HÀPPY /\/Ê\/\/ ßÉÉR get ye free ßÉÉR (car)

United States
United States
HÀPPY /\/Ê\/\/ YÊÁR!!!! im offering the person that is post # 20 will get a free car of there choice good luck

no more then 1 post per person
must send a FR to xMercury_Cougarx and the winner must wait untill tomorrow to recheve car
Winner must have a active PSN account and have more then 75 posts
offer valid 12/31/11 - 1/1/12
cars with a higher rareity must allow 2-3 business days to process car
I can't win now. :(

Edit 1: I can't post again. "1 post per person." but I can edit a thousand times. :)

Edit 2: 'GT Champ & F1_Stig', you won't win with that attitude. But I won't win with mine either I guess. :(

Edit 3: Sorry Duck. How long will it be between 18th post and 19th?

Edit 4: 10 to go. I still can't win. Good work Duck.
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Still waiting for the Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STI spec C Type RA RM '05 in GT POLARIZED 010.

EDIT - Car received. Thank you.
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My contribute to this thread. Good luck to the 20th poster :cheers:

EDIT: @Milldrum. Spread the word
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I know, just wanted to bugtest your game....post #20.... sorry

Not, I made a second post..just wanted to hit the #20 too hahaha

Aaaah man, Didn't knew it was your second post.

Can I be the winner I'm the 22th post:dopey:
Happy New Year guys! Now what are you gonna do now with the game?

Use Rondom number thingy from 2 till 25 and the number that wins is the post around here.
Example rondom thingy says 22 then the person with the 22th post is the winner.
you win since other peopleposted more then 1 post pick your car of choice

wow man thanks a lot!! I dont know this but can i have a Nissan GT-R SpecV (GT Academy Special)? Because i once had one but my save data was corrupted and i lost it so please can be that one?