GTA IV Online - The Bloodthirsty Horde Discussion

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Ok first a short explanation of what I'm referring to here, this is primarily concerning free mode. The masses of people out there who's only objective ever is to cause maximum discomfort for every other player out there in Liberty City, no matter what you do their need to kill is beyond help. I mean these guys are so desperate, they will do whatever it takes to hunt you down and kill you in cold blood.

So the first way to combat this is to set weapons to melee, you'd think this would stop many people from trying to kill you, but of course they just resort to smashing up your car if you seek the safety of the metal armor. Beating your car, shunting it, grabbing a helicopter and blading it, shooting it with anhilator miniguns.

The really strange thing? with weapons set to melee, once they work out you can get shotguns and RPG from cop cars and choppers respectively, they again continue to hunt you down and I normally take refuge in a hiding spot which they can't work out the entrance to. The strange thing being that these people will unite in their need to destroy you once you become a difficult target by defending yourself or being innaccessible. They ignore each other and entire rooms will come to hunt the one or two clever people, waiting like packs of wolves around cornered hares they fly around in their choppers, blow up the surrounding area, anything to show force.

How do you think this comes about? I mean sure GTA is good for an old fashioned rampage but when the weapons are set to melee and the target is out of reach, they just won't give up, eventually they turn on each other of course but it's amazing the patience they show with killing, well me usually. Why are the GTA players just so outrageously determined on one persons death? Who knows, but it sure does make for some good stories.

I type to you all now from the safety of an underground car park, RPG, Shotgun, Pistol and Armor at the ready, after leaving to save my friend from an RPG wielding maniac, (weapons are set to melee) I returned to this favourite hide out to try and seek comfort. The helicopters circle above oblivious to the entrance, waiting, hovering around me like starved vultures. It's been roughly 30 minutes and still they wait, one guy tried the subway as it passes just beneath, clever but perhaps to clever as the entrance is a simple nearby alleyway. I feel like I'm in some kind of horror film, trapped, facing a much greater force then even the small pile of ammunition I sit on here in my black Sultan RS. These guys had been previously attacking anything until I intervened by serving some justice on them, now they've all formed an alliance to see my blood hit the cold pavement. It's like an entire new mode and is actually rather entertaining if a little strange, I'm sure if I really wanted to I could likely dispatch all 4 or 5 of them without much trouble by making a break for it and using my cunning to force them into difficult situations in order to slow them down and RPG them each and pick them off one by one, but this would compromise my safe zone for the rest of the game if I'm spotted exiting.

Well inevitably as I've been typing this, they've turned on each other after a staggering 40 minutes, and most have now left the game with only one remaining, the one who I blew into pieces for attacking my team-mate. Even he finally gave up, but it would appear he's now airborne in a new chopper and approaching me again. Such determination for such a shallow cause amazes me.

Observing them has taught me a few things about GTA.
1) People really like to cause misery for others
2) They really don't like being defeated and outsmarted.
3) They will do anything to get their revenge, even if it's not provoked.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing? Are you even someone who has done similar kind of things? and finally, why do you think people are just so determined, it's beyond logic. Other comments and the hordes strange behaviour (yes these people turn into creatures on this game rather then humans) would be appreciated, it's a strange and intriguing thing to watch. I feel like David Attenborough :lol:

Sit rep: The final vulture blew himself up above me trying to get in, and has now left :lol:.
The really strange thing? with weapons set to melee, once they work out you can get shotguns and RPG from cop cars and choppers respectively, they again continue to hunt you down and I normally take refuge in a hiding spot which they can't work out the entrance to. The strange thing being that these people will unite in their need to destroy you once you become a difficult target by defending yourself or being innaccessible. They ignore each other and entire rooms will come to hunt the one or two clever people, waiting like packs of wolves around cornered hares they fly around in their choppers, blow up the surrounding area, anything to show force.

