help with Photoshop error


i'm a little unhappy with Photoshop ATM. If I'm working on a car, the program will either do one of 2 things:

1) Restart the computer, losing all my work
2) Come up with the message "Could not complete this request because of a program error"

can anyone help me solve this problem? oh and by the way, I have Photoshop 6.0
Yeah, sounds like a problem with one of the support files, or a glitch somewhere in the main program itself. A re-install should fix it. Or, more specifically, totally removing the program from your computer, then re-installing it. Sometimes, simply re-installing the program over the one that's already there doesn't actually change anything, so it's best to remove it entirely before putting it back on.
That could happen if its not a legal photoshop program, and you downloaded it from somewhere. Those programs usually have some sort of error in the system.
We have had the same problem before, only not the restarting. Remove PS completely like Jedi2016 said, otherwise re-installing it won't get rid of the problem.
i had that happen; the "scratch disk" wasnt available; i had to restart the puter; hasnt happened again since :)