help needed. Photoshop wizzes can you help?

  • Thread starter DRIFT4EVA
United Kingdom
I've decided to splash out on myself by having a pic of a Skyline GTR R32 or R34 blown up to around 1.8x1.2 meters. A friend of mine is a sign writer he does this like everyday, he doesn't edit pics though. What I need is someone to edit a pic I have or if you have pics that I may like sweet as. Please show me lol. The pics have to be as big as possible and with the best quality

thanks all
Your going to struggle to get a picture that size, unless you've taken it on a dSLR camera which is a high resolution camera say (10-12 Megapixels), the reason why I say a dSLR as well is that the quality will be far better than a cellphone picture or a compact camera.

I'm currently working at a magazine company dealing with high res prints, unless you want to stretch the picture causing it to perhaps not look right and become pixelated due to the huge size increase I would suggest perhaps finding a company who already create and sell pictures of the Skyline and go with that, it'll be easier in the long run. :)
What size do these pics end up before you do anything with them?

I'm sorry, I wouldn't be able to remember off the top of my head. But most of the time (I think) they are about 43 centimetres squared or whatever big. Which is pretty large.
they need to be full size at 300dpi to get a non-blurred print job.

You'd have to rebrush from the original [which at 300dpi will be very very blurred]

note: the monitor shows 72dpi.