GTP Cool Wall: 2013-2014 Lamborghini Veneno

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2013-2014 Lamborghini Veneno

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Poll 1374: 2013-2014 Lamborghini Veneno nominated by @Cristobal1234

Body Style: 2-door coupe, 2dr Roadster
Engine: L539 60º V12 6498 cc
Power: 740/8700 rpm
Torque: 531 lb-ft / 6750 rpm
Weight: 3197 lb
Transmission: ISR 7 speed Automatic
Drivetrain: Mid Engine, All wheel drive
Country: Italy




I always thought the Lamborghini Veneno was a horrid-looking car. It's powerful and fast, but I can't give it "Seriously Uncool" simply on the merits of its looks. It's the same reason why I can't get into Ferrari LaFerrari. I always try to consider looks, performance, and overall appeal when making my Cool Wall votes. Even though I don't like this car all that much, my call is Cool because this isn't some overrated, overhyped automobile. It is not a generic car or some kind of poser/poseur vehicle, which would knock it down to "Meh" or worse. If I liked it more overall, I'd go Sub-Zero. So my final call is "Cool."
Wait, WAT???? 2013??? I remember when this thing was revealed like it was yesterday :eek:

Anyway, I remember hating this car with a passion when I first saw it. But after all these years (I still can't believe this car is 7-8 years old), I gotta admit it has grown on me. Not as epic as other Lambos, but very Cool nonetheless.
I think the Veneno has aged better than most other special edition cars with super loud and complex designs. I’d probably have given it a meh back when it was revealed but now I think it’s a solid cool.
Ah yeah, a bonkers Lambo made for bonkers people
I really don't know if I should vote it SZ or SU for its styling to be honest.
Ooooooo :embarrassed: I thought it was a brand new model. I like this Lamborghini much more than all the other modern Lambos. This is SZ for sure.