GTP Cool Wall: 1962-1963 Studebaker Avanti

  • Thread starter Wiegert

1962-1963 Studebaker Avanti

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1962-1963 Studebaker Avanti nominated by @Roger the Horse


Body Style:
2-door coupé
Engines: 4.7 litre R1 V8, Supercharged 4.7 litre R2 V8, Supercharged 5.0 litre R3 V8
Power: 240 hp (R1), 290 hp (R2), 335 hp (R3)
Torque: N/A
Weight: 1404 kg
Transmission: 4-speed manual
Drivetrain: Front-engine, rear wheel drive
Additional Information: Apparently the professor from the Powerpuff Girls drove one of these or something. A supercharged model hit 190 mph at Bonneville.​





Don't know how to feel about this one. First I was like "What da hell is this???", then I was like "Ok, it doesn't look that bad after all"...

I'll go for a meh...
Ugly it may be, but this is one of the more interesting cars produced in America in the early 1960s. Considering that this, Avanti II, and other variations of the Avanti were sold up until 2006 (by the Avanti Corportation, which was a company that had bought out the rights to the Avanti from the defunct Studebaker) I find that this car has a very unique and varied history.

Would've been a Sub-Zero sleeper if the front didn't always remind me of Mr. Magoo.
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Quite the "different" car. Not terrible looking (mainly inside), but has power to make up for it. Would I buy it? No. I would much prefer the Studebaker E-Series trucks.

I've been seeing these every once in awhile, more than usual. Interesting sight to see, but not cool. The rear is very well done though.
I actually think it looks pretty nice. Not fantastic, and it gets bumped down from SZ just because it's a little TOO questionable-looking, but it still gets a high cool.
Seen a supercharged one in metal. Had me baffled for a while, then I talked with the owner. He had three of them. Hmm.. Meh. SC'd one is decent, but as said before, not a looker.
Has a couple of nice angles (eg; rear 3/4's), but these are off set by generally terrible proportions.

The front overhang is way too long - accentuated by the extended front wings and recessed lights.

Overall, it's just plain ugly... uncool.
I think the overhangs are more a feature of cars of that era. The Avanti was a very forward thinking modern design compared to everything else the US car industry was churning out at the time. With few exceptions, everything else was still chrome and tailfins - or had moved on towards the conservative square styling that became iconic of the mid to late period of that decade. The Avanti had form-fitting curves, not just the superflous stuff that had adorned cars since the late 50's.
Easy S-Z.

It's one of those cars that looks better in person. One of the fastest cars of it's day with the supercharged engines. (bone stock R3 cars could hit 168mph)

This car also had some advanced safety features for it's day like a built-in roll bar, padded interior and door latches that became structural body members when closed.
Near-bankrupt Studebaker tried to create an elegant, cool looking machine, but failed. That front is quite ugly.
