GTA IV: Gaping hole where the satisfaction should be...

  • Thread starter Ross!
I wrote this a few months ago after GTA: IV was released.


IV: A step backwards?

Over the past few months, I have slept with a hooker, killed a hundred people, driven drunk, smuggled cocaine and seen my girlfriend shot to death outside the church where my cousin was getting married. And tonight I plan to get revenge on the crime lord who killed her, and maybe kill his family, too.

On April 29th, a man was stabbed to death on a London street just after midnight, in front of a queue of fanatics who wanted to get their hands on the new Grand Theft Auto game: GTA: IV. Shoppers found the brutal murder entertaining, one saying that he thought it was plotted by actors to add suspense to eager shoppers' wait.

GTA: IV is based on New York city, and, as always with the GTA range, built on three islands, each in turn to be unlocked for a wide gaming area for the new generation of strategy action game. Niko Bellic is an eastern European immigrant, who comes to Liberty City to live the 'American Dream' with his cousin Roman. On any good cheat and game strategy website, you will find that the best part of 60% of the game needs to be completed and the story missions will be finished, all the rest is on the side. Very few people have not completed the game, as with all GTA games, it is very addictive.

But as I sit with controller in hand and feet up, chasing some sly Italian American who gave someone's sister the eye once in a smokey nightclub or something, I can't seem to swallow that feeling of disappointment. Not because this is my third attempt of catching Luigi's cronies, and I feel no closer to succeeding this time around, nor because I don't enjoy playing - don't get me wrong, I've missed a week of mediocre comedy shows on satellite TV playing this. I have this sinking feeling because there is something missing, and I think I've found what it is.

Rockstar, the creators of GTA IV, created huge hype about the game, and the anticipation was so high, nobody seriously believed it would meet expectations. But what Rockstar have done, quite cleverly, is create a monologue worthy of Goodfellas. This intices the player and he carries on playing, creating a false sense of satisfaction. Now, for some, this is good enough. But for pessimists like me, who have such high expectations all the time that nothing is really good enough, it seems that IV lacks the sheer genious that its predecessors were so successful for.


IV has the extra detail and better graphics, but that wasn't what needed changing

I'm going to talk now, and this may seem very typical, about that feeling of satisfaction you got, and you did, when you played Vice City, and when you played San Andreas. Vice City was successful enough. I mean every person involved in creating Vice City could have retired off the back of the game, it was that successful. And the reason that it was so successful is the reason GTA IV is somewhat disappointing. GTA: VC was ground-breaking. I mean, there were games that specialised in gangs and crime, there were games for driving, there were games for free roam and reality. But this combined them all, and, to an extent, outshone them in each aspect. It was unbelieveable. VC was the Whitney Houston of gaming, what Clint Eastwood was to westerns, what Jay Leno is to chat shows.

For me, the most important factor of gaming is the place. Vice City did well. It had all the glitz and glamour that Miami does, it combined commercial areas with residential, residential with the nightlife scene. The radio stations had songs like Billie Jean and Run to You, the DJs were controversial, the adverts on radio and on billboards were jokes.

This huge step forward was enough to give that feeling of satisfaction. Although San Andreas was similar in terms of features to Vice City, the breakthrough was just as big, as Rockstar really showed what they could do. San Andreas is still better than IV. No doubt. It was the best selling game of all time, and on the topic of place, it really hit the nail on the head. The San Francisco based islands were split into gang territory, residential and high class residential in Los Santos, with hilltop houses but slums below. The grassy, tram lined, typical American countryside of San Fierro was the second island, with Mount Chiliad adding that extra 'wow'. Desert deadlands of Nevada called Las Venturas, with the Strip in the city was island 3.


Angel Pine summed up SA - They didn't have to fill every gap

Just thinking about it makes me want to play it. The place is very much a factor of this, and GTA: IV lacks what San An had. I have finished the missions on GTA: IV, and I believe they were the only reason I have played it so much. I completed it last night, and I haven't played on it since. However for San Andreas, I copied a friend's memory card, and for Vice City I never even got off the first island. I never needed to. The place was just so entertaining I could just drive around for hours and occasionally kill lots of people and have a police chase. I never needed to do missions because things like countryside and exciting places, combined with lots to do, like listen to good music and swim at the beach, kept me content for ever. I don't love San Andreas any less than I ever have.

