GTP Photographer Awards 2010 - Voting Open!


Design + Photography
United Kingdom
Well, this time last year I thought about running a GTP Photographer Awards, the section (whilst isn’t really busy) has one of the best communities on GTPlanet in my mind we have a wide range of talent across this section and I think it’s something we should be really proud of. Although it’s been quiet recently due to the release of GT5 (as well as the GTP Automotive Calendar which has put a current hiatus on the Model & Automotive Competitions and finally the motorsport season coming to a finish across many countries).

I personally think this would be a good way for the community to bond even more, so this isn’t the ‘official thread’ per say this is an interest thread. As well as one for ideas on categories, I’ve got a few but I need some help to make some more.

In terms of voting it would be a PM thing I do believe as it’s the best way I can keep the votes secret, having a poll is a bit too public for these awards I think.

Anyway here are some ideas for categories.

GTP Photographer of the Year 2010

The best photographer of the year, simply the member whose work has constantly impressed you across the year.

Best Photograph of the Year

Out of all the photographs taken this year, which one particular shot stood out to you. This doesn’t have to be car/motorsport related and can be any photograph taken this year.

Most Improved Member

The member who has improved the most since 2009 in your opinion.

Most Automotive Competition Wins

The member who has won the most Automotive Competitions in 2010.

Most Model Competition Wins

The member who has won the most Model Competitions in 2010.

Most Helpful Photographer

The member who has been the most helpful, this can range from simply giving advice about equipment to constructive criticism on a set of images. Essentially it could be seen as whatever member has helped you the most across the year.

Best New Member

Simply put, the best photographer who joined GTPlanet during 2010.

Best Non-Automotive Photograph of the Year

Essentially what it says in the title. The photograph has to have been taken this year and can range from anything NON-car related.

I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts and opinions on this scheme, I have the time to organise it all and sort it out so it’s just a matter of whether you guys are up for it. Also, I’d happily take on suggestions for different categories (I could probably do with some more ‘fun’ categories for people to win as well as the more serious ones).

Anyway, I will look forward to reading your replies.


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Nobody has sent you anything yet?...

I'm at work right now, but I'll send you a PM later today with my votes. 👍
Nope, I've had nothing from this as of yet. I'd really appreciate some votes, or anything really. 👍
Sorry Adam, I totally missed the thread as I've been a little busy. I will shoot you something in the next day or two.
Sorry Adam, I totally missed the thread as I've been a little busy. I will shoot you something in the next day or two.

No worries Achilles, this section has been pretty quiet anyway so your not the only one. :)

Just sent my votes and opinions for this. 👍

Cheers Hugo, I'll check them out and shoot you a reply. 👍
I'll toss in a few PM's if I find time to go over the more recent content. Sadly, this section has kind of been on the down low lately because of GT5 and the season. And I've been particularly poor about doing photography :(

But yes, we have some amazing talent in here; a few names already in mind.
Is there anything else on this? I've got one persons votes, but I was hoping to have more by now. I'll give this another week or so, then if I haven't got any more votes (or enough to form a proper awards) then I'll just put this idea to rest for the time being until next year.