hello GT racers

  • Thread starter crashthng
United States
My name is crashthng and I've been gamer racing since the 70's. Crash is what I do to myself not to others. CRASH is also an anachronism for Championship Racing Assimilated at Home ( Crash-n-Bash-Clan racing) a 6yr old forum site of serious racers (278 ccurrently) worldwide. Some of us have real world racing experiences and are current real world racers. We hold various series races and challenges weekly/monthly with virtual trophies awarded.

All these yrs racing I never knew of this site until last night when a fellow forum racer told me about it. After reading thru it I see a lot of valuable information that I feel needs to be shared our forum and I'm going to put link to this site from ours. I'm a co-founder and site administrator and know some new members as well as older members improving their racing skills with this information.
Thanks and have a great race day.
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Thanks for the warm "WELCOMES" and maybe some day I'll have the pleasure of racing with you.