Help Needed: R500 Replica Project

  • Thread starter Amblo2u
United States
Austin, TX
Hello everyone,

I spied an '02 Seven Fireblade in the UCD tonight and the first thing I thought was to convert it into an R500, just like the Caterham that was released a couple years back.

Well, I've got the weight close (but a little lighter) and the power close (but a little more) and I'm on to gearing. I've tried sliding the final either way and playing with the top speed presets to see what could get close; all to no avail.

Here are the gear ratio's I need help setting for this car:
1st: 2.69:1
2nd: 2.01:1
3rd: 1.59:1
4th: 1.32:1
5th: 1.13:1
6th: 1.00:1
Final Drive: 3.62:1
Top Speed: 143mph (This can be aerodynamically doesn't have to be gearing limited, so the available gear ratios are free.)

Please let me know if you can help, I would gladly appreciate it!
  1. Reset to default
  2. Final Gear all the way to the right (highest number)
  3. Speed Slider all the way to the left (lowest number)
  4. Disregard the actual numbers for each gear ratio and treat them as 0-100% sliders. Use the incremental markers to set the individual gears as below
  5. 1st - 40%
  6. 2nd - 40%
  7. 3rd - 50%
  8. 4th - 60%
  9. 5th - 70%
  10. 6th - 80%
  11. Set Final Gear to suit your top speed requirement

There are many ways to skin a cat, this is but one...

Cool beans. This is a very generic way of doing things, but negates the need to crack out calculators and gives you a nice even spread. You will find that you have to adjust 1st gear for optimal launching during standing starts. You may also need to adjust individual ratios if you're hitting corners awkwardly between gears 👍