I have to love those times. It was once when there was a typical guy on Free Mode, who went around killing everybody. Luckily, the weapons were set to melee, but the more experienced ones still knew how to get their grubby hands on a shotgun or some RPGs. Just about everybody on the server then set out to kill him, and for some reason the guy kept trying to kill me. I got about 2 other guys into my car and tried to get away from the guy, while he was in a heli. The guy eventually killed off the other two guys, but I didn't die. As the other people respawned, I went along to pick them up in a new car and then went along to stock up on weapons with them to face the guy. The guy, again, killed the other two but I survived. I took my chances and attempted to kill the guy, and succeeded. He then sent me a hate message and left the game, which left my two 'soldiers' who pretty much just followed on and helped me on whatever I did in the server. I got my guys to stock up, and get themselves a Maverick each (although they were utterly hopeless pilots.) We landed on a roof, just for fun I shot an RPG into the sky. The others soon joined, but at this point, one of my men were about to betray the other person and I. He shot an RPG at both of us. My other man and I were out to get revenge on him. At this point, about an hour had passed. People then started joining, and they joined forces with the enemy. Soon after, I had about 10 people gang up on me, and I had to hide out in a subway for 30mins, until they ganged up on each other.
:lol: at this thread...

I really should get online... just still trying to finish the single-player game, as i don't have much time to play nowadays.

Maybe Rockstar should add a "Manhunt" mode in one of their updates?
It's interesting to watch their behaviour though, perhaps I should turn this into more of a blog to report findings on group gamer behaviour.
yeessssss...I totally agree to the OP. I'm cruising around doing something with a friend and then WHAM....some guy chops me with either a gun or a helicopter - non prevoked.

If you put the earpiece on, you'll find 80% of the time, they're on drugs - saying THE weirdest things...and usually in a slurred or laughing voice.
OMG you speak out of my mouth, just last week i decided to get GTA4 out of my desk to play online, and i'm loving the GTA Races and free mode, but i quickly discovered that in free mode its like a friggn war zone.

Just like you explained already, i can't even do anything in free mode, other then defending myself from anhilators chasing me in my Feltzer... what's the matter with these players? why dont they just go for a dead match or team deathmatch...

Anyways, if you guys want some "normal" players to have fun with, gimme a buzz GTP_Chris1

If you put the earpiece on, you'll find 80% of the time, they're on drugs - saying THE weirdest things...and usually in a slurred or laughing voice.


Just like you explained already, i can't even do anything in free mode, other then defending myself from anhilators chasing me in my Feltzer... what's the matter with these players? why dont they just go for a dead match or team deathmatch...

Anyways, if you guys want some "normal" players to have fun with, gimme a buzz GTP_Chris1


The best cure is usually melee weapons, grab yourself some armour and a shotgun from a cop car (host your own free mode) and then just don't attack anyone. Maybe grab an RPG as well just in case, usually if nobody fires a weapon they won't go searching for a firearm, but they will still try to run you over of course. Restricting the amount of people who can join is also wise, e.g. 10 private slots means only 6 randoms car join. However, I always recommend being with a friend or 2, the last thing you need is to be outnumbered heavily, use cunning to defeat choppers, or at least hide from them. Learning the various places you can get in such as apartments is also handy when you need a spot to hide.

One very effective way of taking someone out when melee weapons are on, if they have a shotgun then use a firetruck to spray them over with your hose, this takes forever to recover from, enough time to get out and shoot the enemy before they can even stand up. If they have an RPG? You need to find a way to ambush them before they can get a shot off, use interior buildings to pop out from behind the doors as they approach, sit inside a warehouse aiming at the entrance, anything which means you can fire before they can. Body armor is also key to success, I've been known to defeat RPG wielding foes with just a combat shotgun to hand AFTER taking a hit from the RPG.

The really confusing thing with these guys is exactly like you said, there are modes made just for killing, why don't they use them?!

Blips:embarrassed:ff (problem solved)

And then you're plagued by boredom and a lack of life in the city. It turns our cop games into a ghost town because the criminals can't find us to start a chase.

