GTPlanet vs. Mariah Carey [2021]

  • Thread starter Daniel

Please indicate your Carey'd status below - you can change your response once CAREYD

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I am already out so it doesn't matter, but I got Carey'd twice today. Once in Wal-Mart and again at a family gathering. Celebrated not caring by going to McDonalds where their carry out bags are promoting "The Mariah Menu." There is no escape.
I'm still in, despite my parents blasting Pandora for a bit earlier today. I think it's the leg between Christmas and Jan. 1st that's going to be hard mode for me...
Dare I jinx myself? 11 and a half more hours or something like that. And I will have made it for the second year in a row.
T'was the day before Christmas
In New Smyrna Beach
Walked into a gift store
And heard that damn screech.
I'm sure that my wife
Knew that it was playing
And brought me in there
To enjoy me complaining.

It's honestly very impressive that you made it so far. Everything seemed to be going against you this year. :lol:👍
It's honestly very impressive that you made it so far. Everything seemed to be going against you this year. :lol:👍
Being married for as long as I have, I knew she wouldn't just play the song, she enjoys the mental game too much.

By comparison, avoiding Amazon is a breeze. :lol:

I thought I was doing soooo good this year. Like, the song was playing out in my head over and over throughout the month but never actually played.

Was getting ready with the folks to go have dinner at a family friend's house, they had the radio playing.

Guess who was waiting for me.

I'm out. And I'm a lil' upset.
So with my elimination last month, the one silver lining was I was hanging out with relatives for a Christmas gathering so I was likely going down anyway.

Christmas come and gone and one of the relatives got a CD for Christmas and they just played that, no Mariah Carey.

If I wasn't so careless at the beginning, I would've made it past Christmas, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
@RESHIRAM5, I feel your pain.

Other than the times I’ve intentionally listened to it, the only time I’ve heard Mariah is when I made a schoolboy error.
Well. With Christmas over now, it should be a fairly easy cruise until the end of December (famous last words lol). Congrats to everyone who has made it this far.
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Almost got done in on Christmas eve thanks to my older sister watching a stream when I heard those familiar piano. Thankfully, it was karaoke so it wasn't Carey's voice but ironically enough, the person singing had the last name Carey. Mariah is a sick being

T'was the day before Christmas
In New Smyrna Beach
Walked into a gift store
And heard that damn screech.
I'm sure that my wife
Knew that it was playing
And brought me in there
To enjoy me complaining.


My Wife: "Alexa, play Christmas music"
Me: "I can make it"
Carey: "Hold my beer"

I'm out :banghead:

Starting to think avoiding being "Wife'd" should at least be considered its own game :lol:
"the happiest person in the world on christmas" (not my radio)

I mean... They're not wrong... While the rest of the world has to listen it for a straight month 🤣🤣


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I made it without an issue. I just worked through Xmas so no reunions nor xmasy music for me. And on the lead up to it I was just busy studying and working. Easy peasy :)
Starting to think avoiding being "Wife'd" should at least be considered its own game :lol:
That's the extra hard mode level of the game. Think of a time trial vs racing intelligent opponents.
I got done early in the piece at a Christmas pageant. Then again at a staff Christmas party. Then on the radio. Then in a store. Then at Christmas lunch. Then (wife’d) driving home today.

Also got whammed (wife again) mid December. She’s in on it and joins in every year. I once sui-whammed myself to bring in New Years with her.

With Mariah the enemy, I dream of the day that’s possible again. She comes out the attic with the decorations and is totally unavoidable. A bit like the power bill from running a giant inflatable Santa sausage dog for a straight month.

We’ll see ya next year folks :cheers:
I got done early in the piece at a Christmas pageant. Then again at a staff Christmas party. Then on the radio. Then in a store. Then at Christmas lunch. Then (wife’d) driving home today.

Also got whammed (wife again) mid December. She’s in on it and joins in every year. I once sui-whammed myself to bring in New Years with her.

With Mariah the enemy, I dream of the day that’s possible again. She comes out the attic with the decorations and is totally unavoidable. A bit like the power bill from running a giant inflatable Santa sausage dog for a straight month.

We’ll see ya next year folks :cheers:
That was just pure massacre!
Its almost over. Here I thought the whole "Stay in and Stay safe" thing would help for a 2nd straight year, but it got abit closer then I wanted.
BARELY MADE IT!!! So many close calls this time I returned to an office job from colleagues 😖😖... Apart of so many close calls in IG, radios, and a mall trip!! 😖😖😖
I was Carey'd but not Whammed this time round, it was vice versa last time. I think that puts me 7-1 down against Wham! and 2-1 down against Carey.