I know my way around the whole of San Andreas, better than I know my way around my nearest town, I know street names, I know which woodland roads to drive down to test quad bikes, I know where each and every strip club, Burger Shot, Cluckin' Bel' and police station is. I know because I enjoy driving around and I like the place.

I don't in GTA: IV because the place is boring. I use the GPS system to get there quickly because, completely unlike the other two games, I can't be bothered to drive there using concentration. I even just catch cabs. Even if I tried, I wouldn't learn my way around because they seem to have done what the producers of Scooby Doo do with the background when they are running.

The radio is absolutely poor. I am not comlaining about the game because they have done what 10 years ago wasn't even possible in people's minds, but Rockstar are trying to appeal to the wrong people. They want the gangster teenage generation to play the game when they are done pimping their hoes for the night. But they aren't the people who played it in the first place. They do it for real. They need to appeal to other audiences, like 30 or 40 year olds, because the game will put them in touch with their childhood of Space Invaders, only in an 18 rated way. We don't want to listen to bad boy tunes. We want K Rose, KDST, Radio X, Flash FM. Not songs about running over children in our low riders.

It doesn't stop there. This could potentially be the longest rant in history. But rants are never, ever caused when something is absolutely appalling, but when something is just, very, very slightly wrong, because it is just so hard to accept that so many little things almost ruin what could have potentially been the greatest thing to have come out of technology since the blender.

The missions on IV sum up the game, really. After the first attempt at killing your boss you fail, you are gutted, you have to do it all over again, restart the whole mission, break into his office once more. And you just think, 'Oh.. so close.' And that is exactly what I feel about this game. It had the makings of a true masterpiece. It had the most solid foundations Rockstar could have asked for, in the form of San Andreas, but it appears they got stubborn, and instead of building on it, they started from scratch, until eventually the whole structure collapsed.

And what a shame it is, too.
I must say i disagree, i think for once we got a character we could relate to, Vice City had nostalgia (<spelling?), San Andreas had size, but this is the first GTA i've found myself really feeling anything story related, I mean take some of the people you did missions for, some of them you genuinly liked those characters (not naming names for obvious reasons), and the 'villain', I at least, genuinly hated and could not wait to get the chance to take them down.

Take when you're given the chance to choose whether to kill Derrick or Gerry, Derrick was a dried up addict, he did no-one harm, Gerry was sending you to kill all these 'bad' people but never really proved they were actually bad, so i killed Gerry because i knew Derrick wasn't really going to do any damage alone. Then guys like Vlad early on, he made me hate him very early on by the way he treats you like trash for no reason, killing him gave a feeling of satisfaction, as did killing Dimitri when i got the chance, there was no doubt in my mind whether to kill him or not. Then there's 'that special someone' (can't remember his name) the washed up desperate addict at the airport, i let him live for similar reasons to why i let Derrick live. Then guys like Packie, I liked Packie, he seemed a stand up guy (or as stand up as criminals get), honest, helped his friends, and had more things on his mind then money.

The storys good, which is why you play the missions like you said, but i also enjoy the city, the beautiful views of Algonquin from the docks in Broker, the gritty feel of some neighbourhoods, the high class feel of others. The ruined buildings you can explore (great for setting up a sniper team online and going on a 6* rampage), I havent listened to much radio, but the ones i listen to are good, the TV shows are funny (especially Bas Ruten on 'The Mens Room'). Then there's the street races, the extra odd jobs, racing round the highways in exotic super cars, the sights around the city, the reduction of pointless features like fat and muscle. Taxi rides, you don't have to take them, i often didn't and i know most if not all of the city pretty quickly thanks to the similaritys from GTA3, speaking of which, my stepdad saw me playing IV instantly recognised the city before i even moved as Liberty City, yet everything has changed, i was in a part which wasn't even in GTA 3 if i recall correctly.

