GTMSA Announces Super GT Season 8 Signup

  • Thread starter RACECAR


Keeper of the Undocumented Changes Threads.
United States


GTMSA Presents
SuperGT Season 8

Information & Signup

Welcome to season 8 of the SuperGT Championship. With GT5 on the way, this will be the swan song for SuperGT on GT4 so lets make this a season to remember.

So come one, come all and signup for the longest running series in GTP!

General Information and Regulations

7 Rounds
1 week for sprint race
1 week for main race

Week starts on Monday, with times to be sent via PM by 11.59pm GMT on Sunday

As with last year there will be NO HP penalty for joining the series part way through the season.

All rules, regulations, car specifications, and races are controlled by SuperGT sanctioning body, GTMSA. Any and all questions should be directed to GTMSA officials (namely me RACECAR or oldmodelt) and officials will do their best to answer in a timely and accurate manor.

All drivers must run at the specified weights and horsepower settings provided by GTMSA for each round. Horsepower and/or weight settings are adjusted for competitive reasons each round based on finishing positions from previous rounds.

I would like to take this oppertunity to thank ABud for running the series so well, and also to oldmodelt for his voluntary help and guidance. Much appreciated 👍

  • Standard Online Racing Rules Apply.
  • No Cheating, hybrids, etc. You must run the car specifications I give you
  • Try keeping at least 2 wheels on course. Long races = small mishaps, but absolutely NO shortcuts
  • No wall-riding as well. Combined with penalties, this will slow you down considerably, so don't do it.
  • All decisions by GTMSA officials are final

Sprint Race

  • 5 lap Single Race
  • Weight penalty in effect
  • RM tires only
  • No tire wear
  • AI @ your choice from -10% to +10%
  • AI tires always set to RS
  • Forced Pit Entry penalty system
  • ASM is prohibited TCS is optional
  • Points: 6pts - 5pts - 4pts - 3pts - 2pts - 1pt
  • 20 second penalty added to race time if you dont submit a time
  • Top 3 take a 1% weight penalty to the race


  • Race's will be ~62 miles (100km) in length
  • Weight penalties in place
  • RS, RM, RH tires or any combination thereof
  • Strong Tire Wear
  • AI at +10
  • Ai tires RS
  • Forced Pit Entry penalty system
  • ASM is prohibited TCS is optional
  • Points for race: 15-12-10-7-5-3-2-1
  • 2 Points for fastest lap
  • 2 points for finishing within 103% of race winning time
  • 1 point for finishing outside 103% of race winning time

Weight Penalty System

Weight penalties will be applied in RACES AND SPRINT RACES. The following penalties will be allocated following the results of the race and apply only for the next round:

1st +5%
2nd +3%
3rd +1%
4th - 6th 0%
7th & 8th -1%
9th & 10th -2%
Lower -3%

After the sprint race, the top 3 racers will also recieve a further 1% weight penalty that carries through to the race of that round ONLY.

Please note that if you dont run the race your BHP and kg values for the next round will remain the same as before ie. you WONT get a decrease in weight owing to not racing.

Championship Deciders

If one or more cars are tied for points in the championship the decider will be as follows:

  • Number of race wins
  • Number of pole positions (sprint race wins)
  • Number of second places
  • Number of third places etc.

Car Lineup


Nissan Motul Pitwork Z '04 477Bhp 1123kg
Nissan Xanavi Nismo GT-R '03 480Bhp 1112kg
Nissan Pennzoil Zexel GT-R '01 487Bhp 1100kg
Honda Takata Dome NSX '03 505Bhp 1111kg
Honda Loctite Mugen NSX '01 508Bhp 1104kg
Honda Mobil 1 NSX '01 508Bhp 1104kg


ASL ARTA Garaiya '03 321Bhp 1091kg
Honda S2000 LM Race Car '01 321Bhp 1092k
Subaru CUSCO ADVAN Impreza '03 314Bhp 1100k
Toyota Wedssport Celica '03 296Bhp 1092kg
Toyota Superautobacs Apex MR-S '00 318Bhp 1102kg
RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7 '04 312Bhp 1100kg

Before each round the HP and KG values will be provided for each entrant.


Round 1: Suzuka Circuit
Round 2: Seoul Central
Round 3: Twin Ring Motegi East Short Course
Round 4: Opera Paris
Round 5: SSR5 Reverse
Round 6: Fuji 2005
Round 7: Tokyo R246

Pre-season: Trial Mountain beginning Monday 23rd August


Car numbers available are 2 - 49 for GT500 and 51 - 99 for GT300. Numbers 1 and 50 are reserved for last seasons Class winners (SagarisGTB for GT500 and kingofweasles for GT300).

Post this form with your info added below to enter the series:

If there are multiple cars in a class that you would like to test, enter them with the same number and the prefix T and then you can race them all in the pre-season event. Your final decision as to which car you will race must be made before the start of the first round.

