heres a thought...

heres a thought...

those tantilising gran turismo 5 images rock! un-bloody-believeable, thats all i can say! whilst i was admiring the images, a thought crossed my mind. remember how gt4 prologue was a pre-version of gt4, what if gt4 was a pre-version of gt5? think about it. what if the game had been designed for the playstation 5, but was 'thinned out' for the play ps2? it would explain somethings that were poorly implimented, or just didnt seem correct or even other things (like online play) that were dropped at the last minute. i know it sounds far out, but if you remember when gt3 came out, it seemed like a step back in progress (in regard to car and track compliment) compared to gt2.
it took 3 games across two generations of systems to get to gt4. gt3, gtc, and gt4p, were never true sequels, to me they felt like add-ons or enhancements. imo gt4 is the true sequel to gt2. its the only game to move the series forward. well if it works like that with the ps3, we coul be waiting another 5 years for a true sequel to gt4.
personally i dont relish the idea of sitting on the edge of my seat close to mental exhaustion from all the over hype and 'intentional' delays. trust me, people will die waiting for this game to be released! regimes will change, freedom and liberty will be spread to all four corners of the globe, and sony will be talking about the forthcoming release of the psp2 - thats how long it will be! besides, no developer ever hits the floor running when a next generation console is released. it takes time to get used to creating games for that system. proof of this is with the slow progress from gt3 to gt4.
imo KY realised this. spurned on by the greatness of gt4, KY feared the thought of taking a step back, and releasing a game that was inferior to gt4. gran turismo 5 will be an awe inspiring game, be in no doubt, but to be able to create a game of that calibre, PD and KY are going to need to know the ps3 inside out. even with the incredible processing power of the ps3, there is still going to have to be an understanding of the machine.
gt4 has become one of the gaming worlds most delayed and hyped games. well, what if the delays where not because PD were trying to squeeze every ounce of power from the ps2, but because they were trying to squeeze a game designed for a next generation console onto the ps2? think about it.
-> I also believe that GT4 is a true sequel from GT2, I never concidered GT3 a true sequel. Its more like a enhanced-but-trimmed-down version of GT2.
No, simply no, the PS3 dev kits wern't around until the very last month of GT4's development, PD will have put thoes kits straight to work on GT5 once they arrived and one single month at the very end of a games development is not going to give you any benefit in learning how to develop for a new console. Besides that, the last month is production, packaging and distribution, the last month before a game comes out has pretty much no actual game development involved. The time lines do not fit such a theory.

As for GT3, it was THE biggest step forward the GT series has had, the ONLY thing it lacked was content, but the quality was there. GT4 has hardly moved the series at all imo, it's GT3 with more cars and slightly better physics.
the hills are alive with the sounds of ( aaaahem ) clears throat......

My reckoning is that each game is test bench for the next, GT3 really opened up the ps2's
graphics drivers and sound producing files, I remember when i first played GT2 on the ps2 better sounds, graphics, better AI,
not to mention more tyre smoke, I know you wanted to hear that.
The AI in GT2 wasn't affected by the PS2, the graphics were margianlly improved thanksto better teture filtering/mapping and thats it. None of GT2's programming was changed by the PS2.
As for GT3, it was THE biggest step forward the GT series has had, the ONLY thing it lacked was content, but the quality was there. GT4 has hardly moved the series at all imo, it's GT3 with more cars and slightly better physics.

That's exactly right. We got more cars in GT4 but the AI seemed to step back to GT1 in the sense they don't pass each other that much, they just ram and beat the hell out of everything. I never got GTC ot GT4P cuz I didn't have the money. GT3 was good enough for me it had good graphics and a good amount of races. It also had IRL cars ( US version ) which I wish they would've kept in GT4 rather than F1 cars.