Guys who live in California, we need your help!

  • Thread starter RallyF1
Pointless effort. It will never pass even if all voters vote for it. Too much money is being made with intersection cameras.

Note, I don't have front license plates on any of my vehicles, and I've never been pulled over for it. The trick is, if they do pull you over, have it lying in the front seat next to you. If pulled over, and the cop says, "I pulled you over because you don't have a license plate." Just say, "Oh, I know. It just fell off, and I'm going to reattach it when I get the time later this afternoon." He'll then give you a warning to put it on, or let you go on your way. A warning is usually called a fix-it ticket. Show later that you attached it, and the ticket goes away. Then, take it off again.
:lol: I've been running around without a front license plate forever and haven't gotten in trouble. You watch... just because I said it I'll get in trouble. :grumpy: thanks. :knocks on wood:

Solid Lifters
A warning is usually called a fix-it ticket. Show later that you attached it, and the ticket goes away. Then, take it off again.

:odd: That "fix-it" ticket my friend got was $75 :dopey: Granted we were in Fremont and it was during the "races" where they give you a ticket for anything. Since it's a law I'm sure the $75 stands even if your not at the races. :rolleyes:
I signed it. Worth a try, right?

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being stopped simply, because they didn't have a front license plate. I've never had one and haven't had any problems.

Last edited by RallyF1 : Yesterday at 11:01 PM. Reason: grmatical errors

Haha, was this intentional?
What is wrong with a front plate? As long as it is not blocking your intakes, what difference does it make?

It is probably just a bunch of ricers who think the front plate ruins their "aerodynamic performance".
Online petitions are similar to shoveling out an Avalanche, using only a spork.

Sure, you make headway, but it's still pretty much a lost cause.

You want to make a dent in this issue? Call a senator, visit one of your representatives. But if your sole reason for removing your front license plates, is"looks" you're fighting the wrong fight.

Good luck.

Why would anyone not want a front licence plate? - Am i missing something really obvious?

Solid Lifters - you seem to be going to a hell of a lot of effort just to not have one!
Solid Lifters
"Oh, I know. It just fell off, and I'm going to reattach it when I get the time later this afternoon."

Now there's a quote that shouldn't be taken out of context! ;)

Nice work though Solid! :lol:
Why would anyone not want a front licence plate? - Am i missing something really obvious?

Solid Lifters - you seem to be going to a hell of a lot of effort just to not have one!
Why would you not want one? They look so bad on so many cars! My car looks especially bad with one (fortunately they are not required for my state), and front plates can really stick out on a lot of other models.
Why would you not want one? They look so bad on so many cars! My car looks especially bad with one (fortunately they are not required for my state), and front plates can really stick out on a lot of other models.

But all cars are designed to have licence plates, front and back. The space is there to be filled.

You should see the size of licence plates in the UK!

I don't think plates spoil the look of any car, all cars have them, they just become invisible most of the time.

Custom 'vanity' plates - now theres something that needs banning!
I don't see what the big deal is. We don't have front plates here and I like it but just because I get to put my UK plate on the front. The only reason I would care is if we were keeping the stupid smiley face license plates. I'd hate to have another one of those on my car. Thank God they are changing the plates this year.
i would like to thank who ever signed that pettition, and to the ones who did not sign. does really make any difference if you sign it? i guess not, so for the heck of it please sign, the more the better.
i own a vw gti, and the dealer messed up my front bumper, eventhough i specifically pointed out not to drill it.
cars look better without a plate. and if, let's say if i'm running away from the cops it won't be while going in reverse. so there is no point for front plates.
The front plate isn't that bad. And on some cars you can get it positioned on the hood rather than the bumper so as not to reduce air intake. Anyway, you'll only need that maximum air flow on teh track, where you can easily remove it.

Oh and RallyF1, "He who dares Wins" is the SAS moto, not the RAF.
My dad got a ticket for not having a front plate while parked in San Francisco once. He didn't have one on because someone someone had backed into him while parking and it had fallen off. So, I guess that these tickets just come from places where police (or meter maids) are overly active.

And...I'd say the best reason for not having the front plate is the fact that the bolts put some nasty dents/holes into the car in front of you in minor collisions. I know a couple people that have had the bolts on a front plate punch holes into a rear bumper.
to the ones who did not sign. does really make any difference if you sign it?

If it won't make any difference if we sign it, why have a petition at all?

And if it doesn't make any difference if we DON'T sign it, why should we?

i guess not, so for the heck of it please sign, the more the better.
i own a vw gti, and the dealer messed up my front bumper, eventhough i specifically pointed out not to drill it.
cars look better without a plate. and if, let's say if i'm running away from the cops it won't be while going in reverse. so there is no point for front plates.

If a friend of yours is coming the other way, how will you tell his car from any other example of the same-colour, mass-produced car to know to give him a wave?

Eh? Eh?

This makes just about as much sense.
Solid Lifters
Pointless effort. It will never pass even if all voters vote for it. Too much money is being made with intersection cameras.

Note, I don't have front license plates on any of my vehicles, and I've never been pulled over for it. The trick is, if they do pull you over, have it lying in the front seat next to you. If pulled over, and the cop says, "I pulled you over because you don't have a license plate." Just say, "Oh, I know. It just fell off, and I'm going to reattach it when I get the time later this afternoon." He'll then give you a warning to put it on, or let you go on your way. A warning is usually called a fix-it ticket. Show later that you attached it, and the ticket goes away. Then, take it off again.
OR, you can just slap it on the dash. That's usually legal. (either leave it there, or just put it on when you get pulled over and say they must have missed it. It might not be good for a cop pulling you over to see you reaching under the passengers seat though...)

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