
Rented this game over the weekend, what a great game. It is the first that I've played where you travel around on horseback. Set in the United States ' Old West' The game is fun and fresh, great cut scenes, good storyline, graphics are good and the gameplay is alot of fun. Lots of weapons to choose from, and a bow and arrow approach is great too!

Highly Recomended! 👍 👍
I picked this one up a week ago but havent had a chance to play it yet. I have heard nothing but great things about it though! Maybe when Im done with True Crime NYC ;)
What in gods great wild west name are you morons smoking?! Are you kidding me!? THIS game good!? You don't even have to friggin aim in this game!? You just get in the vacinity of the target and shoot. There's no friggin gore anywhere!? And to get health back you take swigs of alcohol?! OMG WTF... ?! I won't even get started about wannabe jeronimo you have to follow around. :rolleyes: At best this game is a sorry attempt at a wild west version of GTA and True Crime. Don't waste your $7.00 renting this and if you absolutely feel the need to shoot yourself in the foot like 194GVan did (which he will soon find out) buy this game. :dopey:

Oh... :writing note to self: Do not blindly trust anything 194GVan says anymore.
the aiming method changes depending on the difficulty level you choose at the beginning, the 'swiggs of alcohol' is taken from almost all classic western movies when a guy would be shot and take a few swiggs of whiskey and be good to go...adn you onl yfollow a guy ( you father ) around for the first two levels, then your on your own to travel btw towns and all of that stuff... can blow a guys head into smitherines with a around with arrows sticking out of you...its not its main feature, but so what !
Im not going to get into what I did or did not pay for the game...speculate all you want. I trust my co-worker's opinion a little more than yours vip, Its pretty evident you and I don't have the same taste in games....thanks for sharing.
Oh... :writing note to self: Do not blindly trust anything 194GVan says anymore.
Im sorry you trusted me before :rolleyes:

I already stated in this very thread that I havent played it before, and that I have heard good things about it from people I know and reviews on the net and in magazines. But I guess we are all wrong, huh?

Sure its not the 100% Im sure you are looking for but seems like a pretty solid rating to me.
Well, I found cheat codes for my AR Max, played it, and it became so much more enjoyable. The infinite quickdraw mode made it awsome because I could beat/shoot the crap out of EVERYONE and watch the impressive shot physics at work. :lol: This game would actually last maybe 20 more min. than GTA and 10 more min. than True crimes. Is it worth $50? No... Is it worth renting to kill time. Ehh... yeah sure.

Even though everything but the blood splatters start to look fake after awhile this game seems brain washing liked which also isn't good. :ill: Especially with the knife as well as the ability to hold and then "execute" someone.
i played it yesterday for about an hour and i must say this game is very good, i really like the quick draw and the fact that you can peoples heads off is great, but whats really cool is when you shoot them in the side of the head and you just blow a chunk off lol you can buy weapon upgrades, the knife upgrade gives you the ability to scalp people 👍 you can also buy a pick-axe to dig for gold.

the story is very well done and the game looks great on the PS2, it makes me wonder what the XBOX version looks like. :)
Rented this game and beat it on hard in about 6 hours. Did every mission and etc.
Was not impressed. Was happy I only paid 6 bucks to rent it and not 50 to buy this pos.
Game was pretty weak for all the hype it recieved.
Is this the finished product of the "Gunslinger" game that was hyped up around the time of the PS2's launch? I remember seeing a few previews in magazines but never followed its development...

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