So if the server save always overwrites local save, does that mean even having backups are pointless if the server save is corrupted? And if you then try to restore backup (from USB/PSN cloud) it will just get overwritten by the server save anyway. What a joke.
See my other thread on losing my library data:
Well, I'm a bit 50/50 with answers there.
I'm not sure it's correct to say "the server save always overwrites the local save".
But Yes, IMO it does seem almost pointless to have a backup copy of your GTS console progress save file.
Essentially, the GT server save
is the backup.
If I delete the the console save file completely and start the game, the server file will become the new console save file.
And yeh, I've fallen foul of the library bug too.
A post of mine in the Bug report thread from March this year ...
I know some people really like their replays, photos, etc. but for me personally it wasn't a huge loss, so I didn't worry about it.
Quick update:
First, I really appreciate your help! I truly feel like your method is 100% the correct way to go about it, but the functionality seems to be turned off.
I tried it a few times, sometimes right after a race before getting my rewards and exiting to the home screen. It just seems like the game will not replace what is on the GTS servers. The game appears to be able to let you do this, and posts the same "turn PS4 to standby and then turn it back on with the game running" message...I just don't think they know the function does not work. I have been trying to find a customer service number for Polyphony or something, an email...anything.
You are correct, there was an update along the way where it stopped working, after previously working. It's a total bummer, I haven't played the game in a while because of it. I am going to just start fresh with a new account at this point, and try calling PS support for some guidance on Monday.
I don't understand why it doesn't work, and yet at the same time I'm not surprised to hear that it didn't.
Weird but true.
I don't agree that "the functionality seems to be turned off."
I basically proved yesterday (and again today with some more testing) that it works as intended.
I'm at a loss, so I've been trying to work out what the game doesn't like about the 'backup' console save file.
Here's my line of thinking.
I believe stats. such as DR and SR are held server side (proven by it still holding your old rankings even when starting a 'new' game), so a change there should not effect anything.
I believe replays, photos, liveries, etc are held server side, so I'm discounting them.
So what can be done/earned offline, as opposed to online, that alters a console save file that the server may not like when comparing the two?
Offline you can earn Credits, Mileage Points, and Experience.
Days Played doesn't seem to be an issue, as proven (at least on the the surface) by what I did yesterday.
Experience can only go up, so no issue here.
You can spend Mileage Points offline by upgrading cars in your Garage, so a higher or lower value here shouldn't matter.
Credits are interesting.
You can earn Credits offline but you cannot spend any, so I feel your 'offline backup' file would need to have at least as many or more Credits than the server file to not flag as an issue.
And now the area where I think most problems may lie ... your Garage.
Offline you have access to Arcade and Campaign, and therefore Circuit Experience, etc. where you can win prize cars.
I tested this today offline and was awarded a prize car.
So Gift Cars are okay? Probably.
Offline doesn't seem to record 'distance driven', so Daily Workout prize cars could be an issue.
But I've noticed people still complain somewhat recently about being bored when in a situation of the game catching up and going through day after day of awarding Daily Marathon cars on the wheel of mis-fortune.
So I suspect that excessive 'Days played' and gift cars comparing the server save to the console save does seem okay.
But you certainly have no way to purchase cars offline with Credits.
So I can see an issue with trying to load a 'backup' file that has Brand Central cars in it that the server save file does not.
Now, you can 'sell' cars from your Garage offline.
Earning Credits by doing so shouldn't be an issue.
So a suggestion here would be to load the server save file, go to the Garage, sort by Date Acquired, and note the latest car on that list.
Offline, load your best/latest save, sort you Garage by Date Acquired, and sell all cars bought after the last car bought on your list according to the server save file.
I'm going to assume all Gift Cars are okay, just the cars purchased from Brand Central need to go.
So you'll lose all of those cars purchased, but gain 30% of their Credit value back. Life sucks.
I can't think of much else, so in a nutshell, IMO ...
DR, SR, replays/photos/etc.,Days Played, Driver Level/Experience, Mileage Points, Gift Cars, and 'Campaign' progress can all be ignored.
But ensure your 'backup' save has at at least as much or more Credits than the server file.
And ensure you don't have any Brand Central purchased cars in you 'backup' file that aren't in the server file.
Whether you wish to try that or not will depend on your circumstance, and if you can be bothered to spend the time to try it.
And I don't know if anyone else can add to that or wishes to correct something there.
But I think that's about as far as I can take it.