San Andreas, I loved that game, but i often realised when driving about that i was actually bored and in such a large place, i had no focus over what to do, where to go. I enjoyed Vice City much more then San Andreas, for this reason, everything was near, I knew what i wanted to do, and in San Andreas i might know what i want to do, but i'd have to travel miles to do it, boring myself along the way. VC meant i could get there quickly, in style listening to the great music, wishing i could've been around in that time (as im only 18). IV is somewhere between with the new Liberty City, I enjoy travelling around and if im set on doing something it won't take long to get there but its big enough to allow random exploration. Also now my age is in the equation, you might think i enjoy the things you speak of, the 'gangsta with an a not an er' style. How is IV more aimed at that audience then a stereotypical african american guy who likes the 'hood', basketball and his homies?

I do miss the huge countryside sometimes, or the great nostalgia of VC, but I used to play those and miss the urban feel of Liberty City in GTA3 which i didn't get in any of the SA citys.

I'm pleased with IVs single player offering, and could have plenty of fun with the city on my own, but why play alone when you can get som friends together and tear up the city yourself? Sure public rooms aren't great, to much immaturity, assumptions that all must die (free mode), need to cause havoc and auto aim reliance. Get some friends together, get in free mode and find ways to entertain yourself, host and set weapons to melee and go chasing random people (often the 'everyone must die' player) with cop cars as they desperately try to get away by any means, cruise around the city, race around the highways or grab a bus, fill it with SMG wielding guys and go on a rampage.

I'd love this game without online, with it, and with the right friend(s), its a blast.
The one main problem found with this game was that after I finished the story, there wasn't really much left to do. Unlike other GTA games where there were tons of extra side missions like the taxi and firefighter missions. Hell GTA4 had an excellent taxi side mission early on but they had to cut it short which I found disappointing.
I'm just not having that problem, I find plenty to do without touching the online if no friends are about. I don't enjoy the online much alone though, but with friends it can be fantastic.
I partly agree with the OP. I haven't played IV for a while now because my PS3 hasn't been in use - business and lack of a suitable TV are seeing to that at the moment. This big gap (maybe about 7 weeks now) came straight after the best couple of weeks of playing GTA:IV I've had so far.

Let me explain. I bought IV soon after it came out, having owned III, VC and SA before it (and played GTA and GTA London years previous to those) and loved every minute of each game. I was so glad when VC was released because I was starting to get bored of III - I'd completed it and enjoyed it at the time, but the whole game was quite dingy and foggy most of the time. VC was bright, exciting and had a completely fantastic soundtrack that suited the game perfectly. It was sunny during the day, neon-lit at night and the missions were great fun. It was a success, no doubt.

Despite the greatness of VC, I still prefered SA from the day it was released to the day I bought IV. Much as it wasn't as colourful as VC, the content was deeper, the radio stations were great (in a different way) and there was so much more to do. Another success.

So, I come back to IV. I started playing the missions, but they didn't really "catch" me in the same way the previous couple of games did. Sure, the graphics are fantastic, I prefer the car handling (even though it took a while to get used to) and the actual scale of the city is very impressive - it actually feels like a city, which the previous games didn't achieve. But it's lost the fun, it really has. The single player mode gives me absolutely no reason to continue playing.

After all, if I want to get to the other islands, I can just go online, and look, they're all unlocked immediately! Actually, the online point brings me to something else - it's the mode that's saved the game.

I never had the PC version of San Andreas and therefore never got into the online mods that the game spawned. GTA:IV was my first taste of GTA online, and I love it. I can mess about to my heart's content, with no bother about a story line. The online racing is probably better than many genuine racing games I've played before.

And it brings me back to my first paragraph. Recently, my best mate got the game and with the use of an online talk program, we could mess about as a team and have the multiplayer that GTA has never had before in any significant means.

If it weren't for the online mode, I'd consider selling the game.
I havent bought GTAIV yet but I have played on it and I have to say I was dissapointed, the fact that Ive already played through Liberty City twice (GTA3 and LCS) put me off from the beginning, yes dont say oh but its done totally differently and mnore realistic... to me it seems a smaller experince than SA and really quite boring, I wanted some crazy new capital to play in like Toyko or something, NY seems slightly outdated, loads of games are set there like Driver PL which I have also played not to mention many other titles.

I also agree that this new gansta approach ruins it, VC was the best, SA started to go south and now IV is like ganstaville, I prefer the high class mafia esque stuff with way up levels of corruption rather than the street stuff, its becoming too much aimed at teenagers.... we need some more deep story lines and real complex plots.

