Hello, New to PS3!

  • Thread starter JasonBD89
Tasmania, Aus
Hello all

So i decided to go out and get a PS3 for my self and GT5 along with it. been playing the 360 since it came out and am sick of all that forza ive played. I remeber playing the first GT on the first Playstation when i was a kid, my oldest brother got me one car on his account and i used to race it over and over. but in GT2 i really got into the game and did my own thing and loved it so ive played all the GTs that followed after.

So now the history is out there i can say what i think of GT5 and that is its all you need in a Race sim and didnt lose any of its fun after all these years of playing this game from 1 to 5

Been new to PS3 and GT5 im looking to fill my friends list up a bit, so far ive looked at threads and sent out friends requests to a few people and 5 have accepted, if you want to have and extra friend on PS3 send me a request of i can send you one if you want. my ID is JasonBD89

See ya out there