Have we already seen Rewind in action?

  • Thread starter deep_sky
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United Kingdom
I've not seen anyone point this out, so feel free to lock if they have, but there's always been something bugging me about the E3 trailer since it was first shown, and it was the part were the Subaru was shown with damage. I couldn't really put my finger on it, put with the recent musings that GT5 may be incorporating a rewind feature, it suddenly began to make sense.

Having downloaded the .mov version of the E3 video, I was able to watch the trailer frame by frame, and I'm now sure that PD has already shown us Rewind in action, and we've never clocked on to it.

Take a look at the infamous footage:


If you look closely, you can clearly see that the background is moving forwards, but look at the tyres, and inparticular the tyre markings; you can clearly see that they are moving backwards....so the car must be moving backwards...i.e. it must be reversing. If you watch the movie frame by frame slowly, you can clearly see that the car is actually moving backwards i.e. "reversing".

Of course it could be from replay mode....but why would PD show rewind replay footage? That would make no sense. It looks pretty clear cut to me; rewind is definitely coming to GT5.
Hmm, this is interesting, but the way I see it is that this was footage of the car after a crash. Meaning, he could of spun out and the car is spinning backwards (if I make myself clear).
i dont agree, PD uses a system that simulates the flicker of your eyeball. hence why the spokes of the wheels apear to be spinning backwards when the car is moving forwards. Its because ur brain and eye ball have a frame rate, when things move faster then your eye can take two pictures ur brain get confused and smudged them together.

crash idea makes more sense to me.
:odd: that's not rewind...
it's just the car going backwards after the crash...

Forward to 1:31 and see for yourself, the car spins out and rolls backwards, how can you think that possibly shows rewind in action?

This thread should be locked because there is speculation... And then there is stupidity.
This is the stupidest most retarded thread ever. I see a car reversing in a GT5 trailer, therefore, GT5 must have a rewind feature. No, it has a reverse gear feature :/
Yeah it just looks like he's about to steer out of the crash.

The only thing that is weird to me how even though he's about to hit the wall the car takes a SHARP right into the wall, unprovoked by anything else
This is the stupidest most retarded thread ever. I see a car reversing in a GT5 trailer, therefore, GT5 must have a rewind feature. No, it has a reverse gear feature :/
No need to be rude about it.

I don't think we've seen any rewinding in action though. When I first looked at the GIF you posted, it looked like the background was going backwards. But then I looked at the GIF again, and I saw that the ground looked like it was moving forward, so I looked at the background again and this time it too looked like it was moving forward.
I will point out another thing here though, in that video at the top, the Tyre is wrong. It's a one-directional tyre thats facing the wrong way. The directional tread in this case is on the outside of the tyre but it's pointing backwards, when it should be pointing forwards :/ Anyone else see this? That tyre should be on the front offside wheel...
Yeah I saw that, but it also looks like a street performance tire, like it's not meant for off road use.
This thread should be locked because there is speculation... And then there is stupidity.

This is the stupidest most retarded thread ever. I see a car reversing in a GT5 trailer, therefore, GT5 must have a rewind feature. No, it has a reverse gear feature :/

Wow people, no need for the attitude... I don't understand how can the guy misinterpret such a thing or maybe this is a weird attempt to troll but there's no need to be so harsh about it.
:odd: that's not rewind...
it's just the car going backwards after the crash...

And we have a winner! Why would PD post video with the rewind system? Sure rewind might make it to GT5 but this footage has nothing to do with it..
LOL I noticed a glitch in the wheel arch. Seen plenty of rendering glitches in GT5 trailers....
Besides of the members who says retarded(sure they are perfect people), i dont think thats rewind, for me thats the traveling of the camera going in the oposite direction of the car, because of that looks like a rewind, but no.

Sorry my english.
At various points in that video, the wheel "appears" to be turning one way, and then the other. It's an optical illusion that has been recreated in-game. Spokes often look they they are going in reverse at certain RPM.
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