Help with Decals Letters using Inkscape

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United States
I need some help with decals letters using Inkscape. Some of the letters (A,B, eat) will show a blank in Inkscape but when I go to the "Decal Uploader" it will show those center parts in white and not blank. What do I need to do to fix this. I've attached a file so you can see what I'm talking about.


  • UR Ultra
    5.4 KB · Views: 14
Why the new thread?

Select the B
Hold down shift and click on both parts you want to be see through
Go to Path > Combine
Go to Object > Fill and stroke
Click on "evenodd" (it's the one that looks like upside down headphones, 2nd from the right.)
View attachment 761336

Repeat for any other letters.

You also need to go to File > Properties and select the "Checkerboard background" option and then you can see the white bits you don't want.
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