GTRA | The Ultimate GTPlanet Colaboration | Daily Spec Racing

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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United States
Thousand Oaks
.: The Ultimate GTPlanet Colaboration :.
GTRA | Daily Spec Racing | Touring Cars

General Structure
An ultimate collaboration of at least 14+ race series admins. The general premise here is to have a uniform, 7 days a week (or just 5 days a week) schedule of Spec Racing. It will comprise of mainly touring cars. We will use one car only per season. Each season will last 5 races/5 weeks. Lowest score is dropped. Car will change every season through a poll. OR! We can have one dedicated car per day. Same 5 race seasons but cars will stay the same every season.

In terms of the daily schedule, each day will have 2 time-slots. One is NA friendly, and the other EU. Races will be intermediate length - from 30 to 45 minutes depending on the track.
Provisional times (just an example)
NA at 17.00 PST | 20.00 EST
EU at 20.00 GMT | 12.00 PST | 15.00 EST​

Still undecided - we can do it in two ways.
1. Public Lobby - Host and Room Number will be announced accordingly
2. Private Lobby - Each series (day) will have separate private lobbies created through multiple accounts.
For Example (PSN ID and Series)...
(GTRA 1) Monday Series NA Race
(GTRA 2) Monday Series EU Race
(GTRA 3) Tuesday Series NA Race... so on and so forth

This is the same system 3D3 uses (i think). I'm not sure how connections will hold up, but i haven't seen much problems from 3D3.​

Ready-made OP's
Provided by me will be ready made, simple and intuitive OP's. Signing up will be under a sanctioning body (GTRA for now). Once you are signed up and is officially a sanctioned GTRA driver, you can enter any series on any given day, on any given time-slot (or maybe we can limit it to just one?). A signature line, similar to WRS will be required for identification.

So overall there will be 14 races for a daily schedule, or 10 races for a 5-day a week schedule. All stats will be compiled and centralized inside GTRA.

Racing Code, Safety Rating, and Licenses.
Initially, what i had in mind was a concept modeled after iRacing - A safety rating and license system will be brought up (WSGTC uses these systems). They should be able to encourage clean driving and add a bit of meaning and incentive towards a drivers' track conduct. This means damage will be set to heavy - which in lies the difficult obstacle of keeping track of incidents/complaints after every race.

So how? Not sure, but here's the general idea. Each series will have a minimum of at least 2 stewards. First, all incident shall be dealt with privately - if a mutual agreement is not met, then it shall be reported to Stewards. In case a steward is involved, then he will be excluded from deliberations. In case both stewards are involved, a steward from another series will inherit the job. Results will be official every race and penalties will be compiled and assessed after every season (each season will have 1 week breaks).
Safety Rating - A number that indicates a driver's general track conduct. Ranges from 1.0 (lowest/dirty) to 5.0 (safest/clean)
License - A label that indicates a driver's experience under GTRA. Can be used as a pass for special events.​

This is not a priority but i can pull in some sponsorship if i can.

Thoughts, comments, and feedback?
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Still undecided - we can do it in two ways.
1. Public Lobby - Host and Room Number will be announced accordingly
2. Private Lobby - Each series (day) will have separate private lobbies created through multiple accounts.
For Example (PSN ID and Series)...
(GTRA 1) Monday Series NA Race
(GTRA 2) Monday Series EU Race
(GTRA 3) Tuesday Series NA Race... so on and so forth

This is the same system 3D3 uses (i think). I'm not sure how connections will hold up, but i haven't seen much problems from 3D3.

I highlighted the parts that we (3D3) do actually use.
The only addition I have is that we exclusively use NAT1 connections for the actual room host.
Any drivers that enter the room before the designated host just leave and re-enter the room once the host is in.

Additionally, any drivers that remain invisible to others / DC regularly / can't join the room, are dealt with 1-on-1 to ensure their connections are setup properly, or to go over how they can improve their connection(s).

We have done extensive testing in all room types, using almost all variables, so if you need any assistance or advice, feel free to PM myself or WRP001 👍

Safety Rating - A number that indicates a driver's general track conduct. Ranges from 1.0 (lowest/dirty) to 5.0 (safest/clean)
License - A label that indicates a driver's experience under GTRA. Can be used as a pass for special events.
This I like :D
A lot.

Is this something you have worked with, or tried before?
I'm interested in how you would set this up, and keep it consistent.
Just curious as to how it can work without the computer keeping track - a la iRacing.
Very cool if it can be pulled off 👍
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Hosting - Ahh... yes.. i forgot about having a designated host. So technically, he has to be there first before anyone else. As far as i know, a private lounge connection depends on the host itself. Everyone else will feed off of him, while in a public room, everyone feeds off of each other, correct?

SR and L
- WSGTC Season 2 had these systems implemented in the middle of the season. It's added work yes, but i think it's a great feature. If each series Stewards are dedicated enough, it can be updated in a consistent basis (around 10-20 drivers per series).

Quoting myself below:

Hey guys, just a small introduction with the Safety Rating and Licenses. We utilized this system midway through Season 2 and I plan to optimize it even more this upcoming season to make sure everyone stays clean and disciplined.

Safety Rating - a number that indicates a driver's overall Racing Conduct. The higher the number, the cleaner the driver is and vice versa. The number ranges from 1.00 (100) to 5.00 (500).

