mode penalties by now. They are still so bad and need SO much work.
Online lobbies should be improved on from Sport and expanded on but somehow they have 10x less options and are otherwise completely broken and a waste of time. Not to mention the credit payouts for these modes are also a joke.

The lack of new tracks and cars is really poor (compared to Gt Sport), or as the OP mentioned... the lack of older OG GT tracks too.
If PD have anything ready to go that was destined to be released in future updates... they really should release them now and get to work on new tracks.

This game has massive potential to be the best GT ever but boy does it need some work and it needs it fast.