So, decision time.
With having the tyres replaced recently I spent rather a lot of time looking at my
absolutely knackered alloy wheels.
Through no fault of my own - it's a mixture of previous owners and the laws of physics - they're both very kerbed and very corroded. I decided some time ago that I wanted to get them refurbished, but the question is how.
This, if I remember correctly, is the rear right. The fronts are in better shape:
As you can see, pretty scabby. However, there are a few problems with regards to refurbishing it. The main one is the diamond-cut finish. Firstly, it's expensive. Secondly, if the wheels aren't too damaged for them to do it, it's probably a process they can only do once, and because diamond-cut alloys are notorious for corrosion it may be the case that in another three years - if I own the car that long - I'd have to have them re-done, and probably re-done in a different finish since no more alloy could be cut off.
Problem number three is that the centre caps are also diamond-cut... except they're small aluminium facings on plastic backings, and that basically requires buying new ones when they're as knackered as mine. From what I heard, that alone can cost as much as the wheel refurbishment... However, they do look awesome when done - see below:
Option number two is to have them completely refinished in a non-standard way. The owner of the wheel shown above had to do that a few years later due to exactly the corrosion issues I described. He just had them painted silver, which to me seems a bit of a shame - you lose the cool finish, and I could also see it looking a little flat, and a little odd on an otherwise shiny and dark-grey car. Here's a silver-painted one - it looks like a wheel trim rather than an alloy:
What I'm leaning towards is a completely different finish. Nothing too weird and wonderful, but maybe a darker metallic or semi-chrome finish that has some of the shine of the original, and is much more durable (I'm thinking powder-coated) but is a slightly different shade. Thinking something like that of the second image below (first image is as it looks standard):
That's not entirely accurate of course as I've just made the diamond coating darker in photoshop. But it's more the shade I'm after, and a finish that'll look good without the wheels going off over time and looking crappy again.
So whaddya think? Would darker look okay? Suggestions? And incidentally, replacing them altogether with a completely different alloy wheel design isn't really an option, as I don't really want to make it look like someone has inexplicably riced a 75-ish horsepower hybrid...