GTP Awards Ceremony. Who's going?

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New Member
GTP Awards Ceremony is looming, you've picked your tux, designated your driver and got the baby sitter ready, acceptance speech is prepared.

So now your only choice is to pick the members you'll share a table with. There's 8 to a table, so including yourself you can choose 7 other GTP member to keep company with for this prestigious event.

(This is completely for fun and if there really is a GTP Awards Ceremony and I'm not invited I will not be a happy bunny and might even call in a bomb threat hoax.)


Remember, you have seven picks maximum! Choose wisely!

I'd also like to add that all staff have a private table, but if you really, really want them to and ask nicely they may pop over to your table for a sherry or two. ;)
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If I don't take @Monkeywench I'd never hear the end of it.

As for the Mods table, that's the one on the stage closest to the donuts, right?
I'll take one near the front door, at least i'll get all the post... #badjoke. Who's joining me :P?
If I had to pick (they wouldn't pick me!)

Danny, because he'd get outrageously drunk and wear a neon pink and orange suit.
Omnis, because nearly everything the guy says is hysterical.
PeterJB, because I've known him a while and he's a total dude.
G.T for the same reason.
Mclaren because I tend to agree with most of the stuff he posts.
Rue, as he seems an interesting guy.
MUSC4EVER so I could wind him up about supporting Manchester United, who are now rubbish :D
Small_Fryz, EDK, SmallHorses, Terronium-12, Wardez, Mr. P and Jordan.

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Seeing as I'm the evil Whammer, I will not be surprised if I get kicked out at the doors. :lol:
Homeforsummer, Danny, Rue, GTP_Ingram, PeterJB, Azuremen, Sprite.

Should create some interesting conversations.
I'd hang out with the weirdos at the anime thread, or the dudes in the Hot Wheels thread. In both places a pretty tight community has spawned, one with trades, customizing and what not, and the other single-handedly generated an alternative forum of it's own. I know most of the regulars well enough and would love to share a drink with them. Oh and car trades without shipping costs, that would rock.
Aww, I have 18 people I'd want to take, and I don't want to leave anyone out.:(

This will take some thought.

Skython-Because we'd Wham! the entire award hall in the most dramatic of fashions.
Slashfan-Because we'd bring a truck full of bikes to go riding after.
ND4SPD-Because he's a Guelphite that actually knows about cars, unlike some people...
eXtaticus-Expect craziness, because eX.
Tornado---->Semi-sane, plus they're good guys.

If you're not on here and you're on my friends list then I didn't just ignore you, I needed a bigger table.
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Tornado, unit-one, Akira AC, Liquid, Danny, Beeblebrox237, and the almighty Jordon.

Anyone who didn't make the cut probably isn't cool/vengeful/fear-mongering enough. :P
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Oh let's see.

Bopop4 - Because reason he gave :lol:
Antonisbob - Because he has mostly the same tastes I do
Beeblebrox237 - Because ATC :lol:
Shem - No explanation needed
Liquid - Good mate right there
Skython - Queensryche.
Tom - Every table needs a DJ.

I really don't like leaving people out. There's so many more.
If Mods are a separate table, then doesn't Pupik not be a mod since he's an ex-mod?
Same goes for Touring Mars.
Danny can always bring a friend, as long as he doesn't kidnap them.
I'd be sitting in a folding chair in the middle of the theatre, with the spotlight shining on me and everybody staring incessantly, with me eventually getting up, screaming, and destroying the world in the process...

Hang on. Wait. That's not me...

I'd be at home, watching cartoons, too afraid to attend a social occasion.

land sea air
TB. I think I owe him lunch.
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Well, I'll be at the door running the WED (Wham Evasion Desk), which is simply a desk that offers top of the line ear plugs in the case George Michael arrives as a special guest.
Well, I'll be at the door running the WED (Wham Evasion Desk), which is simply a desk that offers top of the line ear plugs in the case George Michael arrives as a special guest.
@Dean, our table must be before that table, blasting out said song.