GTP Weekly Drawing comp # 8: Lamborghini Countach!

  • Thread starter Cano


Do I really need to introduce this car? It's the escence of the exotica, hard to drive, uncomfortable, stupidly fast and with a reeeally cool and exagerated design. I love it, and, I assume, you too (:
So, for compensation on the Aztek, you'll have to put this one on paper for this week. same rules, same timeline. get to draw.
google search of countach pics:

aww damn. you should've done the canto! the prototype that would've PWNED!
noooooo that car was has those funked out giant air dams.... the only thing was the wheels....rear one could've been bigger, and those honeycombs are fugly.
OK, sitting infront of a piece of blank paper right now. To toon or not to toon? That is the question.
Oooh Ooooh! I'm in!

I already have an idea, what the Countach would've looked like were it designed in 2000.

Is that acceptable? It would still be a Countach.

Well, I've done the basic shape of the car and it's not a toon, but I'm considering doing a tooned version and then seeing which one looks best. Hopefully I'll be able to find time anyway.
mwehehehe, I already have a tooned Countach drawn. Chaser has even seen it. Do I enter that one? nah, I think Im gonna try to do something new, but then again, I dont know. I have some work to do, precisely, 4 big toons for a Mopar muscle car owner (the guy has a road runner, a super bee, a Dart GTS and a 65 Plymouth Belvedere wagon... I have to toon all of them (: )... I hope I'll have the time to do it :S this job was totally unexpected, but hey, 300 dollars for it are well worth it (:

Here's mine. Will probably alter the background colour when I'm not so knackered!


  • lambo.jpg
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Chaser, what in the hell you used to outline it?? the lines look odd, but cool in their own way, and the whole work is amazing. Do I really need to enter this one? -___-

Here's a more improved version...

I drew it in pencil, then used a black marker for a few of the outlines, then I coloured the bulk of the red in marker and added some pencil here and there. There's a bit of Tip-ex in there for good measure too.


  • countach_low.jpg
    72 KB · Views: 51
Nice stuff Chaser Fan.

I might enter this one. Usually when I say that I don't so, who knows.:)
hey, that is really cool! a round countach, what was tought impossible! its awesome dude, I like the design (:
well, ok, to hell, I really coukdnt get the dan countach done in time, so I'll post the one I already had. sorry :/


its nice anyway (:

lol.....HUGE ass!

its still cool though. im gonna have to skip out on this one im afraid...i made a cool canto rehash though.
ok, heres the canto.

sorry i couldnt follow the rules.....hehehe.

it is a very top heavy that i look back on it, the roof should be chopped across to lower its profile.

maybe it could be the new countach....but following in the canto's footsteps. lol.

sorry for the delay cano.
yeah, i messed up pretty bad. now it looks like a ferrari!

Well here is mine I kind of ran out of space on my A4 Sketch Pad grrrr.

Hi Res:

Lo Res:
