Home Furnishings

  • Thread starter TexRex
United States
a baby, candy, it's like taking.
Did you buy something? Did you make something? Do you want something? Share. ;)

The above nearly ended the thread's life not long after it began, so I thought I ought to adjust it somewhat and open it up to discussion about furniture design rather than limit it to possession or want thereof. Of course, if you're happy with a purchase that falls into the category or want to show off something you've built...share.

I'm particularly fond of mid-century modern aesthetics--be they in the form of architecture, furniture or product design--but I'd be curious to find out what others might be interested in.

To start things off...

Ray Komai - Model 939, released 1949. Bent plywood with tubular steel legs--early models used wood.
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They make me think of the chairs I sat on at school.
Quite a school. :P

I know what you mean, though. Charles and Ray Eames are responsible for a design that's been used for 50+ years in similar institutions.


A gennie Eames molded plastic chair will set you back a pretty penny--wood examples even more.
So is there a good reason why this thread should stay open?
Will a response do any good?

Those threads are just fine, but broad in scope. A dedicated place for this sort of thing would have been nice, and, if the thread should shrivel up and die, I wouldn't have been the sole person struggling to breathe life back into it. I'm glad to have been given the opportunity this time instead of the insta-lock.

I'll add that I'm generally not quick to start new [pointless] threads, I search thoroughly to be sure a thread hasn't been created before creating one, and I've even sought out interest in a new thread before creating it (I didn't actually create it either--someone else ran with that particular ball).
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I'm a minimalist. For me less is more. I can't ever remember having an excess of furniture; mostly the usual - bed, wardrobe, shelves, chair and table. And that's about it.

For the last 7 years I've lived in furnished apartments and hotels so I now own 1 piece of furniture. It's a shoe rack in which I keep all of my trousers, shorts and underpants.
I bought these a few weeks back.....


They are now in full time use in my new place that I moved into last Monday. 👍 They are the most comfy things I've ever sat on. :D

I am planning a little Ikea order for very soon too. I'm in need of a new TV bench (NITTORP) and something for my soon to be new decks to sit on (KALLAX) and a few other things. :D