High mileage club

High Mileage Club

You all have been waiting for this so here its is.


1. Cars have to have atleast 100,000 Miles (160,000 KM)
2. If used car have to post the milage of when you car.
3.Dont say you have done stupidly high miles when you cant prove it.
4.Proof of car if you done over 250,000 miles (402,000 KM) Pics would be cool.

How to change Km's to miles

I hope you list your fave cars that you have driven for hours.

*Intrested to hear about how i could inprove this thread*
ummm..this is a neat idea but i think this thread should be in the GT4 section not in the race report section.
*Intrested to hear about how i could inprove this thread*

First improvements will be made when this thread is moved to the correct forum, since it is not a "Race Report".
To do this:-

Click "Thread Tools" at the top right of your first post.
Select "Move Thread" then click "Perform Action" button.
Now select destination as "Gran Turismo 4"
Check "Leave No Direct" radio button and click "Move Thread" button.

And now your thread will be on the main GT4 page where it'll get more exposure and members.

Second improvements will be made when you've read the GT Planet AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) specifically the 3rd from last bullet point regarding use of lazy slang terms such as u, plz, etc and lack of proper punctuation. Have a read through it, then use the edit button to make the necessary changes to your first post. If you're located in England as your location suggests, there's no reason that you can't post in proper English. ;)

Hope that helps, and good luck with your club.
Well my first car im going to put in is my Holden. Got it fresh out the showroom as you cant buy it in used and its covered 305,644.8 Miles :)


491,887.6 KM's
Holy shnikies!

I rarely do more than 400-500 miles in a given car, but I've driven a few cars fairly far. (Lotus Esprit 350 comes to mind. 1500 miles, just trying to get it right.)
Wow, that sure is a lot of miles.

Assuming an average speed of 120mph (A bit high I know, but for calculations sake...) that's 2,547 hours of drive time.
what exactly is the point of having so many miles on one car? It certainly is an amazing feat, but don't the cars lose power over time?
There isn't any point really, it's just kind of fun. It's not like "OMG my car has more miles than any of yours you LOSERS!" No one really cares that much. (At least I think.)
Precisely. There's no point, if you can show me a screenshot that proves you've spent some time running over 100,000 miles on a car that you've driven by yourself, then yes, you deserve some credit.

However, the ability to set a car to run a 3x speed, in B-spec mode for miles and miles on end renders this feat something of a futility! :dunce:

What does it prove? That you have the capability to leave your PS2 unattended for days on end, and wasting electrickery! I can't totally dismiss the idea, having once left the PS2 on for 521 hours straight, while A-speccing a 24hr Sarthe Enduro (got sent off on a business trip midway through and had no choice but to leave it on) but I got my just rewards in the end, 200 A-Spec points! :D
Just running B-Spec mileage again and again just to gain miles on a car seems to me a pointless waste of electrons! :P
Precisely. There's no point, if you can show me a screenshot that proves you've spent some time running over 100,000 miles on a car that you've driven by yourself, then yes, you deserve some credit.

However, the ability to set a car to run a 3x speed, in B-spec mode for miles and miles on end renders this feat something of a futility! :dunce:

Exactly what I was thinking.


Remember that guy who did One Million KM in the Volvo? I just thought of him (Boogieman) after reading this thread.

Oh my goodness, I have only driven a total of 20000km in a-spec full stop let alone one car (plus b-spec's 20000km). I don't think this is a club I'll ever be a memeber of.
Oh my goodness, I have only driven a total of 20000km in a-spec full stop let alone one car (plus b-spec's 20000km). I don't think this is a club I'll ever be a memeber of.

I still think the club is a good, if not very serious idea.

I think it's a bit of a crazy idea.

My total mileage is 65,000 A-spec, and 66,666 B-spec.
Highest single car mileage is the Formula GT with 16,698 miles from running the full FGT series of 15x 100minute races at least 4 times. A couple of other favourite cars have 5,000+ miles on them, but most of my garage has fewer than 1500 miles per car.

IMHO one of the strengths of GT4 is the variety of cars - if you have 700+ to choose from, why not drive as many different ones as you can rather than just sitting in the same car all the time?