Hamann 645Ci HM 5.2

  • Thread starter pimp racer
Change the lame alloys on all hamaan projects and then I can be happy in to say that this is nice Tuned BMW.
I passed a new 6 series BMW on the way into London the other day. My brother reckons the rear end looks like a Megane! I think the car is pretty nice. Wasn't liking the Bangle designs at first, but after seeing both the 5 and 6 series' in r/l many times, they look nice. Rims are ok, it's a shame they're the same as nearly every other Hamann car though.

I'd say 9/10. So far nothing is nicer imo than the 9.5 i'm still voting for the new M5 :)
Very nice looking, and I thought the 6 series was nice enough by itself, well atleast it doesn't have the ugly rims thast the hamman gallardo has.
Nothing sreams power like a big, honking red engine cover.
Seriously, it looks like somebody busted out the Krylon on that thing. Take it off, I want to see whats underneath.

Ferrarri/Maserati do engines right--powdercoat the intake, finned valve covers, now thats sexy.
pimp racer
10/10 for the new M5. for me donbenni.

Hmmm. 10/10 means it's perfect. The new M5 is a fantastic car, but imo, a little weight reduction and maybe some minor body changes would make it a "perfect 10" :)
Not bad, the Hamann one is nicer though imo. More stlyish, less obvious than the slap-on kit and huge shiny wheels of the Breyton one. And with another look at the photos, i've decided i don't like the convertible as much as the hardtop.
Not bad, the Hamann one is nicer though imo. More stlyish, less obvious than the slap-on kit and huge shiny wheels of the Breyton one. And with another look at the photos, i've decided i don't like the convertible as much as the hardtop.
Same here alwalys loved the hard tops then the Lambo murc convertable came out and I was drooling all over it.
Hmmm...The back of it looks totaly off from what BMW normaly does...the lights look like well I cant put my finger on it but the back doesnt look BMW