GT7 Cross Gen killed the game for PS5 owners

Wow ... What is happening with this game ? Gran Turismo 7 is running only with 16 cars on the grid in Online Races because with 20 cars on the grid they can not guarantee a solid 60fps all the time on PS4 consoles.

So because of Cross Gen, the PS5 console owners can not enjoy the full potential of PS5 and because of Cross Gen the PS5 owners has huge optimisation problems with the game, like huge frame drops, picture skippings, stutterings. Just because of that to make the game playable versus PS4 console owners.

So basically we are in 2022 with the newest console (PS5) that run the same amount of cars on the grid like console from 2014 (PS4)

I know this will be a post with a lots of poo reactions, but the true is harsh most of the times.
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There is always a downside to cross gen. Even on PC many games are tailored for middle or even low tier to maximize the potential playerbase. That said, I still think the PS5 is a myth since I have yet to see one in the wild and so Im thankful for the PS4 version of the game 😛

Yeye and the most interesting thing, the PS4 owners has less problems with the game like frame drops, picture skippings compared to PS5 owners 😂 Because basically the game is made for you PS4 owners :) We are thankfull PS5 owners that we can play this game 😂
I kinda agree that making it a cross gen title is harming the game in the long run but honestly, there are bigger issues with the game that has nothing to do with the console's capabilities or the fact thaf it's a cross gen release.

Now it's odd how the open lobbies and sport races are still limited to 16-20 players as it wasn't the case back when GT Sport first came out.

The game was well capable of supporting 24 players online (it's 23 in this video mind you)

In fact, the engine was well capable of outputting upwards of 38 cars in total. The frame rate starts to drop, sure but it's technically possible.

Forza Motorsport 5-7 had 24 car grid and that was on the XB1, a console that's less powerful than the base PS4.

Polyphony could have at least made it so the players could open a 20 or 24 player lobby even if it means potential frame drop. I mean, it can't be worse than GT6's performance issues...can it? And if it's that bad then the server host could just limit it to 16 players or only allow PS5 players, it's the host decision after all.
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I kinda agree that making it a cross gen title is harming the game in the long run but honestly, there are bigger issues with the game that has nothing to do with the console's capabilities or the fact thaf it's a cross gen release.

Now it's odd how the open lobbies and sport races are still limited to 16-20 players as it wasn't the case back when GT Sport first came out.

The game was well capable of supporting 24 players online (it's 23 in this video mind you)

In fact, the engine was well capable of outputing upwards of 38 cars in total. The frame rate starts to drop, sure but it's technically possible.

Forza Motorsport 5-7 had 24 car grid and that was on the XB1, a console that's less powerful than the base PS4.

Wow i didnt know that ... 24 cars on the grid :) I started to play GT Sport around 2020 :) So yes on PS5 that must be the minimum on the grid 25-30 cars. But because of cross gen its impossible
If the PS5 was available enough so people could buy it, then sure the game probably should've just been a PS5 title. However, the PS5 has been out for about a year and a half and it's still incredibly difficult to get one at non-scalper prices.

Sony could get around all this by actually having a PC platform like Microsoft does with the Xbox. I would've 100% bought GT7 (along with a handful of other games) if they were available on the PC.
Sorry the chip shortage and supply line issues caused this problem.

I'm just as mad as you. I can't get my hands on a ps5 (at cost) to save my life.

In relation to the 10 car lobbies; ps4 drops frames in 16 person lobbies. The video would be really bad with 20 connections. Even against 19 AI cars it drops frames occasionally
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If the PS5 was available enough so people could buy it, then sure the game probably should've just been a PS5 title. However, the PS5 has been out for about a year and a half and it's still incredibly difficult to get one at non-scalper prices.

Sony could get around all this by actually having a PC platform like Microsoft does with the Xbox. I would've 100% bought GT7 (along with a handful of other games) if they were available on the PC.
If it is anything like the current crop of sony games on PC, the PS5 version may be the better choice. Though I would still love a PC version of the game. If for nothing else it would be easier to do custom designs.
You can partially thank all the scalping parasites and their enabling customers for that one.
You also have to consider that at this point in time there have only been 18 million PS5s sold while there are over 110 million PS4s out in the wild so PD would be cutting out a lot of the audience for a game which is designed to be a best seller.
Im hoping this wont be an issue when GT8 is ready to launch and I think GT8 will smooth over all the shortcomings of a cross platform launch by being PS5 only.
The " ps4 held the game back " is a huge myth people who know nothing about graphics engines keep perpetuating , Modern graphics engines are scaleable .

Asset quality .

Trail mountain on ps5 has assets missing on ps4 .. No hold back there .

Ps4 can run city tracks : Tokyo expressway already exist , runs at a locked 60 fps on ps4 .

PD does not like narrow tracks with small overtake chances any more , thats why no city circuits exist .

PS4 could support 30 cars , there is a mission on GT sport with a 30 car grid.

