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This bug is fun

(found it on other gt board)
Originally posted by fporto_br
Which song is that on the video? I kinda like it...

I think that the song's name is the title of the video itself. The music makes it that much more enjoyable.
Well, it's not... I've been searching for songs with Tonde Mawatte and the only result is a song from an anime series. I've downloaded it and it's not the same...
Originally posted by fporto_br
Well, it's not... I've been searching for songs with Tonde Mawatte and the only result is a song from an anime series. I've downloaded it and it's not the same...

The song (from year 1978) is in the following album


The best collection of Hiroshi Madoka, "Musoubana" (Dream flower)

You can hear the MIDI at this page (the BGM of the page)

Thanks man! I liked the orchestration a lot and I love japanese music, so this is my next Kazaa search! I'll download other two songs from Mr. Madoka. If I like'em, I'm gonna buy the disc...

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