License - a label that indicates the amount of experience a driver has under GTRA.
  • A Class - At least 36 races completed
  • B Class - At least 22 races completed
  • C Class - At least 12 races completed
  • D Class - At least 4 races completed
  • Rookie - No experience
License Promotion - maintain a Safety Rating of 4.00 and above for 4 races. Will have to pass through steward deliberation.
License Demotion - maintain a Safety Rating of below 2.00 for 4 races. Will have to pass through steward deliberation.​

Most WSGTC Veterans hold D Class licenses, with a few of C's and a couple of B's.

Here are some offences that results in SR deductions (Work in Progress):


Accumulation of penalties can result into probation or immediate suspension (reaching a total amount of seconds).

Achievements that gain SR Points (Work in Progress):
Finishing a race
Winning a race
Podium Finishes
No incident reports (clean race)
Reaching experience milestone
Promotion of License​

More info to come soon.
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I think it's a very neat idea Masi, just waiting to see the interest level. It'll need a lot of people, so I guess we'll see. Love the concept though.
Hosting - Ahh... yes.. i forgot about having a designated host. So technically, he has to be there first before anyone else. As far as i know, a private lounge connection depends on the host itself. Everyone else will feed off of him, while in a public room, everyone feeds off of each other, correct?

A private room is basically the same as a public room without the "Fixed host" option checked - network / connection wise.
It's only a fixed host public room that depends entirely on the host. If the host DC's in that scenario, the race is over, and all is lost 👎.

In a private lounge, if the host DC's, the next driver in the list automatically become the host - exactly the same as a public lobby without the "fixed host" option checked.
And yes, the host needs to be the first in the room, however if he is not, just ask the other driver(s) to leave, and re-enter the room, and all is good 👍

As long as your designated host is a NAT 1 connection, the host will not be invisible to other drivers, nor will he prevent others (NAT 2 connections) from connecting to the room.
That's the real benefit of a NAT 1 host. Routers just make things messy for GT5 :(
@ CSL - yeah, it would need to build some interest. I would hope to see this started after WSGTC Season 3. I'm basically trying to recreate iRacings online model (kinda). For example, the Mazda Cup runs 1 race per hour - we can't really duplicate that obviously - i'm proposing the same thing but in a much smaller scale. And without dedicated stand alone, automatic (or whatever you call them) servers :D

Man, it would be awesome if GT6 could have a similar online infrastructure like iRacing. The same ranked ladder system for the serious players - along side an 'unranked' lobby for the casual racers.

@ Hydro - Is there a step by step guide out there on how to get NAT 1 connections? What kind of connections speeds do you guys have at 3D3 (down/up)? What would be ideal for a full 14 car grid?
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Cant say much now but add me to the interested group. Would love to be involved some way and help get this up and running. Dont rush into going live though. Lots to sort out first.

Great to have you on-board 👍

And yes, this is just preliminary discussion. I don't see this going live until after WSGTC Season 3 (around April/May). Would love to hear some feedback if ever.

@ Hydro - Is there a step by step guide out there on how to get NAT 1 connections? What kind of connections speeds do you guys have at 3D3 (down/up)? What would be ideal for a full 14 car grid?

I'll PM you my connections guide. It's really a WIP, but it has helped out several 3D3 drivers so far.

For speeds, I usually host all 3D3 races, and my connection is 12Mbps Down / 1 Mbps up.

I'll get it to you by the weekend 👍
Thanks Hydro 👍

I'll probably start this from a 1-day, 2 series and slowly expand to the full 5 day, 10 series plan (or 7, depending on interest and demand). Sunday series possibly in late January.
I have heard you can't get NAT1 connection through a wireless router. Is that true? That could explain why Im always with NAT2. If you can get NAT1, mind telling me how? :D
My PS3 is hardwired and I always have NAT 2 (i think). I have 25down/2up.

Waiting on Hydro's DIY :)
NAT2 should be good enough, problem with NAT2 actually is that you can get NAT2 even without the ports to get NAT2 opened up. If so is the case the connection could work like a NAT3 even if it say NAT2. After some experience with it, it seems to work as a NAT2,5 :ouch:

To get NAT1 you will have to connect your ps3 into your Modem/fiberbox or what ever gives you internet. When the ps3 gets the internet ip instead of the lan IP you get NAT1

About fixed or not ownership depends on the clients internet speed. We experienced in ICGTC that the not fixed room ownership will cause to much traffic for some clients and we just started using open lobby with fixed ownership as I'm on a very stable connection with more than enough bandwidth to handle the traffic (60/60mbit). We haven't really been a full room yet so we are still in the testing of it, but haven't experienced any lag yet. I just cross my fingers I don't disconnect during any races from now on :scared:
Confirmed I got Nat1 when I took my PS3 off my router hardwire (was Nat2) and went straight into cable modem.

Does sound like a great idea Masi.
I'll watch this thread Masi. Weekends are bad for me but I'll still do whatever I can in hopes of a weekday schedule getting added.
Thanks for the link and advice fellas! I'll have a go and see if this works.

By the way, do you guys have any preference on which day you'd like to admin (if ever)?
I'll keep my eyes wide open to this thread as it fits my scedule just perfectly. The whole concept is also very well put together. My only concern would be interest level..
I can't race in the weekends and almost every race series is run in the weekends so this is especially nice for me.
Best of luck finding drivers.👍
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I´d compete if I could race like I could race before I started to drift xD.

This man always has amazing ideas.
Days will most likely be Sunday through Thursday (Friday & Saturday off).

Friday and Saturday will be reserved for WSGTC (and special events if ever).

Thanks Duman :)

Merry Christmas all :cheers:
Not at all. It's still a ways a way. I'll see if i can get the ball rolling with a Sunday Series. Most likely within the next month.
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