PD just made the very bad choice of making the game 60 FPS 4k on the ps5 , IIRC this also made forza 7 look worse than forza 6 by a good margine on the Xbox 1X .
Polyphony could have made this game run at 2k and had real time ray tracing + all the effects they wanted . Also this game has very poor consistancy on ps4 and 5 . The textures are great for some tracks and ps3 on others . On sport some cars had tarmac textures that look better than anything i have ever seen on a game.. And on others they were so low they had RGB artifacting .
Ridiculous OP. You'd rather have a fraction of the multiplayer, a fraction of the player created livery etc, and much much less investment by Sony/PD in the game both at launch and going forward? Less investment because you'd rather that they not take money from the tens of millions of PS4 owners, many of whom couldn't upgrade to PS5 even if they wanted to?

City courses are very doable seeing as we have Tokyo, not a technical limitation but a choice not to launch with other cities. 16 cars is plenty, assuming that's actually a tech limitation. And being optimized only for PS5 is no guarantee there would not be stutters or drops, nothing at all to do with that.

e: beaten by MonoTonous above me.
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Uhhh. Race C has 20 player grids like always in Sport, PD not supporting it in lobbies for whatever reason is their own weird limitation more than anything else. If anything what PS4 potentially held back is the physics with the massive difference in CPU, though if we are to believe PD, the game was PS5-only until they saw it could run on PS4 without compromises so maybe they never really planned anything more ambitious in that regard.
Ridiculous OP. You'd rather have a fraction of the multiplayer, a fraction of the player created livery etc, and much much less investment by Sony/PD in the game both at launch and going forward? Less investment because you'd rather that they not take money from the tens of millions of PS4 owners, many of whom couldn't upgrade to PS5 even if they wanted to?

City courses are very doable seeing as we have Tokyo, not a technical limitation but a choice not to launch with other cities. 16 cars is plenty, assuming that's actually a tech limitation. And being optimized only for PS5 is no guarantee there would not be stutters or drops, nothing at all to do with that.

e: beaten by MonoTonous above me.
Exactly. Any 'limitation' - if indeed there actually are, is such a first world problem. I can probably afford a PS5 in a few months. But even if I can, a lot can't. It's still a lot of money for a lot of people
Exactly. Any 'limitation' - if indeed there actually are, is such a first world problem. I can probably afford a PS5 in a few months. But even if I can, a lot can't. It's still a lot of money for a lot of people
Check out your local Best Buy and Walmart. They have been restocking PS5s in the past month and my wife managed to find a disc version at Walmart last month.
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PD just made the very bad choice of making the game 60 FPS 4k on the ps5 , IIRC this also made forza 7 look worse than forza 6 by a good margine on the Xbox 1X .
Polyphony could have made this game run at 2k and had real time ray tracing + all the effects they wanted . Also this game has very poor consistancy on ps4 and 5 . The textures are great for some tracks and ps3 on others . On sport some cars had tarmac textures that look better than anything i have ever seen on a game.. And on others they were so low they had RGB artifacting .
I do wish they had added 2k (1440p for anyone unclear) as an option. As someone heavily into PCs, the "4k raytracing" was such BS marketing from the start for both XSX and PS5. My GPU is roughly equal to what the PS5 can do, maybe slightly better (nvidia 2070 Super) and if I tried to run raytracing at 4k on any remotely modern game I would get awful FPS.* I have a PS5 and am overall very happy with it but the marketing was really over the top.

They also have some rough LOD transitions. 50 feet in front of my car there is a clear shift from low to high texture detail. Most of the time it's not visible but on walled tracks like Tokyo or the curves of Route X, you can see it. (maybe another reason they moved away from narrow tracks :tinfoilhat: )

*(Even with nvidia's proprietary DLSS system to improve FPS, which is not available on consoles due to different hardware, I doubt I would get a locked 60fps at 4k with raytracing)
Dont cry PS4 owners 😂 ... I dont care about " a lot of people can not afford PS5 " comments ... I can say also then work more or work smarter , so you know what i mean 😉.

So yes, as i said in the OP Cross Gen killed the game for PS5. You PS4 owners is not your fault, its Polyphony (Gran Turismo) fault ... They did not made PS5 only and PS4 only GT7 game. 😗
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Wow ... What is happening with this game ? Gran Turismo 7 is running only with 16 cars on the grid in Online Races because with 20 cars on the grid they can not guarantee a solid 60fps all the time on PS4 consoles.

So because of Cross Gen, the PS5 console owners can not enjoy the full potential of PS5 and because of Cross Gen the PS5 owners has huge optimisation problems with the game, like huge frame drops, picture skippings, stutterings. Just because of that to make the game playable versus PS4 console owners.

So basically we are in 2022 with the newest console (PS5) that run the same amount of cars on the grid like console from 2014 (PS4)

I know this will be a post with a lots of poo reactions, but the true is harsh most of the times.
Wow ... What is happening with this game ? Gran Turismo 7 is running only with 16 cars on the grid in Online Races because with 20 cars on the grid they can not guarantee a solid 60fps all the time on PS4 consoles.

So because of Cross Gen, the PS5 console owners can not enjoy the full potential of PS5 and because of Cross Gen the PS5 owners has huge optimisation problems with the game, like huge frame drops, picture skippings, stutterings. Just because of that to make the game playable versus PS4 console owners.

So basically we are in 2022 with the newest console (PS5) that run the same amount of cars on the grid like console from 2014 (PS4)

I know this will be a post with a lots of poo reactions, but the true is harsh most of the times.
PS4 is ever below 60fps. Solid 60fps is a myth on PS4 in this game