help needed, im hot, but want to be official douche status so i can **** lotsa chicks

  • Thread starter advanR


Im having a little trouble losing that last 5% body fat. When I try and cut, I lose muscle, when I try and eat big to gain muscle, I also gain fat.

Now Im about 178lb 15% bf. I was down to 169lb 14% (not exercising for 2 weeks, so i just didnt eat much) a few weeks ago, i started running with a little lifting and was able to put on some muscle to be around 175lb 13% bf. Ive been eating a little more now, and probably had a very low metabolism before, so now I have put on a few pounds.

I know starting a lifting program, continuing to run, eating a lot of protein, and cutting carbs/calories otherwise would probably do the trick. But Im just looking for clarification, and a little motivation. Maybe someone could give me some tips on diet or otherwise.

This is what I have done before.

squats, bench press, standing row, seated row, lat pulldown, tricep pushdown, military press.

Im thinking of doing squats (i like them, great for adding lots of mass), bench (i have a very toned chest, but want a little more size), and then something for back and shoulders. Is there something better out there I could do for back and shoulders? What do you suggest for abs?

so any suggestions?

btw, I dont mind being dedicated, going 4+ nights a week. but there are so many douches at the gym, im not going to be like that. i am not completely obsessed with every inch of my body. i dont wear fagget necklaces, i dont hit on chicks at the gym. man, douches, theyre funny.
Well, when loosing weight (fat) you are always going to loose some muscle. The body will use muscle tissue as fuel before it will tap into it's fat reserves. But the good news is that you can minimize this effect.
What you need to do is really start altering your diet. Eat foods that are high in protien and low in fats such as:

(there are TONS of places on the web that you can find more information about diet)

Eat foods like the above mentioned and you will start shedding some pounds but eat often. Eating 5-7 times a day will speed up your bodies metabolism which will enhance your weight loss. Just make sure that you stay away from fatty foods and keep your protien intake high. Protien is used by the body for fuel immediately and is not stored as fat and you will also need lots of protien to keep that lean muscle mass.
What I'm currently doing is eating lots of fish and then supplementing my diet with protien bars and shakes. These are high in valuable protien and low in calories. 👍

You also want to supplement your diet with a good work out. The workout you breifly detailed above will be sufficient to maintain some of your muscle mass, but you will need to add A LOT more cardio activities such as running or aerobics.
Cardio workouts are by far the best way to loose fat fast, but you need to remember that you will have to do rather long cardio workouts to see quick and effective results.
Run for at least an hour. Anything less and results will take longer to acheive. If you see them at all.
Running for about 30 min. at 70% of your peak heart rate will only yield about 350 lost calories. So run fast and for longer periods.

Good luck and keep with it, you will not see results immediately with any diet so you need to keep at it.
A good source of info that I tend to use frequently is a site called Testosterone Magazine. The site can be found at Check out the FAQ's.
thank you.

yes, I think I know a little about eating healthy. I always try to maximize protein intake and limit calories. but there isnt always an easy source of quick protein around my house. tuna and shakes arent the most appetizing, but you have to do what you have to do to get what you want :).

Oh yes, I have been also focusing mostly on cardio until now, as fat loss was more important to me before than muscle gain. I was running in 30minute sessions before, 3 miles. Doing as much as i felt like that day, not very structured.

Do you have any advice on running? I asked in the running thread. My heartrate hovers between 180-200bpm at 6.5 miles per hour. This seems very high. I am not out of breathe, but after 30minutes at 6mph my face is almost bloodshot red. I think this will go away after a week or so, I just need to get used to running again. maybe keep a slower pace.
Ok well if I knew 1/2 of what I know about physical condition, about cars I would be the next, well I don't know any smart car people.

Ok here is a list of things you need if you want to cut it, and cut it quick.

Hydroxy-Cut.... Local GNC carries it.
Phosphagen....Grape tastes the best just don't buy GNC products.
A Creatine Transport.... Again any but GNC preferrably EAS
and a good workout routine.

If you want to loose fat...
A lot of caridiac lifts (lots of reps and less weight.)
If you want to build mass (less reps and lots of weight.)

You built like me (180, 8% Body fat....) So you should try to do ab circuts depending on how much you want to lose. Around the 180-200 wight you need to do a ton of abs and push ups to gain body control.
I suggest doing 60 situps as fast as possible and then switching straight to push ups. Do 20 and flip back to abs, do this for as long as possible. Do this along with a sensable diet, which is eating what you are now and eating less and cutting out all desserts and in-between snacks, and you'll be fine.

If you want my workout and maybe some other advice feel free to e-mail me.
awesome. yes, I have the goal of 10% bf by january 20th.

I would like to know your workout.

my goal looked possible up until a week ago. now this last week ive disappointed myself. I need a set plan, and then I can be focused.

Any suggestions for low calorie/carb beer? I am off of school for a month and would like to still enjoy myself on the weekends.
Beer, Believe me dosn't matter drink away and get trashed. If you don't care to give it up and help yourself out even more. If you get trashed make sure you just put more effort into it tomarrow and make sure you drink chaser after your first beer. It does help kill the hangover if your getting blitzed.

I will send you my workout in a few I have to go to my girlfriends basketball game.
If your not obsessed with every inch of your body then why are you worried about that last 5% of body fat? Why don't you post a pic of yourself and let everyone else judge for themselves.
alcohol slows down the bodies acess to fat. Thats fine if your are only using carbs and direct glucose for energy but as you are trying to loose some body fat you might have abit of a problem.
But as TSi_Shiftz said, do a little extra the next day and you should cancel out the effect,
Originally posted by a917fan
If your not obsessed with every inch of your body then why are you worried about that last 5% of body fat? Why don't you post a pic of yourself and let everyone else judge for themselves.

