Help Me! Whats the drift for AE86?

  • Thread starter fifaboot
Umm... I not exactly sure what you are asking but if you want to know what drifting is, it has been discussed in numerous different threads, read the drift guide that will help.
There are no specific drift settings; every one has different ones. Just mess around with them and keep what you like and change what you don't. This way you will have your own and you will be able to set up any car. Just make sure TCS and ASM are set to zero or very low, you can use sim tires or normals but I wouldn't use anything softer cus the AE86 doesn't have that much power (150 hp to 250 hp on sims, and 350hp+ on normals). The softer the tires the more power you need. These are the basics use them to build you own settings. And remember drifting has very little to do with settings it’s all about practice.