So, it's maintenance time.
The first thing I've realised is that the car is actually on higher mileage than I thought. That isn't the fault of the seller - he listed it correctly - it's just my fault because I had a number in my head that I've been repeating to everyone without really thinking about it. The upshot is that rather than being on about 95k like I thought I was, it's nearer 110k (whatever it says on the MOT document plus whatever I've done since). Not a huge difference and not a big deal. The reason I mention not knowing it is because the trip computer doesn't work so I can't access that screen on the trip computer. Again, no big deal.
I've been through all the old maintenance records, as I wanted to find out when the cambelt was changed - it should have been around 72k miles, to my knowledge.
Got worried that I could find no evidence. Did a bit of digging online - turns out it's a chain, not a belt. Result! One fewer job to do!
What I did discover through the large service history is that despite it being serviced at main dealers for most of its life, on about four or five occasions the Honda main dealer has managed to put the wrong grade of oil in. Useless buggers. It takes 0w-20, which is also best for economy. All sorts of crap has gone into it at various stages. The last owner made sure it had the correct type and since I'm not about to trust a main dealer given their colleagues' ineptitude, I'm doing the next oil change myself. Bits have been ordered.
Bits have also been ordered for the EGR plate. These commonly gunk up and affect economy/performance. I suspect mine has never been done, though the service records do indicate the valve itself was changed at one point. It's an easy job to clean the plate (it has various channels in that clog up) but it needs new gaskets, so those are on order.
To alleviate the routine maintenance boredom, have an eye-searing image I snapped today while out on a drive: