GTMSA Presents: VW Golf IV Cup Season 2 - Preseason Discussion

  • Thread starter LancerEvo7
The room for the second preseason race is up now. in GTP_CAMikaze's lounge. Thanks to CAMi for helping out until I get the game working again.

Room Number:

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I can't get in his lounge. I tried to send him a friend request but it says his list is full.
I found my disk cleaner, ran GT5 through it, and it works now. Thanks once again to CAMi for helping out. The first regular season race will take place next Saturday in my lounge.
I would like to join up in this series, only thing is I would have to miss a few races do to work and being out of town, but I can make this weekends series at Indy.
psn. bdubclub
Matte white, #51.
its all good bdub. Welcome to the Golf RM series 👍 hope you can have a great time racing with us :)
Edit Masi lurking i see you :lol:
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Can i still join ? ;)

My info is this :

#28 - AnTiheLT (Williebaby28) - Denmark - White

Shall i add the one who is hosting the race, to me friends list ? :)
Entries will be added momentarily. The first race will take place as scheduled on Saturday. Add GTP_LancerEvo7 if you haven't already.
I might not make this weeks race due to a prior commitment to the GTPFIA GT3 race at Suzuka scheduled to start around the same time. :( I do plan to be back for Round 2 though.
Really wish I could partake in this but it's at the same time as the Saturday Capp Cup race. Looks like you got a good group, hope it works out! 👍
I would like to switch my number to 66, also will be running a few laps for a bit, if anyone is interested.
7:00 PM GMT is when the lounge opens, but is this night time at US ? and i have to add 7 hours to the time to Denmark ? 7:00 = 19.00 right ?
so anyone got times down ? i went for a short 7 lap first run and got my laps down to 1:42.9 on my 6th lap i think thats pretty good and i may still have some more engine running in to do :sly:
If anyone's up for some practice, come to my lounge in about 5-10 minutes.

EDIT: Lounge is up.
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I'm gonna have to miss today's opener Evo. I'll let you know what my schedule looks like soon for the coming weeks.
@ LancerEvo

I'm up for practice, but I think I'm already too late.

I'm ready for tonight what time is green light for tonight's race? Evo
EST 4pm (3pm lobby opens).[/QUOTE

UK please if it doesn't start till early in the morning count me out from racing in this series cheers
The lounge will be open in about half an hour. The race begins in an hour and a half and will take close to an hour. I am hosting the race.
The lounge will be open in about half an hour. The race begins in an hour and a half and will take close to an hour. I am hosting the race.

I'm not too sure I'm gonna show for the practice, but I think I can split for the race. I'll see what I can do. Also, I'll have to FR you real quick if it's taken on a closed lounge.
My Lounge will be open in a few minutes for Round 1. Add GTP_LancerEvo7 if you haven't already. Good luck to everyone.