HKS 180SX Drag

Well... as I said I can´t be 100% positive there is such a code maybe I misunderstood but if there is a way it as got to do with gameshark codes ...:odd: ...:rolleyes: ... (this was supposed to be a reply to 2p drag racing thread)
It's totally random. Here, maybe this will help, it's from the GT1 FAQ but still applicable:

3d. I can't win a specific car/color. What do I need to do to get it?

Everyone seems to have their own tricks to getting specific cars. Sometimes they work, but usually they only work for the person who comes up with them (sounds a bit fishy). The truth is, the way the game assigns you a prize car is random, so there is no surefire way to guarantee a specific car/color.

To go into a bit more depth, you have to understand what the word 'random' means to a computer. A computer can't actually come up with anything completely random, as all computers do is what you tell them. Many programs call for randomness, windows solitaire for example. It needs to randomize the deck each time you play. So if a computer can't really do anything at random, how does it do that? To generate randomness, a computer needs a random number 'seed', which the program in question processes to generate the randomness desired. Computers generally take the time, down to fractions of seconds, as random number seeds, and since you'll never have exactly the same time twice, that works pretty well.

The Playstation, however, has no internal memory or battery backup, and thus doesn't keep track of the time or date. That leaves very few ways for GT to generate the random number seed needed to give you a prize car. The best bet is that the seed comes off of some data on the memory card. What data exactly is not known, but it could be one of many things; your garage data, the game day, top time data, license data, or a combination of many of these. That's why you'll keep getting the same car very very often if you keep playing the same series over and over; you're not changing the data on the card, so the odds are pretty high that you'll get that car. What you need to do is even out the odds. There are two ways to do this; changing the data on the card, and loading the game without the memory card in.

By changing the data on the card, you're potentially changing the seed data. However, if you actually change the seed and how it's changed will be unknown... you may not change it at all, and if you do the change may not make that much of a difference. Loading the game without the memory card in seems to have better effect of evening the odds, bringing them to almost exactly equal chances for each outcome (1 in 4 chance to get a specific color of car in the US vs. JP series, for example). Just load your game from the load screen.

Of course, you could always just find someone who has that car and buy it off their memory card as well. If you have a Dex Drive (see 6b), there are game saves on various web sites that have all the prize cars in all colors.

Good luck.
The 180EX is won in the Pacific League races, I forget which one.

The Skyline GTR drag car is won randomly (usaully every 2-3 cars, although I've won 2-3 in a row a few times).
Originally posted by WhiteCharisma85
B that's a GT1 faq not a GT2, unless GT1+2 is the same principal.

Yep, that's my GT1 FAQ. It's still applicable because both games run on the same hardware, so there are very limited ways in which the randomization of prize cars could be changed. Basically that's just a long way to say it's random.