Hometown Idiots

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
OK, so I'm from backwoods Vermont. Grew up there and learned my manners and attitude from there.

Ever have some news from back home, that you hear and think, I'm glad I'm not associated with that town anymore?

Here's a recent event from a few towns near where I grew up. My town is so small, that we didn't even have our own post office. It was located in Newfane.


well, the first story that DA mentioned is dumb. The one FK mentioned is tragic!
First one, I don't agree with it, but they do have a point on Iraq War.

Second one's just sad, all around. Sad that, some loser get a kick out of doing something like that. It's sad that Mickey D's manager is mentally retarded enough to fall for it. Sad that few people actually took advantage of this crime and strip, cavity searched, or sexually assaulted the girls. Finally, it's very sad that the victims didn't have a clue that something wasn't quite right. :rolleyes:
Well the whole rice reputation to Honda is the same as the Volvo-driving commy reputation that Vermonters have. This story certainly fits that classification.

(BTW, I'm not prejudice, racist or against Vermont or its people. I go there often and love it every time)
Der Alta

It is not the location, it is Google Uncle Sam engine, you can add it to firefox via mycroft.mozdev.org, it searches law & government pages, go to mycroft there are good flavors of Google to filter w/ ;)

Edit; the Article near top by John Dean, in which Dubya gets a comparo w/ Tricky Dicky is hard-hitting.
impeach bush...i think we have enough people here to do that.

wanna start a petition? hehe just kidding...although i dont support the guy
Doonesbury - March 19, 2006:


That cartoon is a trip. Of course, it's indicative of the ultraliberal classrooms we see today. But funny nonetheless.(and wrong)
What’s ‘wrong’ is that a large, misguided flock of radical right-wing, hypocritical, evangelical Christian sheep have enabled the G.O.P. to gain control of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of American Government. So much for "protecting individual freedoms and preventing the government from abusing its power".

It is interesting to note that shrub’s strongest support seems to come from a state that is aptly nicknamed “Land of the Mormons”.

His ratings would probably skyrocket across all fifty states if he would simply take a little ride one of those bombs he loves to drop....to prove that he's not a chickenhawk....just once.

I have faith that free, clear thinking Americans will soon put the party of Greed Over Principles back in the bushes, before they destroy the nation (and the world).
:lol: no kidding... like many people, I scan a thread before clicking links, so the tone of the thread surprised me a bit... then I saw the first link... oh.

Interesting point, though, in the "liberal" cartoon... if both presidents lie, shouldn't both get impeached? :sly:
Interesting point, though, in the "liberal" cartoon... if both presidents lie, shouldn't both get impeached? :sly:

Nope, because one lie wasn't as "bad" as the other lie. One guy lied to keep his credibility, the other may have lied for the security of the nation. Yeah, well fine, if you want to rag on the guy trying to defend the country fine, but don't exclude the womanizing liar either.
Nope, because one lie wasn't as "bad" as the other lie. One guy lied to keep his credibility, the other may have lied for the security of the nation. Yeah, well fine, if you want to rag on the guy trying to defend the country fine, but don't exclude the womanizing liar either.

How many people died because of Clinton's adolescent behavior? What was the cost to the nation? What effect did it have on the way everybody else on this planet views the U.S.?

What global catastrophic chain of events was begun by Clinton's Monica foolishness? Please compare the vast misery initiated by Bush's messianic zeal with how Monica's life is going these days.

Please compare the fallout from the episode with the cigar to the paradigm shift in Iranian politics initiated by the Western invasion and occupation of their next-door neighbor. Please explain how Monica becoming a poster-girl for air-headedness is worse than Bush motivating the nation of Iran to develop nuclear weapons?

Please compare the fiscal cost of the White House hallway encounters with the 5.8-billion-dollar-per-month cost of the Iraq fiasco.

Please explain how Monica's interview with Barbara Walters was more devastating to the moral fiber of the nation than the Bush Administration's official approval and adoption of torture as United States government policy?

Please explain how Bush's total disregard for the basic rule of law is somehow not "bad", and certainly not as "bad" as Clinton's pathetic squirming under questioning.

Please explain all this to me. I don't understand.
How many people died because of Clinton's adolescent behavior? What was the cost to the nation? What effect did it have on the way everybody else on this planet views the U.S.?

What global catastrophic chain of events was begun by Clinton's Monica foolishness? Please compare the vast misery initiated by Bush's messianic zeal with how Monica's life is going these days.

Please compare the fallout from the episode with the cigar to the paradigm shift in Iranian politics initiated by the Western invasion and occupation of their next-door neighbor. Please explain how Monica becoming a poster-girl for air-headedness is worse than Bush motivating the nation of Iran to develop nuclear weapons?

Please compare the fiscal cost of the White House hallway encounters with the 5.8-billion-dollar-per-month cost of the Iraq fiasco.

Please explain how Monica's interview with Barbara Walters was more devastating to the moral fiber of the nation than the Bush Administration's official approval and adoption of torture as United States government policy?

Please explain how Bush's total disregard for the basic rule of law is somehow not "bad", and certainly not as "bad" as Clinton's pathetic squirming under questioning.

Please explain all this to me. I don't understand.

I thought we were talking about wiretaps. Amazing how the subject jumped.

How about the fact that less then a year after Bush took office, the worst terrorist attack in the history of our nation occured? Right after the pathetic squirmmer got out of office. Was Clinton too busy with Monica or someone else to take care of the terrorist situation? Do you think for two seconds that we'd be in the middle east with the forces we are not if 9/11 ever happened? Nope, If you're shortsighted enough to blame 9/11 on the bush administration, well then I understand why you're so confused.

Who cost more lives? Well, if you go by the amount of Americans(Lives are lives, no nationality is superior to another) dead, I'd say Bush is still below Clinton on that regard.

However, we're going radically off topic here. There must be a better thread to continue this line of conversation.
When it was first posted.
My bad. I thought it was about "Hometown Idiots." I don't know how I got that crazy idea. I'll go back to my corner now. :dunce:
Because they have another opinion than you it doesn't make them idiots. By the way Bush is not even half the president that Clinton was, yet Clinton was almost impeached.
Smelly, do you ever back up what you say? or just make opinionated statements that make you feel better about not liking Bush?
Because they have another opinion than you it doesn't make them idiots. By the way Bush is not even half the president that Clinton was, yet Clinton was almost impeached.

Ugh. Clinton was impeached.
Do you think for two seconds that we'd be in the middle east with the forces we are not if 9/11 ever happened?

I think BushCo would still be trying to find a reason to go in. Ironically, when a bunch of Saudi Arabians flew a couple airplanes into the WTC they had their reason to invade Iraq. Oh wait, that doesn't make sense.
@Swift: re: Bush vs. Clinton... on lies and whatnot... I ain't touching that with a ten-foot pole. :lol:

On the other hand, a lie is a lie, the law is the law... and whether or not the lie is to "protect" the nation is a matter of interpretation... it depends on who's telling the story. :)

Sorry to bring in a sticky matter like this... but we're currently undergoing a local situation where very illegal acts have been committed by the administration purportedly "for the good of the country"... whoops... last time I looked, Illegal is illegal and unconstitutional is unconstitutional, right?

Like I said, the necessity of extra-constitutional actions depends on the interpretation of necessity, and who's giving the spin. :)
Senate Hearings on Bush, Now

Leaders of both parties are acutely aware of the vehemence of anti-Bush sentiment in the country, expressed especially in the increasing number of Americans—nearing fifty percent in some polls—who say they would favor impeachment if the president were proved to have deliberately lied to justify going to war in Iraq.

Bush fans will not like this story.