GTP username:
Car Class (GT500 or GT300):
Car Number (see above):
Car Choice:

[b]User Name         No.                Car[/b]
apemax            19        Loctite Mugen NSX '01
Kingofweasles     11        Nissan Xanavi Nismo GT-R '03
ranhammerR34      27        Honda Mobil 1 NSX '01
oldmodelT         18        Nissan Motul Pitwork Z '04
Fogbound          25        Nissan Pennziol Zexel GT-R '01
MTC               23        Nissan Pennzoil Zexel GT-R '01
TheStig           13        Honda Mobil 1 NSX
E RaK             24        Nissan Motul Pitwork Z 
Speedemon08        7        Nissan Motul Pitwork Z

[b]User Name         No.                Car[/b] 
HenGTX            81       Subaru CUSCO ADVAN Impreza '03
Kingofweasles      1       ASL ARTA Garaiya '03
Speedemon08       51       ASL ARTA Garaiya '03
TheStig           95       ASL ARTA Garaiya '03
SuperShouden      99       Toyota Wedssport Celica
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I'm in.

GTP username: apemax
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: 19
Car Choice: Honda Loctite Mugen NSX '01
Hello, I am new here and I'd like togive it a go.

GTP Username: HenGTX
Car Class: GT300
Car Number:81
Car Choise: Subaru CUSCO ADVAN Impreza '03
GTP username: Kingofweasles
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: 11
Car Choice: Nissan Xanavi Nismo GT-R '03

GTP username: Kingofweasles
Car Class: GT300
Car Number: 1
Car Choice: ASL ARTA Garaiya '03
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Sorry, but why are you using the exact same cars with the exact same specifications at the exact same tracks in the exact same order as last season? :confused: It really looks like you copied last year's post (typos and all :ouch:), changed a few words (a very few words) where a date or a person no longer applied, and submitted it without further thought. I understand that testing all of the cars is arduous and not always reliable, and that the common theme of these tracks is that they're located in Asia, but surely there's some merit in variety. It definitely could be made more interesting with the addition or removal of some cars, or a shakeup of the schedule.
Time I'd 'T' up my provisional entry list. ;)

GTP username: CAMikaze
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: #38T
Car Choice: Motul Pitwork Z '04

GTP username: CAMikaze
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: #38T
Car Choice: Xanavi NISMO GT-R '03

GTP username: CAMikaze
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: #38T
Car Choice: Pennzoil ZEXEL GT-R '01

GTP username: CAMikaze
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: #38T
Car Choice: Xanavi Hiroto GT-R '01

GTP username: CAMikaze
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: #38T
Car Choice: au Cerumo Supra '01

GTP username: CAMikaze
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: #38T
Car Choice: TOM'S Supra '03

GTP username: CAMikaze
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: #38T
Car Choice: RX-7 LM

GTP username: CAMikaze
Car Class: GT300
Car Number: #94
Car Choice: ASL ARTA Garaiya '03
Sorry, but why are you using the exact same cars with the exact same specifications at the exact same tracks in the exact same order as last season? :confused: It really looks like you copied last year's post (typos and all :ouch:), changed a few words (a very few words) where a date or a person no longer applied, and submitted it without further thought. I understand that testing all of the cars is arduous and not always reliable, and that the common theme of these tracks is that they're located in Asia, but surely there's some merit in variety. It definitely could be made more interesting with the addition or removal of some cars, or a shakeup of the schedule.

Yes I copied and pasted all the stuff from last season's signup, so what? I didn't feel like typing all that. Anyhow, since I haven't run Super GT before and this was the last season on GT4, I wanted to keep it simple by not changing anything and end up confusing people. I Thought by having it the same, there wouldn't be any confusion or me changing something that didn't need to be, but I see you actually want change. I haven't competed in last seasons so I'm not sure what to make better. How am I supposed to know what to do if I haven't really been here enough to know?
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The problem with copying the post and the schedule from last year is that it just looks cheap and uninspiring, and that probably has a lot to do with the anemic pace of entries so far. I mean, if you were one of last year's participants (and most people who will be interested will have raced last season), would you be captivated and eager to enter the new season if absolutely nothing had changed, with the prospect of driving the same races as last time? I can't speak for others, but I'd much rather replace half of the races with new tracks, or perhaps remove some of the perennial winning cars and replace them with new ones, like the underdog Razo Silvia. In a case like this, it's probably a good idea to keep the basic rules the same, but that doesn't mean that people will prefer to repeat last season's races.

Of course, this isn't my series, and a lack of interest may be an inevitable consequence of GT4's quickly shrinking lifespan.
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The problem with copying the post and the schedule from last year is that it just looks cheap and uninspiring, and that probably has a lot to do with the anemic pace of entries so far. I mean, if you were one of last year's participants (and most people who will be interested will have raced last season), would you be captivated and eager to enter the new season if absolutely nothing had changed, with the prospect of driving the same races as last time? I can't speak for others, but I'd much rather replace half of the races with new tracks, or perhaps remove some of the perennial winning cars and replace them with new ones, like the underdog Razo Silvia. In a case like this, it's probably a good idea to keep the basic rules the same, but that doesn't mean that people will prefer to repeat last season's races.

