GT7 PS4 to PS5 upgrade - convince me!

Some of the comments regarding the DS5 are pretty wild, imo it's just about perfect for GT7, especially now with the recent update. Some folks get stick drift, but I haven't after roughly 500 hours on GT alone.
I'd wager A LOT

So, great first point. Any discussion about making a custom race interesting involves crippling yourself compared to the bots. Sophy does this for you. It's not matching you. It's faster because it has a better car. That's not even remotely what was promised.

This is 100% inaccurate and if you believe it, your bias is strong. This can be proven, again, in a custom race. Put fast cars at the back of a custom race and watch them move through the field.

I don't think you understand what a script is. Again, refer to my previous point. Over and over again, we can observe the regular AI moving through the field. This is not possible with scripting. That a consistent mistake occurs is expected if the same conditions are met.

People crash all the time in daily races. Are they following a script?

This thread is about whether it's worthwhile moving from the PS4 (without Sophy) to the PS5 (with Sophy). The answer is simply NO. There is no way that these very brief quick races are SUCH a game changer that it's worth upgrading for it.

Now, I don't know what game you guys are playing, but Sophy is simply no big deal (for now). I don't care what propaganda was pushed out onto the public, in practice, it isn't anything special. Remove the emojis and it loses a great deal of its differentiation.

If it were all that, why can't we choose Sophy in the custom races? You want to know why? Because if we could choose it, it would lose the preset imbalance of faster cars. The difference would be almost imperceptible. Want test it and see? The 700pp 5 Pepper race at Fuji. This is the best example of what the base AI can do. Race that, then race against Sophy. If it weren't for the emoji's, it would be the same event.

Great you guys love Sophy. All the power to you. But, as someone who has moved from PS4 version to PS5 version, and as recommendation to someone else asking about it, Sophy isn't worth the price of admission.
I must be playing a different game…

The regular AI can’t seem to cope with lapped cars. I have a custom race at Le Mans with a mix of my fave Gr.1 and 3 cars. When a Gr.1 has to face a Gr. 3 car a lap down, it get ls stuck behind it - confused on what to do, even though it could easily just go around it with its huge power difference.

Cut to Sophy at Le Mans, I can fake a move left and switch back right and it will try to defend both moves. The regular AI does NOT do that - it’s like I’m not even there.

Some of the comments regarding the DS5 are pretty wild, imo it's just about perfect for GT7, especially now with the recent update. Some folks get stick drift, but I haven't after roughly 500 hours on GT alone.
I don’t know if you had an original PS5 but both my controllers had stick drift - Sony replaced them for free as there was a fault with the first gen controllers (you can check the model number on the back to see if yours is a first or second gen controller)
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I must be playing a different game…
No, same game, but very different conditions.
The regular AI can’t seem to cope with lapped cars. I have a custom race at Le Mans with a mix of my fave Gr.1 and 3 cars. When a Gr.1 has to face a Gr. 3 car a lap down, it get ls stuck behind it - confused on what to do, even though it could easily just go around it with its huge power difference.
The custom race thread is FILLED with talk about the issues. The fact of the matter is that the custom race, no matter what difficulty setting you have it set to, is not set up to showcase the best that the AI has to offer.
Cut to Sophy at Le Mans, I can fake a move left and switch back right and it will try to defend both moves. The regular AI does NOT do that - it’s like I’m not even there.
But again, Sophy isn't allowed in Custom race, so you are comparing apples and oranges. Now, I never said Sophy was the same, I said it would be hard to distinguish if you removed the emojis. Sophy will likely be the default AI for the next iteration, and yes, it is better in some ways. I never said it was not but, again, is it such an amazing feature that people should upgrade for it? I still say no.
There are so many ways to enjoy GT7, not everyone is going to enjoy the game the same way.

Sophy is just another sandbox where PD is experimenting and trying to hone it in for the future...
We get to delta test it after they have beta tested it.

If some of you enjoy driving with Sophy, great
If some of you don't enjoy it, then just ignore it...

I personally haven't got the chance yet to try it out seriously despite having the PS5, but that's because I am currently focusing on enjoying the game a different way...

Some may think it is worth... But to each its own.

Just be glad you have another way to play with it.
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I said it would be hard to distinguish if you removed the emojis.
There is a huge difference between an AI that only has 2 rails and an AI that can freely choose.

Yes, the pepper AI is faster than Sophy, but Sophy has been crippled for "us commoners" to have easier races against an AI that is not driving just on 2 lanes (which the pepper AI and all weaker default variants are doing, you could observe if you wanted).

Anyway, Sophy alone is not a good reason to go PS5 over PS4.
The better reasons are
1. loading times
2. DualSense
3. graphics
4. noise level
Whether sophy is fun or not depends on if you think 3 laps is sufficient to race against it with. I don’t. More laps instead of more tracks would make it viable.
So... I bought a base PS4 secondhand shortly after GT7's launch, specifically to play this particular game. I’ve put probably thousands of hours into it since, and thoroughly enjoyed it, it represents probably well over 95% of my PS4 gaming time.

Last year I decided to try the game on PS5, I bought the cheapest secondhand example with a warranty I could find and picked it up in December. In the new year I set it up, it took a few presses of the power button before it started but seemed to work fine after that, I set GT7 up buying the £10 upgrade and using my PS4 disc, installed it and raced in a couple of league races that night. Next day, no start even after 40 presses of the power button. Once I got it going I did a factory reset and sent it back to the shop. They promised a repair and called me back 3 weeks later saying it had been a big repair but it was now ready to collect. When I got there, they offered to show me the PS5 working, pressed the button and.. nothing. Same as before. With no replacement in stock they offered me a refund, which I took as by now I had no confidence in this PS5 being functional.

So the upshot of this is I have my money back and no PS5. In the meantime, as is natural I had buyer’s remorse over spending a not-insignificant sum of cash on – well – playing the same game as I was before. I even have the PS5 upgrade but not sure whether there is value in buying the newer console.

So my question is – can you convince me that buying a PS5 is worth it?

Looking at a few of the advantages of the newer console:

  • Better graphics. Yes, this is a real advantage especially as I suffer eye strain after a long race, so i’ll accept that one.
  • Shorter loading times. This is true, but I grew up playing on the Commodore 64 loading through tapes so PS4 loading times don’t scare me to be frank.
  • Sophy. Having never raced against Sophy, is it any good? I can usually easily beat the AI even on Hard mode.
  • Discord support. This would be useful as I race in a league that converses through Discord, with the PS4 I bodge it by running Discord through a PC while racing.
  • PSVR2 support. I’d like to try this down the line, but it’s expensive so will have to wait.
  • Portal support. See above really – would be useful but another £200 or so, maybe later.
At present, the going rate for a disc PS5 where I live with a decent warranty is approximately £400. Convince me it’s worth it!
Ummm, not unless Sony Plans to pay me to earn them money. Pleasee, think for yourself.
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