HMS Astute runs aground

  • Thread starter GTsail
This is hilarious. The world's most advanced submarine? Who the hell is piloting this thing, a 5 year old?
Does anyone know if there is a deep channel that close to the shore?
There is a deep channel, marked by bouys, but they were outside of it. They should make subs with windows then this kind of thing wouldn't happen.
This is hilarious. The world's most advanced submarine? Who the hell is piloting this thing, a 5 year old?

Well clearly the spending cuts are starting to show, I bet it was some kid from naval college who up until now sailed rubber dinghys. Whats worse is that they have in essence crashed into their own country! :lol:

If the navy can't even drive what they already own properly then they have no chance with what they are going to get.... which no one even wants!

I heard of this and couldn't resist laughing. God only the british could do this.

On another note of british military fail we now have 2 new aircraft carriers however have scrapped all aircraft that can fly from them.
On another note of british military fail we now have 2 new aircraft carriers however have scrapped all aircraft that can fly from them.
We've still got helicopters. :dopey:
I heard the UK is cutting their military spending as part of budget cuts and whatnot. At first I was like "why would you cut the most important part of the budget" and then I thought "Oh. Because they think we'll protect them."

So I pretty confident that's why they think they can get away with cutting the most important expenditure of them all. The US will pick up the slack, as usual. Apparently they're not aware of the current small government, low-spending trend going on here in the States...
....Kinda opened a can of worms there though.

I can see why you think that Keef, though.

I do wonder sometimes whether they have thought it through properly, the UK Government, with regards to public spending and budget cuts. They are all forecasted cuts not actual cuts happening now, so it will still be variable. Mind you, they are a roadmap of what will happen in the next few months and years (budgetry planning).

Not surprising when you have a massive debt bill to try and pay off to revert to trying to cut down spending and budgetry stuff. To be honest, the miltary is still required as a presence by countries to give the illusion of safety and secured feeling to its citizens. But with technology allowing a vast ranges on their missiles and ground to air weapons and so on, one could say that one may not need to spend so much on the miltary people itself, just on R+D to effectively try and make the miltary more efficient for the money.
On another note of british military fail we now have 2 new aircraft carriers however have scrapped all aircraft that can fly from them.
One. They've all but confirmed that they are going to sell the first one as soon as the second one is completed.