It's not really a problem either, it's just an observation.
I agree with you guys. I hate being ambushed or being chased by a helicopter 24\7 but to me, it SOMETIMES makes freemode fun don't you think? I sometimes have come across messaging a guy (depending on his\her personality) and telling something like "I won't shoot you if you don't shoot me" or "What the hell stop!" and 99% of the time it works. Although there are always @$$es online

The best cure is usually melee weapons, grab yourself some armour and a shotgun from a cop car (host your own free mode) and then just don't attack anyone. Maybe grab an RPG as well just in case, usually if nobody fires a weapon they won't go searching for a firearm, but they will still try to run you over of course. Restricting the amount of people who can join is also wise, e.g. 10 private slots means only 6 randoms car join. However, I always recommend being with a friend or 2, the last thing you need is to be outnumbered heavily, use cunning to defeat choppers, or at least hide from them. Learning the various places you can get in such as apartments is also handy when you need a spot to hide.

One very effective way of taking someone out when melee weapons are on, if they have a shotgun then use a firetruck to spray them over with your hose, this takes forever to recover from, enough time to get out and shoot the enemy before they can even stand up. If they have an RPG? You need to find a way to ambush them before they can get a shot off, use interior buildings to pop out from behind the doors as they approach, sit inside a warehouse aiming at the entrance, anything which means you can fire before they can. Body armor is also key to success, I've been known to defeat RPG wielding foes with just a combat shotgun to hand AFTER taking a hit from the RPG.

The really confusing thing with these guys is exactly like you said, there are modes made just for killing, why don't they use them?!

well so far i've only 1 friend that i sometimes invite or being invited my him and in free mode, we go together in a car , drive / drift around, and if were attacked by some fonsis, we take him down in a duo :D

But, anyone, feel free to add me 👍

The reason it happens I reckon is because there's nothing really else to do...

Race, cruise, mess about, cop chases (be it AI V humans or human V human), swingset, car crushing, massive traffic explosions, or some sort of organised firefights, like me and some friends decided to hold one area from some rooftops and apartments and kill those who tried to take us out.
Race, cruise, mess about, cop chases (be it AI V humans or human V human), swingset, car crushing, massive traffic explosions, or some sort of organised firefights, like me and some friends decided to hold one area from some rooftops and apartments and kill those who tried to take us out.

It's not quite what I imagined I'd be doing in GTA 4 though...

I was hoping for an epic Battlefield style war, with the military jets going in first then people parachuting from helicopters and planes followed by a charging Rhino unit providing ground cover etc etc.

Mini D-Day could have been a possibility! :)

(Does this sort of stuff ever happen on GTA:SA for PC?)
like me and some friends decided to hold one area from some rooftops and apartments and kill those who tried to take us out.

That was fun :) Silly silly noobs dont know what him them. There was one guy who had a mic and was whining soo much and he was at least 30 calling Turbo and I 12....

He said something about his girlfriend which I better not mention here....
It's not quite what I imagined I'd be doing in GTA 4 though...

I was hoping for an epic Battlefield style war, with the military jets going in first then people parachuting from helicopters and planes followed by a charging Rhino unit providing ground cover etc etc.

Mini D-Day could have been a possibility! :)

(Does this sort of stuff ever happen on GTA:SA for PC?)

If you wanted an epic Battlefield style war, without meaning to sound patronising, but why wouldn't you play Battlefield for that. However I think you just stumbled on the problem, if people, like you, just wanted a mass war that may be whats going on. I've always treated each GTAs city (or cities) as real cities with only a few moments of complete insanity, I favoured a large car chase over a war against the cops. The only wars I ever have on IV is the odd gang fight online with my clan or a few friends, if we're attacked we'll make a fight out of it normally.
Online, I will never randomly fight people unless they do something to me. However, if they even try to kill me, they will die. I'm sure people who've blown up my Sultan (eg. Legendary) know how I react.
Well you know me, when a war kicks off I usually get crafty, using interiors, rooftops and various tricks to give myself the upper hand.
I take it to the air port - usually they get in a heli to chase me, if not, a car - which is when I start throwing grenades out the window
I take it to the air port - usually they get in a heli to chase me, if not, a car - which is when I start throwing grenades out the window

I avoid the airport at all costs, the last thing I need is taking them to a reliable source of RPGs and such. Using little known about interiors such as apartments in Bohan with roof access is the way to go, that way you can get cover from choppers or the ground and use the roof as a firing point with the interior as cover and the doors downstairs (there's usually 2 exits) as escape points if need be.
ohhh mannn - you obviously haven't played a proper airport game.

