GTP weekly drawing comp week 3: Subaru Imprezza WRX

  • Thread starter Cano


So, we have a subject that should bring many entries to this competition. This car is liked a lot in this place, but we're gonna give it a twist: you can draw ANY generation of the WRX, the squarish one, the bug-eyed one, or the current one, but it has to be the WAGON.
here are the reference pics (altough you can just go to GT3 and put the car to spin in your TV) :
the first, squarish one:

I cant find a rear picture of this generation. if anyone has one, please post it
the second, bug-eyed one:


the current one:


there. You have one week to submit. do what you want to the car, there are no rules, just the usual, dont use photoshop for "phisical" alterations, and that is all. have fun and destry this thing! Poll will be posted sunday midnite.


good luck and let 'em all come!
I'll try. And I will lose.:)

OK so I want to do the current one. So we have to draw the cars in the same position as the picture?
is it necessery to make the car look cartoonish?!...
cause I would like to draw one in real perspective (dont mind doin a cartoon out of it though)
no u dont have to make it cartoonish and no u make it any angle or any picture u want .. :) i like the cartoon alot tough and hoppefully ill be able do make a final unlike the viper.. :indiff:
Here's a little WIP of mine, titled 'Last Traction Hero!' I had to stick lots of bits of paper together, as it just kept on getting taller and taller. It looks bad right now, but I hope I can sort it sometime this week (I have a very busy week though :() BTW, roughly coloured using Photoshop right now, just to see what it looks like.

(Yes, that IS a wardrobe in the back!)

Been aloooong time since I last did one of these... I guess I'll enter cause well I wanna beat Cano and vipfreak better be doin a drawing to!!!! And the guy wit the sweet drawing I think Cano said wagon...
Cool, Chaser... I'm in eh... start early and post early this time in case of a gtp downtime...

edit:[b/] I will be doing either the bug eye or the current year. I can definitely say it won't have the same headlights or taillights and it will look more rallyish.
no offense, but i dont know what the big deal with the cartoony cars are.

i find the challenge in making the car look realistic....anyone can make it cartoony.

but then again, with reference, anyone can make it realistic...and there is no reference for cartoons....but still, people who draw realistic with no reference i think are better than cartooners. even though the pics are still hella cool, i just dont know.

lol. felt like i had to get that off my chest. sorry.

anyhow, im gonna do that square rex. i love it as a wagon.
I feel the same way but I have a feeling cano and chaser (did I miss anyone else?) knows how to draw pretty well "normally" so that's why I don't mind it.

edit: as for me, I've tried it and it's a little easier but I still suck ass at it.
lol, of course. cano's challenger rocked.

but i wasnt talking about the artist as much as the style itself.
Cool idea, I almost bought a (older) WRX sedan a week ago, but couldnt make up my mind in time and the car sold.
The wagons are cool, and I PROMISE I'll get an entry this time. I couldnt get a satisfactory car on the last two.
-my mom is lookinf foward to buying one--- by the way start ur drawing ass soon as poosible or ull b like me i only got a sketch done a BAD sktetch LOL :lol:
Been aloooong time since I last did one of these... I guess I'll enter cause well I wanna beat Cano and vipfreak better be doin a drawing to!!!! And the guy wit the sweet drawing I think Cano said wagon...

Can you get a wardrobe in the back of the sedan? ;)
it seems that if I want peopleto get into this I need to post a japanese car. foget it :D
Chaser, that is sooooooooooo cool. the cartoon has much life to itself, its great. cant wait to see the finished result. As for me, I'll start mine soon, I have been busy with the mags contribution. And chaser, go on msn more often dammit!!


come on people, draw.
Eh I'm in. I hope I'll get some time this weekend but it should be done -- doubt it will be color though:(
no offense, but i dont know what the big deal with the cartoony cars are.

i find the challenge in making the car look realistic....anyone can make it cartoony.

Funny, I feel completely the opposite. I think it's much more difficult to 'toon' a car and still maintain it's character. In my opinion, anyone can draw a realistic looking car.
Funny, I feel completely the opposite. I think it's much more difficult to 'toon' a car and still maintain it's character. In my opinion, anyone can draw a realistic looking car.

im with chaser man its harder because when you make your wheels twice ass hard and tons of thing goota fit in place to work an look- O-K. :sly:
well...whatever. realistic cars are easy with reference...obvisously.
but i just think its harder without reference. cuz cartoons dont really need to be perfect, and when you are drawing your own designs, would would look out of place on a realistic car could look cool on the cartoon.
you can make a toon look realistic. In fact, a toon needs values and reflections and other stuff to come alive. The textures are the same, you are just working on a deformed subject, that is all. In all this, I gotta say that drawing a real car with a reference is plain easy, but drawing relistic-styled cars without any reference, designing them, you could say, it's what's difficult. When you can draw a coherent-looking car without looking at ANY picture, you've succeeded. Now, if you are tooning a car, you NEED to know the car perfectly and see what elements of the car you dont need to loose in the toon to maintain its character, and wich elements you can exagerate the most, or what in the hell you want to do with the cartoon, but trust me, cartooning a car, a REAL car, aint easy. you also need to respect some features, and even proportions. Nobody's gonna beliebe me if I show a front-view toon of a hemi cuda with its rearend being bigger than its hood or, something like that, or somethng as dull as not making the right form of the grille. Yes, it might be deformed but it needs to resemble the original one in the exact points and details to tell you that its a cartoon of a hemi cuda or any given car. finding those details is what's hard to achieve.


anyway, here is my TERRIBLE entry. I don't think I'll have any time to improve over it, and the thing is way disrpoportioned, I kinda tried to make an interpretation of how sleeeky this wagon could get with a less-sqarish top. As you can see, it looks like its chopped, so meh, Im just posting this thing.

Nice pic, DD! Here's my skewed, garish monster! (I'm so sick of it it's unreal)

EDIT: Didn't see yours their Cano. I like the shape (in a melted sort of way! ;)) There is a large scoop of the new Legacy wagon in there too. It's not a patch on your hotrods, but it's okay. Don't sweat!

PS What happened to your site, I want to show my missus your pictures, but it's not working?!


That is so sweet man. The road flying out of the wheel wells is really cool. Cano other then the front being abit tiltin, I would buy that car any day. The way you changed the design is mega cool.
I just use a image look at it and put it in pencil. Thats why my keyboards my best friend lol. Pretty soon I'll start doing cars like Cano hopefully but I just like drawing realism cause everything looks better in pencil =).