Hardest Playstation/PSone game?

  • Thread starter Shannon
final fantasy 6

i dunno but when I got to the point when everything mashing up all the creatures on that floating rock are evil

that and european extreme on metal gear solid 2 damn you are not allowed to have rations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm... Mario Bros, because you can't continue without cheating

Oh wait, that's NES

PSX it's gotta be The X-Files, because of the crappy interface! If you find a copy, buy it cheap, because, although it's got horrible interaction, the storyline is good, it's like an X-Files episode or a short movie:) If you play it, you'll understand

PS2 it's got to be either Madden 2002 on the hardest level or MGS2 on the hardest level.
Madden 2002???? Are you kidding? You just don't play it enough if you think it's hard.

The only time that game is hard is when you are playing with no created players and the other team is all created 99 everything and as fat and tall as you can make them.