Hi, I'm new.

  • Thread starter darkcmd
Hi guys, I'm new to the message boards, just wanted to post and say hi. I'm going to check this place out for a while, then maybe get a Premium user account.
Welcome to the boards.
This is a great place to find and ask for info on the GT games.
Hope your stay here is enjoyable and informative.
Hey, welcome darkcmd. I'm Parnelli Bones, I practically live here.
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Wow, Things are changing for the good here, When I announced my arrival, I was told to use the search engine! :dopey:

Yeah, and if someone met someone else in real life, would the first thing he said to the other be “Hey, USE THE SEARCH ENGINE!”.
Hi guys, I'm new to the message boards, just wanted to post and say hi. I'm going to check this place out for a while, then maybe get a Premium user account.
Seriously though, welcome to GTPlanet. It is a great site with a lot of great information, and good people. When you start looking around do please use the search function. I see threads closed throughout the day when asking for information that has already been discussed. The mistake a lot of people make is simply asking for setting for a car. A little advise I can suggest is to post your settings and explain the problem you are having and you can be better helped instead of someone saying "the search fuction is your friend", or linking to a thread that discussed settings before. Make your thread unique and it will stay open.
The Premium features are pretty cool. I just recently upgraded a couple of weeks ago myself. Take care and happy posting.

Truth be told: rarely is a topic closed in the GT1 and GT2 forums. There's hardly any new topics started here, and the admins rarely seem to visit. If you look at the GT3 forum you'll see that there's over 10x the amount of threads in that forum compared to GT2, and the GT4 forum is catching up quick. At any given time, there will be several hundred folks in GT4, a lot of them probly kids or teens who don't know the rules. No wonder they have to police the threads!

Videogame adict you're just asking for a good flaming.
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Parnelli Bone
Truth be told: rarely is a topic closed in the GT1 and GT2 forums. There's hardly any new topics started here, and the admins rarely seem to visit. If you look at the GT3 forum you'll see that there's over 10x the amount of threads in that forum compared to GT2, and the GT4 forum is catching up quick. At any given time, there will be several hundred folks in GT4, alot of them probly kids or teens who don't know the rules. No wonder they have to police the threads! Videogame adict yo're just asking for a good flaming.

hey cmon now im a teen here. no need to worry though hehe. and welcome to GTP dude

hey cmon now im a teen here. no need to worry though hehe. and welcome to GTP dude

Yeah, so am I pretty much, Except I'm pushing 40!
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Hey, when i was 17, I thought I was gonna be a rockstar instead of a mechanic!

Now, I don't care what anyone says: they make plenty of games that cater to adults. It's basically a great way to blow steam after work for me, tho I do feel kinda weird about getting obsessed about it.
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Parnelli Bone
Now, I don't care what anyone says
Same here... i never cared anyway... :lol:

Parnelli Bone
i do feel kinda weird about getting obsessed about it.
Why is that? I have no problems with it. Poor souls the ones who forget the pleasures of youth... you should be happy for still enjoying it ;)

EDIT: Oops, sorry for going off topic... :rolleyes:
Same here... i never cared anyway... :lol:

Why is that? I have no problems with it. Poor souls the ones who forget the pleasures of youth... you should be happy for still enjoying it ;)

EDIT: Oops, sorry for going off topic... :rolleyes:

It's those days when the sun is shining outside, all kinds of stuff is going on but all I feel like doing is racing, studying the cars, working on my website, that's when I know I'm really obsessed! Well, I still go out at nite a lot...

Yeah we're going off topic and stuff but I don't care. ha haa :)
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Parnelli Bone
it's those days when the sun is shining outside, all kinds of stuff is going on but all i feel like doing is racing, studying the cars, working on my website, that's when i know i'm really obsessed! Well, i still go out at nite alot...

Yeah we're going off topic and stuff but i don't care. ha haa :)

haha yeah i know how that is. i do ride my bike alot but when im not im on the playstation. i love to just buy a car and check all the stats, write em down like 10 times till i memorize them, then go to the next car. ahh good times :)
Parnelli Bone
Yeah, so am i pretty much, Except i'm pushing 40!

Yeah you and me both, must be something to do with video games, maybe that the secret to enternal youth!!!???
Parnelli Bone
it's those days when the sun is shining outside, all kinds of stuff is going on but all i feel like doing is racing, studying the cars, working on my website, that's when i know i'm really obsessed! Well, i still go out at nite alot...

Yeah we're going off topic and stuff but i don't care. ha haa :)

This is freaky. I get nagged cause at the weekends all I want to do is race cars or watch other people race cars. As I can't afford to buy a race car and enter it into any races, and I'd probably end up last on the track, I do my racing in the GT world. I'm also creating a web site and so I stay late at work sometimes so I can work on it without being told about this work that needs doing or that work.

Parralell Lives???!!!!
Riteon! When I used to work at x, I had to close the shop since my store wasn't open 24 hours. So guess what? During the day on my shift, I would hand-write notes onto scraps of paper...just random stuff I observed or thought of about cars or Gran Turismo, and then at nite after the store was closed soon as the doors were locked and the store clean, I'd hop on the computer and start typing notes into Word or Pagemaker programs. Sometimes, I'd be on the computer for hours. The last bus home left the nearest stop at around 1:30 am, and there were a few times i'd be on that bus, a full 3½ hours after my shift ended!

Now that I'm a mechanic, my whole life is about cars except when I'm in the bars. I used to think I'd at least race on some sort of amateur level in SCCA when I grew up, but I don't have that kind of money. Someday I will, who knows?

What's your website about TMM?
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Because most people on the internet are 14-18 ...

Looking for porn!!!

Parnelli Bone
What's your website about TMM?

I'm creating a virtual Race Company Garage that competes in the GT series with 1 driver and no other staff, low overheads. So far I have finished GT1 so the web site is going to be about the cars I won and the stats of which car won which race. I will include a link when I have written it and have it published, at the mo it sits on my HDD.
There's porn on the internet??? Since when? ;)

Cool, I'll be looking for your site, TMM, it sounds interesting.
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Parnelli Bone
There's porn on the internet??? Since when? ;)

That's how the Internet started.

Parnelli Bone
Cool, i'll be looking for your site, TMM, it sounds interesting.

I'll make a link from my GTP signature for the web site when it's done. I have completed the stats pages so I am wondering whether to publish what I have now as I need to spend some money on my desktop in order to be able to finish the nice front end.