GTPlanet Welcoming Club

United States
Dallas, Texas
Man of Mister
Search results came up negative so, I decided to start this club. Hopefully it will be successful.

This is the *unofficial* GTPlanet Welcoming Club. I started this club because a guy gave me a very warm welcome to these forums, and from that day forward, I wanted to be as friendly as he was.

To apply for this club, just leave your GTPlanet username, and a PSN username *if applicable*.

EDIT: To apply for officer position, just post the office you're applying for. Offices include: President, Vice President, Secretary of the Welcoming. I still need more ideas for office positions, suggestions would be great! In the event of absence (absence being 2 days) the Vice President has command of this thread. The Secretary of the Welcoming has to monitor the club members posts, to prevent any negative or derogatory posts from this club. If an officer has gone without a post on this thread for 5 days, he/she will be removed from office. If any member has gone without a post for 10 days, he/she will be removed from the club due to inactivity. If you are going on vacation, do notify the Club President or Vice President of your absence to avoid any confusion.

Happy Welcoming!
-Man of Mister

List of Members:
Man of Mister (Founder)

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