I've found a Nissan 180SX type X on the UCD some days ago, and I've just tried to tune it to the max, and give it some paints that could ( More or less......) be similar to the HKS DRAG 180sx on gran turismo 2...that was the result
It has around 430HP, 519pp...nothing compared to the real one, that's for sure, but at least, i've tried... I think it has a good sound anyway! Any of you tried anything on this car ?
(I'm sorry i cant put the video directly here, damn)
It has around 430HP, 519pp...nothing compared to the real one, that's for sure, but at least, i've tried... I think it has a good sound anyway! Any of you tried anything on this car ?
(I'm sorry i cant put the video directly here, damn)
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