5% is a lot. that "last couple %" is more like being at 8%bf and wanting 6%. i do care quite a bit what i look like, but i am not obsessed. i have a picture of what i could look like in my head. i want to look like that. its not 7% bf and perfect abs, humoungous arms, etc. just good enough, because my face is already so sexy.

douchebag = black wifebeater, gold chain, spiked hair with frosted tips, basketball shorts down to knees, basketball shoes, looking in mirror every 2 minutes and trying to flirt with every girl in the gym.

erm, every guy on elimidate, most of the guys on roomraiders. if a guy is young and in shape, he is likely a douchebag. "mmmm, i want a piece of that ass"

in my quest through fitness i would like to try and keep my feet on the ground. respect women, dont become a whore, keep my values, etc.
Originally posted by a917fan
If your not obsessed with every inch of your body then why are you worried about that last 5% of body fat? Why don't you post a pic of yourself and let everyone else judge for themselves.

Who cares if you are obsessed with yourself. Dude, it is better to be obsessed with yourself than to neglect it.

And trust me, if you want to be right around 4-7% body fat then you -will - have to slow down with the beer drinking. That is just a sacrifice you will have to make.

My work out is in process...
I will e-mail it to you ASAP.:)
Hmm... I don't know what "Official Douche Status" is but coming from a Cross country backround, I feel like yes eating right and getting daily or exercise is important but also "shocking" your body so it doesn't get used to your routine. Say if you run a mile... and you know you can do it in a certain time then try either running it faster or running longer. When I was in x-country we not only did running but there was times where we did laps in the pool running with jeans and shoes on... After that we would tread water in the deep pool for 5 or 10 min. intervals... with jeans and shoes. I can't remember how many I just knew I'd last 5 or 10 min more before I drowned. As for the nutrition part I didn't really pay all that much attention but I didn't eat bad food. I don't like fast food, pizza, soda stuff like that anyways. Lots of pasta and rice I suppose? For your info, I'm about 5'7 and 140lbs. so there's a little difference. At this point It's been a while since cross country and even longer since I ran but I've been mountain biking for a while so that seems to be as challenging for me sometimes. I started biking with a buddy that got me into it (he was in pro) and pretty much from the beginning of may to about june I was beating him and then his friend in aug. Although I credit my speedy development to my training prior to MTB for most of it.

Uhhh dude there is a giant difference between 140 and 175 when your both 5'7 , 5'8, your probably a smaller frame built and less bulky. But if your 175 you probably have a big chest and could probably do some damge in a weight room.
Well even though there's a weight difference my advice can still help him... I feel like I didn't gain any weight but instead all my muscle has turned into fat...

No if you go on a diet, you will lose body mass, but that dosn't mean your muscle turns to fat. If you eat a ton your metabolism will speed up, although fat will pile on if you don't eat the right foods. If you diet you will lose mass and become skinnier, with less muscle.
i really need some suggestions for food. after a day running to the cabinet to put some honey mustard sauce on cans of tuna, im sick of it.
Hmm... interesting... shows you how much I know about this stuff. One thing AdvanR and Tsi_shiftz that you reminded me of is that I don't put "extra" stuff on my food like how you add honey mustard. I guess the obvious one is start off right and give yourself a chance... if your exercising but still not eating right or not changing your eating habits it won't make a difference.

Another thing is, Say I eat a big dinner one night... the next day I won't eat much because it will be the same as if I ate two meals both days, understand? Maybe like portion size and how often you eat? I don't really have a breakfast or lunch usually but for the most part I have a really big dinner which is compensation. I also, try to stay awake or active after eating especially dinner because your just letting the food you just ate sit in your stomach and get stored.

I guess a theory is that by staying active or not going to sleep right after your body is in some way still burning it off. Oh, I still don't know what an official douche status is either?

There is a very important idea in here. Eating right is the first step to burning it off, give me a few days I will try to and find you a complete list of dieting foods to 1)Cut fat 2)Speed up your metabolism 3)Help your health overall.

I took some muscualr pictures since A917fan, wants to judge what I look like for some reason. But yea you can see what I look like and if you want to listen to my advice or not. I dfon't have a scanner so I might have to wait until I go back to school in a week to post them.

List is on its way...
Originally posted by VipFREAK
Oh, I still don't know what an official douche status is either?


heh, that word is funny. i want to look like them, but not act and dress like them. ........and im strange too.
How old are you?

If you're still in your growth period I advise you to NOT do squats, it compresses your back and can cause serious problem when in the period of growth!

ask me! I did squat when i was 16 and the Dr diagnoced a lateral movement of 7 degree. I had to stop lifting and training for like 2 months.
I am only 5'7 but that isn't too bad for being 15. Besides it dosn't make that big of a change in your growth if you don't do them, reapeativly.

I am squatting 320 and it dosn't seem to be slowing down my growth any at all.
~175lb, 12.5%bf

fat is coming off the belly good. chest and up is perfect, cept for very little under chin. ass is tight. thighs still have a bit to go. calfs are becoming toned from running.

been going about every other night. the last few times running 3miles in 30min. lift a bit, bench, lats, curls, sitting row, military press, not too intense, but whatever area doesnt feel really sore that i think i can work on. then another 20-30min run depending on whats left in me.

Ill be moving to brooklyn in a week, but ima keep at it. I think I will start slowing the pace down a little bit on the runs, so i can go for atleast an hour.