I dont know whether I will buy it in the end (there are too many new games coming out) but I may hold out for the next one where hopefully it will be a totally new location, having said that I wouldnt mind Miami done properly but thats because its a far less boring place (in a game) than NY (no offense to all you NY folks.

Currently Im still playing through VC (yes after like 6 years!) and VCS (which is a cracking game on PS2 BTW) and just the music, environments and deeper storylines really make them enjoyable and last a lot longer.

Rockstar need to go back to the original forumla beacause they are becoming too mainstream and are starting to slack slightly, huge profits and guarenteed sales of anything with GTA on it makes them lazy.

How can you not love the Multiplayer part of this game-- I forgive the lame story and the mediocre mission play, because it gave us a great MP.... if you don't like it, stop playing and sell your disk.... quit whining-- wait next time before buying.

I had an awesome deathmatch last night-- was a team death match-- my team had 3 players with about 13 people in the game-- I had 90 kills in 30 minutes with about 27 deaths-- was powerful weapons, airport, near spawn, autoaim on and I was on fire-- my best for total kills and kill:death ratio by a fair margin... was a blast.
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That's certianly not a fair criticism when every review on earth essentially called the game perfect.

Fanboy reviews-- until alot of people complete the game, you have no idea how good the story is. But the look of the game and the limited amount the reviewers were shown wasn't enough. With any game being purchased on release, you take a gamble that it might not live up to the hype-- the trade off is you get to play a game sooner... take it as a learning experience.... wait next time (at least for GTA next)

Here is my take-- these only compare GTAs -- not other games as I'm not a big gamer outside of GTAs...

Graphics 9/10 -- still a little bit of room for improvement

Game Story-- 3/10 -- Kind of boring, interesting ending (I played out both) but didn't make up for everything leading up to it... I place it between VCS's and SA's (those would be my bottom 3 GTAs for story). Top 3 being III, VC, LCS (I liked SAs almost as much as LCS, just like the Mafia them better).

Mission Play-- 5/10 -- nothing really bad, just not as good as SAs (I thought SAs missions were the best in the series-- lots of variety and new strategies-- loved the stealth mode)

Multiplayer gameplay-- 9/10-- still a bit of room for improvment-- I would have come up with a few more game modes-- and some more colaboritive missions-- including races with any vehicles not just classes.

Multiplayer Interface-- 5/10-- I don't like you you randomly get thrown in a game-- rather then pick what you might want-- example would be a menu of death matches in progress with time left and spots available, location, and setup, you could join one about to end and get in on the next match.

Multiplayer network reliability 1/10-- I've had no issues on PS3 with any other online games regarding connectability/disconnect issues... it is fairly common on GTA4- I haven't tried a wired connection to my router yet which I here should help (rather then wireless)
That's certianly not a fair criticism when every review on earth essentially called the game perfect.

+1 Its hard to find a site or journalist in the land that didnt say the game was perfect....... but as I said I didnt give into the hype nor the reviews purely because I didnt want to play NY again and the fact that I knew everyone and his unkle would buy it. From what I have played of it it turned out to be quite mediocre... which is fair enoguh seeing as it the first next gen GTA.

Im hoping the next one will see as large a jump as from GTA3 to VC.

Fanboy reviews-- until alot of people complete the game, you have no idea how good the story is. But the look of the game and the limited amount the reviewers were shown wasn't enough.

Not true. Normal Rockstar procedure for a GTA game is to invite game journalists to a hotel for a few days in which they play through the entire game, often more than once, and write a story from that. Reviewers have more than enough time before the game is released to come to a reasonable conclusion on the game.

That said, reviews can only be taken as a general guide. Without trying it yourself you'll never know if you like it or not - and many people who've tried it haven't been as impressed with the game as they were with previous GTAs.

I do agree with you though that the mulitplayer virtually saves the game.
Then the reviewers are idiots or were paid off-- or afraid that if they wrote a poor review that they wouldn't get to review the next game.... (aka "fan boys")

I'm betting the vast majority of people were disappointed with the game-- if they weren't then they haven't played the GTA: III series.
Then the reviewers are idiots or were paid off-- or afraid that if they wrote a poor review that they wouldn't get to review the next game.... (aka "fan boys")

That's a needlessly cynical view to take. Perhaps they just liked the game? And perhaps they're basing their review on the game's merit rather than in comparison to the previous GTA games. Put yourself in the position where you'd not played the previous games (as many who were too young for SA, VC etc may well have done) then the game is actually very good in many areas. It only lacks something compared to previous GTA games.

I'm betting the vast majority of people were disappointed with the game-- if they weren't then they haven't played the GTA: III series.

Very probably they haven't. Is that so hard to believe? And just because you were disappointed it doesn't mean that "the vast majority" are. A look around this forum is a bit of a biased view because the majority here have played the previous titles.
How can you not love the Multiplayer part of this game-- I forgive the lame story and the mediocre mission play, because it gave us a great MP.... if you don't like it, stop playing and sell your disk.... quit whining-- wait next time before buying.

I had an awesome deathmatch last night-- was a team death match-- my team had 3 players with about 13 people in the game-- I had 90 kills in 30 minutes with about 27 deaths-- was powerful weapons, airport, near spawn, autoaim on and I was on fire-- my best for total kills and kill:death ratio by a fair margin... was a blast.

I think the multiplayer in GTA4 is quite innovative for a sandbox style game. I am also glad they put most of their effort into the multiplayer because the multiplayer in this game is what I have always wanted from the GTA series.

Overall I am quite happy with GTA4. The single player is missing a lot of fun stuff like parachutes, buying houses, buying cars, customizing cars, and character customization. But the multiplayer makes up for that.

Here is what you can do in the GTA4 multiplayer.

16 players thru the entire city including helicopters, boats, bikes, cars, trucks, pedestrians, and cops. You can select individual islands to play on or you can play with every island open if you want. You can turn cops on or off, turn pedestrians on or off, set the amount of pedestrians or traffic on the street or none, put whatever weapons you want, set spawn time and spawn distance, time of day, weather, just about anything along with 15 total multiplayer game modes including some that are 4 player co-op missions. You can even set up online races with boats, cars, trucks, bikes, helicopters, police cars, SWAT trucks, and even firetrucks. lol I have hosted matches with the entire game open and also hosted matches with only shotguns at the prison. Also hosted matches with just rockets on. Lots and lots of options for sure and anywhere you want to play, you can. You can make the game setup as big or small as you want. I have even set up grenade only matches. lol [:)]
That's a needlessly cynical view to take. Perhaps they just liked the game? And perhaps they're basing their review on the game's merit rather than in comparison to the previous GTA games. Put yourself in the position where you'd not played the previous games (as many who were too young for SA, VC etc may well have done) then the game is actually very good in many areas. It only lacks something compared to previous GTA games.

Very probably they haven't. Is that so hard to believe? And just because you were disappointed it doesn't mean that "the vast majority" are. A look around this forum is a bit of a biased view because the majority here have played the previous titles.

Don't tell me you are a game reviewer ;)

I disagree-- the series (IMO) has a fan following (like all the other game brands-- Madden, GT, etc... not that I've played the othes)-- I haven't seen the sales figures for IV however I do believe it has not over taken SA yet-- it is likely limited by the next gen consoles running it now-- might make it when the PC version is released. I believe the initial sales (which make up alot of the total sales) were by people who had played it before.

The GTA MP is groundbreaking (for GTA anyway)-- but IMO the mission programers/designers kind of phoned it in in creating the missions-- nothing really new and was a step back from SAs missions-- gimme stealth mode, gimme a freakin parachute-- at least Niko will survive a fall into water.

Point taken as far as how I would feel about the game if I were a GTA Virgin... where are my amnesia pills
That's a needlessly cynical view to take.
Actually, it's not. Especially Rockstar is known to have 'demands' when providing review copies. You don't give a high grade or a 4-page review, you don't get a review copy. This has been confirmed by several magazines and sites who refused to take part in it. So you know why the sites who have the first reviews always rate high. Because Rockstar wanted them to. And Rockstar is not the only one doing it. There are very few true independent review sites out there.