Of course, this isn't my series, and a lack of interest may be an inevitable consequence of GT4's quickly shrinking lifespan.

I have to agree with all of this. Honestly? I personally only signed up out of support for the GTMSA and for the fact that this is going to be my last year of Super GT (Until i can get my hands on a PS3, but even then i don't have a way to race online wih y'all)...I don't realy ant to, but if i have to i'll pull my entries if nothing's going to change.
Ok fine, so you guys would actually prefer a change. Thing is, how do I know you'll like the changes? Again having not been here, its hard to gauge what people did not like and what people did like about last season. I tryed to avoid messing up anything that may have worked, but it looks like I still screwed up. I can only do so much with little knowledge. Sorry that its "uninspiring" to you, but how was I supposed to know?

Right now I have just changed the schedule and will change the car lineup. I don't know if people will like this or what because again, I don't know. Instead of expecting someone who hasn't competed last season to know what to do, try helping me out instead.
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That looks great to me, especially in terms of the track lineup. 👍 At this point, I definitely would participate if I could, but I won't have the PS2 in college, where I'm going after Round 1 or so in the schedule. Unfortunately, as good as the revisions look, I still don't think enough people are playing GT4 for this series to get off the ground. We'll see, though; perhaps I'm being overly pessimistic.
I wouldn't really mess with the car lineup that much sense so much testing did go into balancing the cars so that the competition is balanced.

And when I think of a Super GT schedule obviously Suzuka, Twin Ring Motegi and Fuji are a must. I would keep to high speed technical courses like Mid-Field, Grand Valley East, Apricot Hill ect. Also they do race the 3 main courses multiple times so maybe you could run some of the different layouts of them as well.

They also adopted a new knock-out qualifying format so maybe you could have a knockout qualifying over the course of the first week instead of doing a sprint race.

Just thoughts from the peanut gallery.

I'll keep an eye on what happens before I put my entry in.
That looks great to me, especially in terms of the track lineup. 👍 At this point, I definitely would participate if I could, but I won't have the PS2 in college, where I'm going after Round 1 or so in the schedule. Unfortunately, as good as the revisions look, I still don't think enough people are playing GT4 for this series to get off the ground. We'll see, though; perhaps I'm being overly pessimistic.

At the same time though, some people brought up the point that many don't even have a PS3. I had a pole asking whether this season should be done on GT5 or GT4 and overwhelmingly, they said GT4.
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How about adding Suzuka to the schedule or have it replace one of the races already on it? :)
Time to drop a bomb...

SURPRISE! :D I'm here and ready to finish in last! :D Naw, I'll just give it my best shot! :sly: To the Trial Mountain. :)

GTP username: ranhammerR34
Car Class (GT500 or GT300): GT500
Car Number (see above): 27
Car Choice: Honda Mobil 1 NSX '01

Oh Racecar... ADD SUZUKA! :D That would be a blast! --- Randy
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I don't know if i want to enter this season or not, although at this point, I might


GTP username: Speedemon08
Car Class : GT300
Car Number : 51
Car Choice : ASL Arta Gaiyara '03
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GTP username: TheStig13
Car Class: GT300
Car Number: T95
Car Choice: ASL ARTA Garaya

GTP username: TheStig13
Car Class: GT300
Car Number: T95
Car Choice: RE Amemiya Asparadrink RX7

GTP username: TheStig13
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: T13
Car Choice: Honda Mobil 1 NSX

GTP username: TheStig13
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: T13
Car Choice: Nissan Xanavi Skyline GTR
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GTP username: oldmodelt
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: 18
Car Choice: Nissan Motul Pitwork Z '04

And Suzuka is back in. Start off with a bang. 👍
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Hey guys, sorry I haven't said much. All of your entries have been accepted and I hope you all enjoy the schedule and car shakeup I've done. Season will be starting very soon so stay tuned.
I would like to race this also,

GTP username: Fogbound
Car Class GT500
Car Number 25
Car Choice: Nissan penzoil zextel
GTP username: MTC
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: 23
Car Choice: Nissan PENNZOIL ZEXEL GT-R ’01
GTP username: SuperShouden
Car Class: GT300
Car Number: 99
Car Choice: Toyota Wedssport Celica

I might pop in for a race or two.
Hope It's not too late!

Car Class: GT500
Car Number: 24
Car Choice: Nissan Motul Pitwork Z '04
This is just for the sprint races, but if it goes well..... we'll see!

GTP User: Speedemon08
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: 7
Car Choice: Nissan Motul Pitwork Z '04
Welcome, gentleman. Entries have been added:tup:
GTP username: Crooooooow
Car class: GT300
Car number: 22
Car choice: Toyota Wedssport Celica '03

I going to give this series a try for the Jeff Beck of it.
Even though this is just for the last race of the season, here I am:

GTP username: RACECAR
Car Class: GT500
Car Number: 23
Car Choice: Nissan Motul Pitwork Z '04