help with my steering wheels

Damn it i having a problem with my DF, the alignment not correct and the paddel of the brake it will sometime auto tap brake itself how can i solve this problem?
try the "search" part of this site, others have had probs with their wheels and pedals. Its pretty sad that it took over 30 views of your post to get some help, well as much as that helped, Welcome to gtplanet, home of the "elite"
i search already but it does't have DF post but DFP post, and i have a question to ask when go to option at GT4 i go to Steering option inside there are some mode for us to select i dun understand what is >Active Steering (1P)----->off,on< and what is >GT Force Steering (1P)----->Amateur,Professional,Simulation< ahha this is the problem i use my DF and i selected GT Force Steering (1P)------>Simulation mode and i try to drift it's like diffcult to countersteer than amateur mode can someone explain to me all what are those mode to be used correctly, Anyway i'm saving money to buy DFP but not so soon lolx.

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