GTPSP AI observation: cleanest drivers in the series by far??

  • Thread starter iyohato


United Kingdom
Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
So I was doing an A-rank AI, single model race on Trial Mountain in an AW11 MR2 and decided to get slightly experimental.

The AI in this game appear to be by far the cleanest in the series. Even GT5’s isn’t anywhere near as “clean driving”, for some reason (despite it using the same base source as GT PSP presumably when it was being developed).

Unlike GT4, where the AI will simply ram into you ignorantly (as if we’re playing Mario Kart and not Gran Turismo), it seems like they will, if they get too close to you in their path, try to take an alternative route that avoids touching you as much as they can. Try braking on a straight line in their path, they’ll brake themselves and shift over appropriately as they can and try to overtake you if you slowed down too much.

Even deliberately skidding then crashing into a wall after the finish line and forcing the car to stop and reverse out... they’ll move out the way when crossing the finish line then, too! In GT4 and 5 even, you’ll expect to have your car reverse if you do that and be smashed back in or behind the pit... here, they’ll shift over appropriately to not crash into you.

They also seem to react to each other somewhat too (they space each other out better than the PS2 titles did) though it’s clearly more evident with deliberate player intervention as highlighted.

Kinda smacked at the fact that the PSP spinoff title has what seems to be the most intelligent/aware AI in the entire GT series by far, with GT5 possibly coming in second... though it still retains some GT4 esque aggression the GT5 AI is certainly more aware than the previous 2 entries (which they felt nonexistent other than to go around the track on their path and not do anything else otherwise in GT3/4), and more than the first 2 games which did sometimes try to overtake you but usually ended up ramming into you somehow or another anyway on cornering.

On a note, a little thing that’s interesting to me: Kaz said in an old video before GT3’s release, that one of the goals for “GT2000” was to improve the AI’s awareness... and a lot of GT2K’s plans didn’t actually even get realised until GT5! I really am starting to feel like the development delays were due to the heavy project ambitions that were stated since before GT3’s renaming, rather than simply PD’s laziness!
On a note, a little thing that’s interesting to me: Kaz said in an old video before GT3’s release, that one of the goals for “GT2000” was to improve the AI’s awareness... and a lot of GT2K’s plans didn’t actually even get realised until GT5! I really am starting to feel like the development delays were due to the heavy project ambitions that were stated since before GT3’s renaming, rather than simply PD’s laziness!
That's why it's best not to expect too much on anything that PD says.
That's why it's best not to expect too much on anything that PD says.
If I'm remembering correctly, PD was rushed to get GT3 out the door and Kaz was not happy at all with how it turned out (a lot of compromises were made), so he spent a lot of extra needed time and delayed GT4 to make sure he was pleased with it before it shipped.
If I'm remembering correctly, PD was rushed to get GT3 out the door and Kaz was not happy at all with how it turned out (a lot of compromises were made), so he spent a lot of extra needed time and delayed GT4 to make sure he was pleased with it before it shipped.
And the result was enough to satisfy him?
The AI in this game appear to be by far the cleanest in the series.
I agree, they do try to drive carefully while maintaining adequate speed in corners. They don't want to bump into you nor each other and keep driving along the "ideal" driving line.

But, like all things in universe, they're not perfect. Try Veyrons on Motorland and you'll see what I mean :D