The actor playing the role of Agent 47 in the movie based off the (amazing) game series Hitman, has been choosen.
And out of all people, they choose him? The only thing he has in commmon with Agent 47 is the bald head. Otherwise he does not fit the role AT ALL.
Jason Stathom would be the PERFECT person for this role.
If you liked the Hitman game series, I think you would agree. Vin Diesel should not play this role.
Sign the petition here to (hopefully) help stop this movie from getting ruined.
^He musint be allowed to play the role of Agent 47.
And out of all people, they choose him? The only thing he has in commmon with Agent 47 is the bald head. Otherwise he does not fit the role AT ALL.
Jason Stathom would be the PERFECT person for this role.
If you liked the Hitman game series, I think you would agree. Vin Diesel should not play this role.
Sign the petition here to (hopefully) help stop this movie from getting ruined.
^He musint be allowed to play the role of Agent 47.