Helicopter view?

Ferrari-Driver93 & HAMIDEH
Will it be awsome if GT5 has Helicopter replay view? I'm pretty sure it would help, and what I meen by help is that you can spot any mistakes in your driving and improve it. Another reason, it's an amazing view, you can feel the sense of speed from up there and would really want you to drive alot more just for the view of it. haha!

So what would you say when it comes to helicopter view?
and would it really be helpful and "c:dopey::dopey:l" to have that in GT5?
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Oh wow! I never thought of that. It would be really great. There is already a helicopter - ish view in GT5P where the camera is looking down from the car from a higher view.
Um...It's almost a common belief that the lower you are to the ground, the higher the sense of speed - because everything is wizzing by you at a closer distance - and distance perspective dictates that the closer you are to something, the more something of a constant distance moves in your field of view.

As for the question...it would be good, but only because you could really iron out any faults with driving lines.


P.S. The GTP community are a sensible bunch - you don't need 4 exclamation points and three question marks to get our attention. ;)
Will it be awsome if GT5 has Helicopter replay view? I'm pretty sure it would help, and what i meen by help is that you can spot any mistakes in your driving and improve it. Another reason, it's an amazing view, you can feel the sense of speed from up there and would really want you to drive alot more just for the view of it. haha!

So what would you say when it comes to helicopter view?
and would it really be helpful and "c:dopey::dopey:l" to have that in GT5?

Atlast someone came up with something meaningful.

I would love the helicopter view.
Well Kazunori Yamauchi has always had "impossible" camera angles in the GT series. That made all the replays really great to watch. Especially if you are going 150mph+ on a straight!!!
GT5p sometimes has a birdseye view in replay mode. It doesn't show up very often, but it looks great. Would be nice if you could manually switch to the camera of your choice though.
Helicopter View?

Much better :D.

Another one I thought up was that cinematic view as seen on the recent GTA games.

It sounds lame and it wouldn't be very functional, but I am absolutely mesmorised by the way PD have modeled the wheels and designed how the blur - it's just so realistic :drool:. I think it'd be cool to watch the lauching starts from outside the car, or if you're have a huge moment, and theres no way of getting control soon, you could just switch to the cinematic mode....meh...it's something to do...and watch. :)
Um...It's almost a common belief that the lower you are to the ground, the higher the sense of speed - because everything is wizzing by you at a closer distance - and distance perspective dictates that the closer you are to something, the more something of a constant distance moves in your field of view.

From a chopper view you can see how quickly your car is tracking along.

Personally I dont really watch replays so dont care what cameras we have. Sometimes I like the pure top down view so you can see your line through a corner, but thats about it.
It would be a nice touch, so long as it's not like GT2's overhead/helicopter view. I think a thermal image would be cool aswell, when the cars enter the pits.
There have been quite a few helicopters in Gran Turismo, I think there was one shown the the GT4P intro and then there was one in a trailer for GTHD. All had men hanging out of the chopper holding a camera, so you never know!

Heres a quick video of the helicopter....

I think it would be great to watch your replay mode with the ghost of your best lap time in helicopter view.
I love it!

Great idea.

Btw, I love the camera in GT5 demo, on straight camera is going towards and BOOM suddenly cars pass the camera and shows the rear end of the cars. Awesome.
I am all for any extra viewing angles in replays, a Helicopter view would be a nice addition.:cool:
I rarely watch my replays after doing a race, but a helicopter view sounds cool and might assist in aiding replay verification :)
One of the replay cameras should track in the centre of the road just in front of your car looking back at it. The drift replays would be awesome!
I rarely watch my replays after doing a race, but a helicopter view sounds cool and might assist in aiding replay verification :)

Wha? Your missing the 2nd best part :sly:

I love watching some of my replays, granted that it was a good race.

But as long as the Heli view was a direct overhead view, I think it would be awesome.
Would be a way to showcase a good replay system in the WRC, Nascar maybe & GT mode.Maybe could go from the chopper cam to on the ground camera people at different locations for in game and/or replays.