Hidden E3 2007 Trailers On PSN!!!

United States
Inland Empire SoCal
Check this out. I found this at a different forum...

I found some... go into the Ridge Racer bonus pak selection on the PlayStation Network and choose the UFRA icon. Hidden in there is a new Ratchet and Clank video from E3! I get a message saying I found #2 of 7. Anyone know where the rest of the hidden are? I'll edit it into this post.

I found another one under Blu Ray Trailers > Bruce Springsteen Live > SingStar E# '07 Booth Interview!

Found yet another... NBA '08 online is in the Go! Puzzle area.

NOTE: They don't always show up! You have to check back every so often, and they'll be there!

I found one in the Rub A Tub game section. 'Little Big Planet E3 Booth interview...'

Another one; Luck You trailer, 'Folklore E3 Booth Interview...'

yep... Nancy Drew trailer; 'Uncharted Drake's Fortune E3...'


Here they are... notice you have to find them a certain way...

#1 Little Big Planet ; Games/Downloadable Games/ Super Rub a Dub

#2 Ratchet and Clank ToD; Featured Items pg 2/Ridge Racer/UFRA Special Events pg 3

#3 NBA '08 ; Featured Items pg 2/Go Puzzel Game Packs

#4 Uncharted Drakes Fortune; View All/M-Q/Nacy Drew

#5 Singstar; Videos/Blu-ray Disc Movie Trailer/Bruce Springston Live

#6 Heavenly Sword ; Games/PS one Classics pg 2

#7 Folklore; View All, H-L pg 2, Lucky You
Bizzare marketing... but nice find, thanks SL!

As a DVD collector, I understand the whole Easter Egg thing, but this is a little silly, especially when Sony isn't exactly in such great shape that they can afford to hide their promo material.

It's also interesting how you have to use a specific path of menus for these files to show up, otherwise even if you go to those areas in the PSN store, but using a different path through the menus they won’t show up. I want to say that's clever, but then again, as I mentioned before Sony isn't in position to get clever and hide promo material. :)

BTW: The L1 & R1 buttons for moving forward and backwards through the menus you have visited is a huge time saver! 👍
Bizzare marketing... but nice find, thanks SL!

As a DVD collector, I understand the whole Easter Egg thing, but this is a little silly, especially when Sony isn't exactly in such great shape that they can afford to hide their promo material.

Given that this thread was created here from info found on another site, and that the gaming forums of the web are now full of threads about this (and last night were getting posts hitting regularly as people found new ones) I would have to say that its a pretty good example of how viral marketing can work.

It got people talking about Sony's E3 spot and got them looking around the entire store, I'd say from a marketing point it did exactly what it set out to do (and after all the front page was hardly empty of E3 content).

BTW: The L1 & R1 buttons for moving forward and backwards through the menus you have visited is a huge time saver! 👍
Quiet agree, its a huge advantage as far as navigating around the store goes, big 👍 to that one.


Given that this thread was created here from info found on another site, and that the gaming forums of the web are now full of threads about this (and last night were getting posts hitting regularly as people found new ones) I would have to say that its a pretty good example of how viral marketing can work.

It got people talking about Sony's E3 spot and got them looking around the entire store, I'd say from a marketing point it did exactly what it set out to do (and after all the front page was hardly empty of E3 content).
Good point Scaff. I suppose anyone who owns a PS3 and downloads files off the PSN stores is also likely familiar with various PS3 related forums and will find out about these "Easter Eggs".

I'm curious though, for those that do not own a PS3, does Sony make these same promo videos available for download? As you would think that's who Sony needs to be directing their primary marketing efforts towards. For instance if I didn't own a PS3 already and saw some of those promos it would likely get me a great deal more interested. Some of these videos are truly impressive!