Theres three types of people. The ones driving the cars (ie me), the ones trying to kill everyone in the helis and the ones sniping and rocketing everyone.

There are instances where the three come together - usually sparked by the cars crashing into eachother -> the helicopters pouncing -> the rocketeers and snipers sniping, usually hitting the helicopters with the cars escaping from undser it all.

Just pure fun if it's the right mix of people.
ohhh mannn - you obviously haven't played a proper airport game.

Theres three types of people. The ones driving the cars (ie me), the ones trying to kill everyone in the helis and the ones sniping and rocketing everyone.

There are instances where the three come together - usually sparked by the cars crashing into eachother -> the helicopters pouncing -> the rocketeers and snipers sniping, usually hitting the helicopters with the cars escaping from undser it all.

Just pure fun if it's the right mix of people.

That all sounds like a mindless war I don't want to be a part of to be honest.
OP is so true.

Whenever I go into a Free Mode server I always find something to do from stunt jumps to rampages. If I have my mic on 80% of the time you'll here people teaming up having a flame war which progesses to a gunfight.

One game this guy just kept killing everyone cause he was 'da ep1c h0st' so I gave something back to the community and did this guy flip. About 5 kills later he attempts calling me and guessing what nationality I come from. The best this dork could come up with is Mexican. Because I just listened to this flamewar he thought I couldn't speak english. Because I kept using the environment (Sniper) to kill him he thought I was a camper. Then he brings his sub-account on and trys to kick me. Then he brings the big label of calling me a 'female dog' thinking he was being uber cool to his friends. Then the worst thing ever happened to him, A DC from the match :D The sad thing for him was he never got to kill me :lol:

If you're ranked high enough, people will just pile you in free mode. (6+) :(

Maybe everyone in Free Mode follows "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer."
:confused:What's not to like about mindless war!

Seriously what do you find fun in GTA?

Cruising, police chases (as the cops again other real people, and not with guns so it's a real car chase), not being an asshole to everyone on the planet? There's modes with DEATHMATCH in the name, surely thats where you would have a mindless war? Why have the entire city to yourself to do anything you want if you're just going to have a deathmatch instead?

Get this then, its better. 👍

But seriously if GTA 4 wasn't so half assed and had the features missing from San Andreas then it may well have been different.
He already has that, lol. So do I for that matter, and trust me I'm one of the longest current players for that game.

Free mode isn't for killing people, however it usually does turn into a Deathmatch. Free mode is better for meeting up with friends and screwing around, and Deathmatch is better for playing with random people.
But seriously if GTA 4 wasn't so half assed and had the features missing from San Andreas then it may well have been different.

It wouldn't have been so 'half assed' if everyone who bought it did some research before automatically buying the game for the name. Like mindless mayhem? Should've bought Saints Row 2, whats the point of in depth damage and driving physics when you're just going to shoot things?

I believe in the I won't shoot you until you shoot me rule in Free Mode, and more often then not me and some friends get together and have some sort of organised session, like being police, having car tests/races, defending a spot of turf from hostile players, going against the AI police force together, whatever. To me, IV has a good balance allowing you to be serious, or be silly, without going into the extremes of either, whereas your suggested TDU, a game I enjoy, it wouldn't provide a thrilling chase through busy streets, and SR2 is just over the top silliness which doesn't appeal to me but perhaps you should look into.

You've also failed to answer a point made many times by a few posters, there are dedicated modes for killing, DEATHmatch, why don't people go there if they want to kill people?