Don't get me wrong, I think GTA4 is great, but it's not a 10, not by a long shot. Same goes for MGS4. And don't be fooled by user reviews either, they are usually written during the initial rush when just having purchased the game. The better, more objective reviews come after a few weeks.
I'd say it's pretty fair, the game ís excellent, but it has some drawbacks, like crappy textures (which is a result of having to fit everything on a DVD for Xbox 360 instead of stuffing it on a BlueRay). Also, it's basically more of the same (which is not that bad ;)).
I agree with the OP.
I loved vice city (i think i played that for 20 hours straight first time i turned it on)
San Andreas was excellent too as was GTA3.
I found this game crap i turned it off when when i opened the third part of the map and havn't played it since,returned the game after a week and half.

Game was very boring and felt very repetitive.
Looked good tho.👍
i guess after spending 400 hours in GTA SA, maybe im GTA out?

I got 100% in GTA SA, tags, horeshoes, photo's, races everything. Yet in GTA IV i havnt bothered to do the pidgeons. I mean why should I? i get nothing.. whats the point... I dont even get anything when i get 100%. I want my spawns back. Taxi missions.. better racing missions, firefighter, paramedic, hell ive even spent a good 40 hours playing vigilante in the hunter..

Why did they take those away :(
Actually, it's not. Especially Rockstar is known to have 'demands' when providing review copies. You don't give a high grade or a 4-page review, you don't get a review copy. This has been confirmed by several magazines and sites who refused to take part in it. So you know why the sites who have the first reviews always rate high. Because Rockstar wanted them to. And Rockstar is not the only one doing it. There are very few true independent review sites out there.

Don't get me wrong, I think GTA4 is great, but it's not a 10, not by a long shot. Same goes for MGS4. And don't be fooled by user reviews either, they are usually written during the initial rush when just having purchased the game. The better, more objective reviews come after a few weeks.

I'd certainly not give the game a 10 myself unlike the magazines, probably an 8 if I'm feeling generous, but I have no reason to question the integrity of magazines such as the Official UK PS magazine, PSM2 and others, as it's not in their best interests to report with a bias. These four (or more)-page spreads the games get are the going rate for a game as big as GTA - in the UK at least, the top magazines always dedicate a number of pages to games like GTA, Tekken, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Halo and the like.

At the end of the day, like any review, it's the journalist's own opinion (or the opinion of themselves and their colleagues) of what the game is like. If they think it's worthy of a ten, then that's what'll get printed. And to be honest, many gamers would probably agree with them.

As I mentioned earlier, most first-timers to the GTA series would think it's amazing - it just doesn't seem as amazing if you've been playing the series since the very first one and seen how it's progressed in the meantime.
IMO the game would have been made better if it were a bit like Test Drive Unlimited in that other players can join you at any time. Limit it to your friends list, but make it so that other people can join in as you're driving about looking for the next mission. That way you can have a blast, go do a mission, then come back and carry on messing about.

Online races are amazingly fun though.
I played my first time through GTA4 a few days ago and thought it was a great game.

Better car physics and handling
Graphics (duh)
Great storyline (especially with the multiple directions it can head)
Actual emotion including plenty of funny characters
Large map
Better looking vehicles
Better aiming/ducking systems
Hanging out with friends

Not enough good (IMO) music
Lots of identical missions
More chances of being wanted by police
Less types of weapons
No free aim when people around (unless you just hold the fire button, but even so it shoots right away so still no good chance to aim)
Hanging out with friends
Story feels like it just...quits

Overall a blast to play and very enjoyable to just mess around. I really wish they would have offered the theme song on the CD that plays during the initial loading screens, rather than the version that's actually on the CD. It just sounds so much cooler.
I don't think there are many "multiple directions" you can take-- I know there are a few "choices" you make, but they don't greatly affect the story-- I played through both choices the "major" choices and yes it affected what happens but none really affect what finally happens in the story-- my point is, the choices weren't major game strory branches... they affect one or 2 missions each, and one gives you a safe house.

I didn't play out some of the minor choices.

I can't really argue with anything else you wrote-- other then lots of funny characters-- Brucie was about the only interesting & funny character to me. I don't look at internet dating in a game as a pro though... I just had higher expectations for this game
Eh to each there own! I wasn't sure how different the story would be for each of the choices since I only played through once so far.

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